Why would you vote for Donald John Trump?

ICU 812's Avatar
this election should not be about the candidates for President, or Vice President for that matter. Both Biden and Trump have demonstrated who they qare with regards to character ethics and integrity. In my view, neither of them are any better or worse than any of our previous presidents since 1932 with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter.

Rather, we should vote for the party as a whole; their stated policies and goals with attention paid to what they actually do, the actions they take and what they allow to be done.

With that in mind, please consider the following:

Trump Is In The Good Company Of Past US Presidents

The public discussion of policy issues; Corona Virus policy, societal racism, economic policy and international relations to name a few topics, are frequently overshadowed or distorted by one's view of President Donald Trump. This interferes with the evolution or implementation of well examined policy. One may have strong views on mandatory vaccination or carbon emission limits for vehicles, but if the person of the President is paramount in the discussion, the policy outcome may be ineffectual or at best sub-optimal..
We have had presidents in the past who, in retrospect, were open to strong criticisms much as President Trump is today.

Franklin Roosevelt was a womanizer before becoming paralyzed. He is also considered to have high-handedly violated The Constitution in many ways during The Great Depression and later during WW-II.

President Truman the use of nuclear weapons, and later nationalized railroads and steel mills with federal troops.

President Kennedy had extramarital affaires while he was president, some assignations took place inside the White house.

President Nixon systematically abused power to ensure that he remained in power. Eventually heresigned before he could be impeached.

President Clinton was an a self-confessed womanizer in and out of office. He too was impeached. Eventually he was charged with perjury and disbarred.

With all that said, each of these men are today recognized for accomplishing significant things while in office.

President Trump with his personal faults, is in good company historically speaking.

Let's focus on the policy discussions, not the man.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Would you be able to list out how the policies "became" garbage and how Trump accomplished the alleged without ever changing the policies? Would you be able to articulate how the policies ever did not favor insurance companies? Would you be able to illustrate how the policies were ever affordable? Because I'm curious to know how a policy that costs $20K per year with a $15K deductible was ever considered affordable. Would you be able to explain how drug prices have remained high under the existing policies, before Trump - just recently - enacted the new policy that should lower drug prices going forward? Would you be able to discuss and define the phrase "total compensation package" as it relates to employment? If you could also squeeze in your thoughts of people having to pay the government for not being able to afford unaffordable insurance - that would be great, because I never saw the enterprise in that and am glad Trump ditched that aspect.

It seems as though you are comparing Apples to Aardvarks. You have private insurance from an employer, i.e. not an ACA plan - which you could not afford, presumably since you would theoretically make too much $$ as an entrepreneur to be eligible for an ACA "subsidy". Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

I was on an ACA plan when I got my original cancer diagnosis-- without the ACA, I would be dead.

I had an ACA plan from 2013-2018. The premiums steadily rose and the coverage steadily dropped. At no point in time did I blame any of that on Trump. However-- he's been claiming that he has dropped drug prices for a while now.. and without insurance, most of mine are the same if not a little bit more according to the billing.

You'll have to wait for an answer on the rest-- I have a full time job and a full course load-- and you've packed a lot of questions into a post. But-- as an aside, I assure you that I can define "total compensation package" better than most.. given the nature of my corporate job.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The aca didn’t make you better, doctors did. You’d have needed another way to pay them without it.
  • oeb11
  • 10-01-2020, 12:17 PM
Physicians require long training and hours to be licensed.

they will be replaced out of hand by nurses in the new , Brave - Universal No Care for Nobody by Bernie.

most of all - Bernie will outlaw elective plastic and reconstructive Cosmetic Surgery - not acceptable to Bernie
he has already made those points.

if you think america had deaths from Wuhan virus - just until the Bernie viruses arrive!
Putin and Xi are laughing with glee at what the radical marxist DPST's are doing to
pre-existing conditions is the one big issue that needs to be addressed

I know, I have one and I have been self employed since 1978 so you can see ive been around the horn a few times with insurance and lack of insurance and cost and health care

and. yes. you can have all the insurance you can get someone else to pay for but having insurance isn't having medical care

the top down, squeeze the money out of medical care, ideas only serve to decrease the availability of care and quality of care and increase annoyance, pain and death
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Interesting side note: You can negotiate huge discounts, like 50%, with doctors/hospitals if paying cash.
  • oeb11
  • 10-01-2020, 01:26 PM
The payment system for medical care makes no sense to me.
it is teh only system in which prices are not available to consumers prior to consumption - with the exception of cosmetic surgery.

