What is up with all of the broke providers?

I mean most dont pay taxes, get paid almost $200 per hour, and someone always needs $... Originally Posted by URAPNES
Well, I pay my taxes. In fact, I still owe about 8 grand. Guess what that means? I don't get a refund every year. Uncle Sam keeps my shit, and collects more every year, just like you! I pay out about 4 grand in taxes a year. Wanna chip in?

I don't live beyond my means-just being a single parent is a bitch. Oh yea, factor in I've been in and out of the hospital for 6 months now. And when you only get 1-2 appointments a month, yes I said a month, hard to budget properly isn't it?

I don't think you are an asshole or judgmental. I just think you don't have a clear understanding of our lives as providers. Sure, there might be 50,000 guys in the city looking for fun. But there are 500,000 providers. See, we are not only providers for the men who desire us, we are also providers for our families. Sometimes the sole provider for the family. We have people depending on us behind the scenes you have no clue about. Hell, I'm supporting five people right now. See, the economy is hard on a lot of folks. But by God my family has a house to come back to even if it means I give up my sanity. Just because I make 150-200/hour doesn't mean I have a surplus of cash laying around. I have no car payment, furniture payments or credit card payments. I only have living expenses (rent, electric, water, groceries, gas, car repairs, school lunches, school expenses, work supplies, cable, internet, car insurance, cell phone, cable, diapers, diaper wipes, baby food....). And if you think 3 appointments a month at 150/hour is going to pay my living expenses and take care of 5 people, you are sadly mistaking.

I have to have surgery this month. So when I have to recuperate from my surgery and am unable to work, who or what is going to pay my bills then? The money I did have saved up paid my bills when I was in the hospital between August and October. I lost my car in December, but I have one someone is allowing me to use. But it has things that need repaired, so I have to save up money for that.

I got my 3-day notice yesterday for this month's rent. Can the five of us move in with you and your wife? I made 100 this week and 150 last week. How much do you think that can pay off? Hell, it doesn't even cover my electric bill.

So yea, I am one of those who is always broke. Mainly because I might make 600 but have to put out 1000. Circumstances always put me behind the ball it seems. I can't get ahead. Every time I do, something else happens. But hey, it's life right?

But if you are running a business, and the business does not provide you the funds to pay for your lifes needs, should you not find another business? Originally Posted by URAPNES
Sure, some of us have tried. But since we have been out of the "regular" work force for awhile, nobody will hire us. Are you in a hiring position and have a job opening? Or how 'bout this-you just pay for me to go back to school. Then I can change career fields in a year or two.

Others are doing good to get 2 or 3 appointments a WEEK. Originally Posted by DecemberLove
I should be so lucky. I could pay my bills on that.

I wish I could get rich off all of the men who think we are actually making enough money to be rich.

Anywho, just my rant for the day.

Back to my bed....

LatexLover's Avatar
There you go stirring the pot again. I don't know you but I do read every post in this forum and I am of the opinion that your sole purpose here is to cause drama. Have you actually ever been with a provider? I see you have exactly zero reviews posted. People who are broke or can't pay their way suffer from discipline problems when it comes to finances, REGARDLESS of their profession. Why do you feel the need to label everyone who disagrees with you a wk? I guess my first post about this thread was spot on.
pm support for saying all the providers are broke?

White Knights because they say all providers are not broke?

Why don't you go see one of these providers and help stimulate the economy.

then write a review and give us something worth reading about.
shooter6.5's Avatar
It is getting close!!!!!!!

Leave the emotion out and state facts.

Let me give you an example of what happened to me. Many things have happened but this is just related to this thread.

A while back a lady called me and said she was in need of money to pay her rent. I'm easy , or was and went over to her and asked how much and she told me and I said lets go to the office. She asked why< I said to pay the rent. She said just give her the money and she would take care of it. I said nope, I will pay it for you myself right now. She told me to "get fucked". Well that ended that.

On the other hand I know a number of ladies who have done quite well for themselves and supported their families as well. And that is good.

It is a tough time out there right now, for a lot of folks-not just in this biz.

Keep it on track, MonkMonk hit it pretty good

"Why don't you go see one of these providers and help stimulate the economy.

then write a review and give us something worth reading about. "
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Troll confirmed. Move along folks, nothing to see here. Originally Posted by kuppler
Why exactly is that? This is a good topic. If you don't like me, or the OP then take it up as a personal mission. Although if you'd like to debate on the open board, I'd love to dance... I wonder though, are up on all your moves? I'd hate to leave you behind.... and I will .

No emotion involved. I'm really asking you, as a grown up, why you think this.

I noticed someone else said the OP was a pot stirrer, but this is a good topic. If nothing else it reminds the girls to save.

Please read jokes into my posts more than anything else.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Me personally, and I'm not a provider, I've been unemployed for 3 months and guess what, I'm still in my apartment. I'm on unemployment and received a 5k severence. I'm living decently on 1.6k per month. I've even hobbied a few times on unemployment.

I can understand and/or sympathize with both the hobbiests and providers who've responded to the thread. There are special circumstances that require more money to live on. However, I live comfy on my meager means. The problem lies more with people that feel they need to have everything they want right now. Like I said in another thread, as the Rolling Stones once sang, "you can't always get what you want."

