chasing pussy versus paying for pussy

Randall Creed's Avatar
Sometimes civilian sex IS better. Spontaneous. It can be an all-nighter, instead of just one hour. If she's a real looker, it's a real ego booster.

The cons are, she isn't always a looker (she can be 'nice' looking, just not that 19-year old doll that you spent a grip on a couple weeks ago).

She could be awful at sex (meaning the sex is...ok, but a bit of a letdown). Specific reasons could vary.

Could have an ex, who hasn't broken up with her yet.

Kids....cock-blocking ass kids (as in, you THINK you're going to get some, but that 3-year old just REALLY misses mommy that one night you're over there and won't leave you two all, for any reason, and isn't sleepy, and doesn't want to go to sleep, at all, and starts to cry and act up, because be with mommy, tonight, no matter what ).

She could change her mind and not be in the mood after all.

That ex-boyfriend can be a cock blocker, too. Picks tonight to want to call her, over and over for silly reasons...and/or may want to 'suddenly' see the kid, that he doesn't take care of (buys her a pair of shoes once a year). He knows you're there, because he's ridden by a couple (or 9) times, and seen your car there.

I've also learned that post hobby sex (meaning sex after you've discovered the wonderful art of hobbying) at times can make you feel like a fish out of water. Sure, we've all had sex before we discovered eccie or aspd or TER, etc, and there was a norm to it. But post-hobby sex has a different norm. It can, if you're too deep into a hobby sex lifestyle. In the hobby, you're virtually guaranteed to get a BJ. 99.72847145629% chance. Not all civilian girls suck dick. Some. Not all. There can be that awkward 'why aren't you sucking my dick' moment at times, especially if you haven't gotten wood yet.

Some ladies don't like you throwing a used condom on the floor. [awkward pause] I don't know specific etiquette on this, even in the hobby sometimes. There's no exact place to put a switched out condom more times than not, which is why I throw it on the floor before putting on another one. The dresser? The corner of the bed? Where, exactly, if the trash can isn't immediately available or visible?

Or, when you're done with the act (civvie sex, that is), do you cuddle, orrrr...what, exactly? Go to sleep? I've done both, fwiw, but sometimes it can be a bit awkward if there's no measurable intimacy between the two of you.

Depending on these circumstances (and many others not mentioned) civvie sex can be way different than hobby sex, good and bad.

Randall Creed's Avatar
Just saying- balding, ugly fat guys with no game must pay for pussy.

Why would any non-hooker have interest in an ulfy weirdo? Originally Posted by Stangl
The minute I hear a guy start talking about "having game"... I know that he doesn't. Originally Posted by Bobave
Truth be told, this is some merit to this. We've all seen that guy who flirts (too hard) with girls half his age, and looks bad doing it. He has to try too hard for the simple fact that they are virtually repulsed by him. He may not know that, or want to admit it.

The simple truth is, many, maybe even most, women, particularly young women, don't like guys with beer bellies and receding hairlines, and poorly grown neckbeards, who wear denim vests and slacks. Unless you have a somewhat vigorous appearance, i.e. visible muscle tone and good guy charm, girls, young girls particularly, de facto HATE you. You're a old guy (even if you're only 40-ish) and to them, that's DAD age, which is gross. You say anything to them, and they give you that, 'why are you talking to me?' kinda sneering look, all snooty and eye rolling.

These girls DON'T KNOW that the cool guys with "game" are going to give them 2-3 kids, make their lives hard and full of drama, and they don't care at the time, and will have to live through it. Because they want cool guy with game, they see you 'old' guys as in the way.

The best way around this dilemma is to stay in shape. Have a body that women admire and desire. Have money. If you're 50 and your car is a clunker, that's not attractive (to anyone...let alone a teeny bopper who wants a ride). Have some charm. Take it easy. Don't try too hard. You don't have to be the first one to fuck her. Just wait for the young guy to do something stupid (because he WILL eventually do something stupid, because he's young and dumb), and be ready for the rescue. Being the creepy, grabby guy with bad jokes just doesn't work, and puts you on her 'I don't like you' side. Having 'game' as an older guy takes patience.

