Michael Avenatti for President?

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  • Crock
  • 11-18-2018, 03:49 AM
Nope. If Harris (four years in the Senate) is at the top, you want someone with more DC experience in the number two spot to balance the ticket. Think Sharrod Brown or Warren. Or someone who has held a governor’s job, Maybe Duval Patrick. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
You're thinking about a ticket that's effective in office. I'm talking about an electable ticket.

Although, I think the White House is the Dem's to lose in a couple of years.

Democrats pack a powerful punch in 2020.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Avennattii is a joke. More evidence of the same.

TexTushHog's Avatar
You're thinking about a ticket that's effective in office. I'm talking about an electable ticket.

Although, I think the White House is the Dem's to lose in a couple of years. Originally Posted by Crock
I think people care about balance and experience when people run, too. And I think that will be doubly true after the Trump debacle. And as bad as Trump looks now, he’ll look much worse in 2020.
country's going to turn left HARD after it's had enough of hard right shenanigans as it always does every 20 or so yrs.

imho beto/ocasio-cortez ticket will win in a land slide. trump showed the only thing that matters in our country is television & social media exposure and these two will win that game. I dont see harris/cory booker/warren winning votes outside of the coastal states where presidents are typically made.
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  • Crock
  • 11-18-2018, 06:09 PM
imho beto/ocasio-cortez ticket will win in a land slide. Originally Posted by darkwader
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez has already said plenty of things that at one time I would've said would make her unelectable. Unfortunately, President Trump has broken my "Electable Meter" and I no longer have any clue whether voters will shun a crackpot or not.

Before President Trump, I would be 100% certain that Rep. Ocasio-Cortez would not be electable.