My sister was a dancer and danced for 12 years. I can't tell you how much money she blew and today 5 years after she quit dancing she's still flat broke. She was one of the top dancers at all of the diffferent clubs she danced at easily making 1k per night on a weekend and not less than 500 on slow weekday nights.

Discipline is the only thing lacking from anyone that can't stop spending like a drunken US congress. Hell, I'd be willing to be a drill instructor to anyone that wanted to stop the impulse spending and wouldn't ask for a thing and I'd bet that at the end of a year they would be divested in a healthy start.

There are people who do get into trouble through no fault of their own, but I have a hard time having sympathy for anyone who allows themselves to get into trouble.
rakuguy's Avatar
Originally Posted by berkleigh
i think berkleigh wants to go to the movies.
  • Holly
  • 02-05-2010, 08:30 PM
LovingKayla, you dont know me, but I have read many of your posts and you are highly respected by me and many members. Thanks for your fair and unbiased opinion. Also, thanks to the many, many PM's I recieved from hobbiests who agree with me, and think all these "white knighters" on here are pathetic. But I am 100$ in agreement aagain with LovingKayla. I just have never seen this ammount of PM support. Most of these guys wont come out publicly, due to the fact that some of you may have their wee-wee in your mouth at some point, and they dont want you to remember. Thanks Originally Posted by URAPNES
LOL funny and so true...I really didnt mean to sound bitchy...there are some girls out there doing crazy things with their $$$...but its their $$$...if someone was willing to give it to them...its a gift and they can spend it however they want...we all have to grow up sometime and spend or save for the future....I dont blame you at all for having the balls to come out and say all of this. I didn't think you were rude in anyway!! I admire someone who can say whats on their minds and not give a crap what others think...I'm the one who got banned from ASPD remember LOL

You go boy!!!
Why exactly is that? This is a good topic. If you don't like me, or the OP then take it up as a personal mission. Although if you'd like to debate on the open board, I'd love to dance... I wonder though, are up on all your moves? I'd hate to leave you behind.... and I will .

No emotion involved. I'm really asking you, as a grown up, why you think this.

I noticed someone else said the OP was a pot stirrer, but this is a good topic. If nothing else it reminds the girls to save.

Please read jokes into my posts more than anything else. Originally Posted by LovingKAYLA

I wasn't referring to anything you said, the OP only raised this topic to aggrandize himself. After making his wide-sweeping pronouncement, he condemned anyone with a differing opinion as a "white knight" even though not a single poster did anything remotely "white knightish". And then he gave some BS pronouncement about a landslide of PM's congratulating him on his little generalization. Those are the reasons he's a troll.

Now, as a "grown up" I'd like to tell you kindly not to patronize me.
The thing I find about you Urapnes is that you seem offended that the ladies make what they do?I have read similar posts by you stating as much.
The ladies aren't working at the local Piggly Wiggly.They are providing a service that is unlike any other occupation.It's also called supply and demand.Prices are generally set by supply and demand.
Try Vegas ,La or some other cities.You would be paying twice or more for the same excellent service you are getting here.
I know why you posted in relation to : some of the threads about needing help,etc.But if you go back and look most those threads were started by men,clients of the ladies that were trying to help,sometimes without the lady having any knowledge of it.
Many of the ladies have families.If you don't you would have no clue as to what it actually costs to raise one.When I went to school most the activities were paid for by the school system i.e. sports ,band ,etc.Now the parents pay for it all.Throw in food ,decent clothes a safe neighborhood ,insurance for the vehicle ,the car itself ,etc. etc. etc.$30,000 doesn't buy crap these days.If you check the latest economic indicators that would put a person in the low middle class.
You say you respect the ladies that do this but to most out there I would say your post shows very little said respect.
I think that this is the wrong topic to start and isnt very fun.. I mean you dont even have any reviews so what providers have you seen to know what we really go through in our lifes? Do you think its easy being a mother of a 4month yr old and working at an extern for 20yrs a week for free and then coming home having to work again?? barely having time to spend with your baby? well this is what i have to do and yes i could get a lot more appts then i do but right now I am sacraficing for school, still paying my own bills and right now its a struggle.. no i dont blow my money for things i want like i use to before the economy slowed down because I know i cant expect to make tomorrow what I made the day before it doesnt happen and rents due on the 1st as well as my car note things you cant lose especially being a mother. I think this thread is out of line and shouldnt be allowed..

Sorry had to say my feelings on this one

Judge Smails's Avatar
Many/ most of us on both sides are just; a layoff, firing, health care crisis, car wreck with an uninsured motorist, house under water from a mortgage standpoint, etc, from being in real financial trouble.

No need to generalize on these points, its just that, a generalization. Pull a little back when you are winning and remember how to hunker down when you are losing...
TexTushHog's Avatar
I've never found it advisable to take pleasure in other people's misfortune. And unfortunately, that seems to be the tone that I detect in the original posters words. But karma exists, and Urapnes, when you get you jolt of misfortune, perhaps wisdom will accompany it. If so, it will be good for you, because I damn sure doubt much sympathy will come your way at the time.
A wise philosopher (me) just said, "There is nothing to gain by discussing hobbynomics on a SHMB."

Don't judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes... That way if you piss them off you are a mile away and have their shoes!