IRS Lawyer Admitted Lois Lerner’s ‘Lost’ Emails Were Backed Up

I B Hankering's Avatar
He is slow on the up-take. A while back there was a long and memorable thread proving the similarity between IB and Der Feuhrer (and the similarity between IIFFy and the Reischsfeuhrer). Then in typical IB fashion, he has mimicked the insults ACCURATELY directed at him and inappropriately parroted them at other people (Damn I wish I had come up with the Polly Parrot handle for IB!!! It is so appropriate.)

No, he doesn't. 13,019 and counting times he has tried to be the most perfect, complete buffoon he can be. He takes the Army slogan literally. Just think, now he is less than 600 posts from getting his handle in the "Top 15" on the home page. That's a whole lot of practice being a CB.

Yssup, you fool! This is IB you are talking about!!! Accurate??? He is incapable of it! You should know better. Now go to the blackboard and write "I will never accuse IBLiar of being accurate again." 500 times.

Originally Posted by Old-T
It's notable how your hypocritical, lib-retarded ass is all cozy with the Hitler-worshiping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, the HDDB, DEM that has a post count standing at 20106 -- which your hypocritical, lib-retarded ass failed to comment about, Old-Twerp.

And here's another reminder, Old-Twerp. You once stupidly claimed 2503 was too many posts, but here your hypocritical ass is sitting on, 4179, Old-Twerp.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-26-2014, 08:20 PM
Poor stupid IBIlliterate. We just had this conversation.

First, if you don't like how much someone else posts, take it up with them. Do you want me to fight your fights for you?

And second, now you are not misrepresenting the meaning of "2503" out of ignorance, no, you are willfully and knowingly lying about it. Bad IB. Bad. Aren't you supposed to value honesty and integrity? Obviously not.
Poor stupid IBIlliterate. We just had this conversation.

First, if you don't like how much someone else posts, take it up with them. Do you want me to fight your fights for you?

And second, now you are not misrepresenting the meaning of "2503" out of ignorance, no, you are willfully and knowingly lying about it. Bad IB. Bad. Aren't you supposed to value honesty and integrity? Obviously not. Originally Posted by Old-T

Old-Trotsky(Marxist Bolshevik) the radical can't find a home...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-26-2014, 08:55 PM
You are so clever, IIIFFy, you learned how to use a dictionary. I am so proud of you!

And here's another reminder, Old-Twerp. You once stupidly claimed 2503 was too many posts, but here your hypocritical ass is sitting on, 4179, Old-Twerp.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Which is almost 70% less than the total number of posts that you (IBIdiot) have.

So, what's your point?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Poor stupid IBIlliterate. We just had this conversation.

First, if you don't like how much someone else posts, take it up with them. Do you want me to fight your fights for you?

And second, now you are not misrepresenting the meaning of "2503" out of ignorance, no, you are willfully and knowingly lying about it. Bad IB. Bad. Aren't you supposed to value honesty and integrity? Obviously not.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You're the one who is stupid, illiterate and probably drunk, Old-Twerp, and you're lying when you misrepresent how you trotted out your pathetic straw man argument about "post count" back then and every time since then when you over imbibe -- which is too often, Old-Twerp.

Which is almost 70% less than the total number of posts that you (IBIdiot) have.

So, what's your point?
Originally Posted by bigtex
Once again, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, you've missed the objective -- which you readily admit, and once again you've ended up all wet.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I've spent considerable time searching for any mention of "Odumbo" in any of the links you've posted over the past six years, IBIdiot.

There is NOBODY in any of those stories named Odumbo.

I B Hankering's Avatar
"Lois Lerner’s Blackberry was intentionally destroyed after Congress had begun its probe into IRS targeting of conservative groups, a senior IRS lawyer acknowledged in a sworn declaration."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
OK, so you admit you made up "Odumbo" yet still quoted it as if it were written by ALL of those news outlets (and some of the smut pages) you constantly quote? In other words, you have been LYING about those news outlets you so meticulously quote calling someone by the name of Odumbo?

A simple yes or no will do.
I B Hankering's Avatar
"If you intentionally destroy evidence, that is a crime. If you make a statement in court saying the evidence is not available and it is, that is also a crime," said Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If any administration other than Obama's was doing this sort of criminal actions against the citizens, the libtards would be screaming and posting countless threADs about it.
Anyone who believed the emails were unable to be retrieved was a naive butthead to begin with. Anyone still bitching about it is just desperate.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I've spent considerable time searching for any mention of "Odumbo" in any of the links you've posted over the past six years, IBIdiot.

There is NOBODY in any of those stories named Odumbo.

YOU'RE A FUCKING LIAR! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Obviously, you are the only person who doesn't understand he is using a nickname for our beloved President. If you did understand that, you wouldn't call him a liar, because he isn't lying, he is making a political smear on the President.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's deliberately been misquoting every source to which he links that refers to our President.

That makes him a

I B Hankering's Avatar
'It's all been a big lie!' Odumbo administration lawyer now admits 'missing' Lois Lerner emails WERE backed up but claims it's too hard to search for them.

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