The second best way is to admit that you suck and just hobby. That way young girls will pretend to like you...for an hour. It still counts. You still got the pussy.

Better than nothing.

And get in shape...seriously.
waterfalllover's Avatar

take it from a expert....


fred_flinstone's Avatar
Lately Ive been dabbling in civilian pussy. Yes there is a lot of upfront costs, but the chase is actually challenging and fun.
mellobugler's Avatar
Remember... When you see an escort you aren't paying for the sex... You are paying to be able to walk away on your terms... I'm not fat or bald and at almost 60 I look like I'm in my late 40's... But I don't have time to search out civilians... Or the issues hiding that from the spouse...
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
I'm too old to attract women young enough to still have functioning body openings. I have cash and a hobby phone. SO be it.

(Not that I haven't scored an occasional groovy grannie from the Kroger produce aisle.)
Remember... When you see an escort you aren't paying for the sex... You are paying to be able to walk away on your terms... Originally Posted by mellobugler
This,^^^^^ right here

I've known two fellas, self proclaimed players that used to brag about all the spare pussy they were able to pick up. Until they were charged with sexual assault in a he said / she said situation. One's version of events was that she wanted money on a payment plan which he was not going to give, the other's version was that he was going to break it off but she did not want to. Both went to court, one got eight years prison time and his wife took him back afterwards. He speaks meekly nowadays. The other got probation, but the wife divorced him. Both had a big stack of legal bills and a ruined career.

I'll continue to quietly hobby with the hot milfs on this board.
yep.. and usually the "she said" will weigh heavier than the "he said"
To me, after chasing chicks on Tinder or POF waiting for them to reply, endless messages, etc. Trying to set up a date at a good time. Them giving you the run around bc chicks on dating sites get more messages than eccie girls, and you're just another face until you actually meet them. Or going on a date or 2 that winds up being wasted time.

After all this, to get laid on here is somewhat refreshing. Only prob is, this is addicting. Lol

I do kinda miss the high/low chase of regular chicks, but many of them have overinflated egos(in this online era) due to guys constantly hitting onbthem on Facebook, dating sites, instagram, etc, and my time is often wasted.

In the end, self love is still better than a bad session ie wasted money. So at this point, i stick to regulars.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Didn't even know Tinder actually worked.

Figured it was a fools gold site, full of bots and perverts (dudes) on the other side.
PeterBota's Avatar
Back page is the shit. 100% rate
Where are the reviews ?? ???? ??? Oh shit
Brandofan's Avatar
Remember... When you see an escort you aren't paying for the sex... You are paying to be able to walk away on your terms... I'm not fat or bald and at almost 60 I look like I'm in my late 40's... But I don't have time to search out civilians... Or the issues hiding that from the spouse... Originally Posted by mellobugler
This! I have too much shit to do and don't have the time or patience to seek out that one diamond in the rough on the various dating sites or hookup apps. Then you meet for dinner and/or drinks playing mental chess only to find out she is still hung up on her ex.

Of course sometimes it is nice to go out with someone who shares mutual interests and isn't on a clock. But 90% of the time you just need to scratch an itch with as little drama as possible and no need to call the next day.

Some guys just really enjoy the hunt. Their egos need to be fed by proving they still can score the pretty girl that sat in front of them in class. All the more power to them but I don't share their alpha male obsessions. I just want some quality time on equal terms and then back to regularly scheduled programming.
Entertaining and interesting thread here. I admit I struggle with the give and take of social interactions. The games women play....they don't even know they're playing them. It's literally part of their biological make up to manipulate men. Men have a physical advantage (bigger/stronger), women have mental advantage (manipulation). Men's physical advantage has been outlawed, but women's mental advantage has not.
Other than if you're married (or I guess it depends), paying for pussy is maladaptive to getting RW pussy. Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime. Or like people that get on government assistance and never get off it. Or if you make so much money, it's not worth your time to go on a 2+ hour date with the possibility of not getting laid. Those 2 hrs are reserved for fuckin, not wasting my time.
having a few providers that are regulars is always a good thing.. not only do you get reliability, but you may also get introductions to new ladies entering the biz as well..
Only chase the pussy you can afford to catch.