So...whaddya do when a Hobbyist doesn't pay??

cubsoxbull's Avatar
Wow, That sucks Sophie !!! I could understand his first mistake, but after the PM's and all the other BS, he should have taken care of this by now.

Post his handle what the heck, it couldn't hurt anything.
LucadeJure's Avatar
The gentleman has been given a sufficient number of opportunities to correct this situation and has failed to do so.

Post everything about the thief and liar that is permissable on ECCIE.

He'll most likely resurface with a new handle but hopefully he will have learned to be more respectful within our little slice of heaven.
pyramider's Avatar
Banned if she outs his real name. That is a major no-no. That's what the previous person who mentioned banning was referring to as the ban-able offense. I assume you missed that tiny but important part of the equation because you were day-dreaming about all the orgasms you've had in the past week. Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking

She never said to out the turd's real name nor was it implied.
Texasquest's Avatar
It would be their choice. Airing the public drama isn't always some crusade that fixes anything. It's often just bitching. "Naming names" isn't really as effective as some would hope.

Putting someone on various provider resources as a no-pay deadbeat seems much more effective than making co-ed a constant bitch-fest. We have a forum specifically for the ladies regarding "problem clients"...and it's not Alerts, nor Co-ed Discussions.

I would also ad that the veracity of the claim is always at stake. Is it a legitimate business gripe and a true event? Or is it just another threAD cry for sympathy? I've been more than a bit jaded by the latter in recent months. Originally Posted by Duke of G

While I agree with some of what you said. It also obvious your preference of keeping it back channels hasn't had any effect either. It still happens. Take a look at some of the current "threADS" as you call em. Now we have clients stealing ( not paying for services rendered is theft) clients showing up unannounced at providers residences, providers doing some underhanded crap (referring to the ML threAD ) posting about it in ML hasn't made any difference. You have any other suggestions?? That one is a FAIL or do you prescribe to BLUBBA's theory to JUST SUCK IT UP AND FIRGET ABOUT IT. in retrospect that has about as good a chance at working as your suggestion does.
Duke of G's Avatar
Now we have clients stealing ( not paying for services rendered is theft) clients showing up unannounced at providers residences, providers doing some underhanded crap (referring to the ML threAD ) posting about it in ML hasn't made any difference. You have any other suggestions?? That one is a FAIL or do you prescribe to BLUBBA's theory to JUST SUCK IT UP AND FIRGET ABOUT IT. in retrospect that has about as good a chance at working as your suggestion does. Originally Posted by Texasquest
My suggestion was for PROVIDERS, not men. Hence, the "ML" references are a moot point. You seem to take the attitude that ML posting is a waste of time. That's fine. I don't think the ML has shit to do with this situation.

GUYS getting all bent over this is really silly to me. It's not their business. The "thieves make us all look bad" line is BS too. Why? Because the hobby is FULL OF SCAMMERS. Why do we all think screening is SO important? Getting on a moral high horse because others are scammers seems ridiculous to me.

Placing trust in every post you read also seems naive. Mostly, it has WK/sympathy written all over it, which helps about as much as wishing it would stop.

Should we try and get these assholes out of the hobby? Absolutely. But angry posts do nothing. Screening and actions at the time of the visit, by providers, stop scammers.

If you think the behavior you described is a "sudden," I think you should look back over the board history of posts. This stuff happens all the time. Sad, but true. It's not new, nor will it stop due to some "public shaming" in co-ed. So, to me, that option is not effective.

And I 100% did not say "do nothing" or "get over it." In fact, I stated the exact course I thought the provider should take.

Guys on the other hand, should leave the condolences and advice somewhere else, IMO. If they really want to help, they make an appointment...which leads to the easy reason why things like this get the attention they do. It's sad, but true.

If this happened, it sucks, but posting in co-ed is not the right course, IMO. But hey...knock it out. Keep this forum full of trash, questionable facts and drama. It's your forum after all. It is what you make of it. (So long as it's hobby related, or we'll move it to the Sandbox. )
pyramider's Avatar
But angry posts do plenty ... Anger, or drincking, while posting creates drama and threads get high view counts. Drama drives interest, especially on SHMBs.
Texasquest's Avatar
The point wasn't just ML. IS back channel period. In this instance if it was only posted in the gals room. Us gents would Mot know about it. You take the position that posting it I'm coed is only to SHAME someone. That's a lil nearsighted IMO I for one would like to know who it is and so do others because it let's the genus know who we can trust too. I know I'm old school but will not and do not want anything to do with a THIEF. IF he will steal from her he may very well steal from me. Except by me knowing he is a thief I can keep clear of him and not give him the chance. But your options leave me and every other gent vulnerable And all for the reason that in your opinion it only creates drama by being exposed.
She never said to out the turd's real name nor was it implied. Originally Posted by pyramider
I guess I'll have to spell it out for you...again.

[...]do you publicly out him here so the entire Hobby community knows who it is?? Is it petty to name him in coed discussions?? Originally Posted by QueenSophie
This question was just vague enough so as to leave at least 1 if not more readers with the impression that a "real life outting" was POSSIBLY being considered by the provider as evidenced by:

Don't reveal his real name or you'll prolly get banned. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Then Dannie said,

I don't know where some of you are coming up with this "you'll probably get banned" crap. Originally Posted by TheOriginalDannie
To which I pointed out,

Banned if she outs his real name. That is a major no-no. That's what the previous person who mentioned banning was referring to as the ban-able offense. I assume you missed that tiny but important part of the equation because you were day-dreaming about all the orgasms you've had in the past week. Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking
and Dannie acknowledged,

I guess I did miss that, along with everyone else who agreed with me and even said the same thing! Not naming real names is kinda basic knowledge. Maybe there has been a lot of orgasm daydreaming going on! Or, you just wanted to quote me to board-flirt with me (she was right here) Originally Posted by TheOriginalDannie
Finally, you [Topic removed - Staff] and reply to my post with,

She never said to out the turd's real name nor was it implied. Originally Posted by pyramider
As per usual, you're all over the logical flow of a thread like a monkey on a watermelon...if that last part didn't make sense, it wasn't on accident. If you don't get why it didn't make sense, I'm not surprised.
Duke of G's Avatar
And all for the reason that in your opinion it only creates drama by being exposed. Originally Posted by Texasquest
Me...I think there should be a separate forum for this drama-inducing stuff. Broaden the Alerts section, or create a "rants and raves" but for pity's sake, keep it off of a forum that's supposed to be about "Hobby-related discussions belong here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!"

When the only info here is bullshit infighting, lies and member-induced drama, people walk away. It's that simple. My view isn't "short term." It's actually "health of the site." I see it as toxic, and best kept to one area where members can separate this type of thing from less caustic topics.

I don't want to associate with thieves either. But I also don't think I'll find out about them from co-ed posts. I'm just a skeptic that way. It's our level of belief that varies.
lilsmurf's Avatar
your way to cool of a provider to have to put up with that bullshit.
Can't relate. I get my money upfront.
Had one guy try to stand his ground and say because I was new he wasn't comfortable paying me upfront. I gave no response & left. Got a text message saying please come back, lol.

I think you should just charge it to the game. He's not going to pay you.
I don't care if this guy eventually pays up, I sincerely hope you make the info available via back channel so ladies can add him to DNS lists. This sort of behavior at minimum shows an extreme level of disrespect.

I can understand if you wanted to share something like this here. My fear is that handles can be easily changed or closed. Setting up a new handle to mask his behavior would be too easy. Posting a handle as allowed may help, but a name, email, phone number, screening info and all that sort stuff is a little more difficult to change or mask.

There may be others that have experienced this and would not be willing to say so in co-ed. Because of this it is helpful to share this sort of thing in the ladies info share at least. If it turns out he has been making a habit of conducting himself in this way we will need more than a handle and hinting you're are limited to here.

I am sorry this happened to you!

Establishing a used line of credit from the ambassador of your spank bank without consent is not okay!

Side note: You may also want to notify the ladies that were his references so that they can be aware and hopefully augment their reference accordingly. Personally if I have given an okay to a gentleman (even on P411) and hear negative feedback I am sure to take note. If a lady asks about him I can let her know although he may have been okay with me he has since had issues and she may want to speak with more current references before making her decision.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I agree with Duke...keep it in provider forum and report it on provider buzz.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Business is business. This client needs a lesson in the rules. You have his phone details, so why not let him know that he has x days to make good or a collection firm will be contacting his home and work place seeking payment. I bet that will be enough to get a response.

Don't let a-holes get away with it or they'll keep doing it.

Cunnilinguists's Avatar
As this thread has progressed I have changed my opinion. Send him a PM, tell him he has until a certain date & time (1 week is sufficient) to make arrears in a public place. Once the deadline passes, out his user name.
Make sure and put his user name in the headline of a new thread and again in the body of the post so providers can easily find it performing a routine search.

At his earliest convenience, he will create a new user name and be back on the board with no provider references. Note the time & date of the outing and then track new members joining shortly after the outing and we can have a contest to see which new member it is
Notify P411 for what it's worth.
Let the ostracization begin!