Something Bernie abhors - and will ban if he gets teh power.

harris - if elected - will give bernie control over American medical care and he will institute Bernie's No Care for Nobody (But bernie)!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
T R U M P is against SJW bullshit, H E is ending the teaching of critical race theory in American institutions, H E is bringing down the costs of medicine, H E is bringing peace to the middle east, H E is antiwar, H E does not cower to BLM and Antifa, H E is not afraid of the media, H E is for law and order, H E is pro life, H E is for strong boarder security, H E will bring the economy back, H E will try to open the country up, H E helped me get a job in IT which would have likely gone to someone from or in India (this was told to me by the company itself) without H I S regulations, H E is funny, H I S wife is hot, H E provided 1200 dollars to me on top of 2 grand per month during this pandemic, H E is putting America first, H E powns SJWs, Obama care fucking sucks, the green new deal is fucking retarded, H E will cut taxes and put more money in my pocket, prob some other reasons.
1. He reinvigorated this economy before Coronavirus happened and will be able to bring it back from the brink again. You can't fix things by raising taxes

2. He orchestrated THREE historic peace agreements in the Middle East. John Kerry in 2016 said this will never be possible.

3. He is probably the most honest person ever to be elected to the White House. EVERYTHING thrown at him in various coup attempts have been proven false.

4. I guess he is more of a politician now than four years ago. For my entire life I heard "we need an outsider"...well, here he is!

5. Strong military and Law Enforcement stance! We don't need people burning our cities, stealing things, killing people!

6. Best unemployment numbers for everyone EVER, including blacks, latinos, whites, etc EVERYONE!

7. He has granted clemency for many black men in jail, some of which who were put there for minor drug offenses
"pre-existing conditions is the one big issue that needs to be addressed"

Insurance companies use actuarial computations to make sure they are able to pay claims even if a pandemic happens. To insure preexisting conditions makes it guaranteed that they will go bankrupt. I don't know what insurance is if they allow it but it is not insurance. That is like crashing your car then buying insurance afterwards and claiming the crash.

The government being involved in healthcare has resulted in the higher costs and lower quality of care before Obamacare was ever invented. Obamacare was probably invented in teh 1960s but they had to stuff it through at the right time. They tried with the Bill Clinton presidency but failed. It is a socialist mainifest is all. Obamacare has resulted in many of us losing healthcare and causing us to go on Obamacare which is worse and more expensive. Many of the people who were "put on Obamacare" and were formerly without insurance were just put on Medicaid which is something they could have done for themselves.

Tell me, if there were 20,000,000 or even 30,000,000 people without insurance before Obamacare, then why do we still have 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 people without insurance today? Why wouldn't we just have created a separate insurance for people without insurance since the vast majority of people were already happy with their healthcare situation?
among the many lies of biden’s in the debate was his declaration, at least twice, straightaway into the camera, as he evidently was taught, that trump has only made the wealthy wealthier And left the rest of us behind

saw some stats the other day that since 2016:

Black incomes have risen about 31%

Hispanic income about 61%

And whites 4%

trump’s been a failure as a racist and as an uncaring billionaire and anyway, most all the really rich are dimocrats, who donate to biden , blm , antifa and the rest of the scoundrels so his concern is theatrical at best
We think alike and I would love to meet you, however, you live in the California part of Texas... Come see us in west Texas
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I had an ACA plan from 2013-2018. The premiums steadily rose and the coverage steadily dropped. At no point in time did I blame any of that on Trump. However-- he's been claiming that he has dropped drug prices for a while now.. and without insurance, most of mine are the same if not a little bit more according to the billing... Originally Posted by Grace Preston

The drug pricing doesn't go into effect until November, I think. It's a great move and should be very impactful, whether on ACA or not. Considering your understanding of "total compensation", I found ACA to be higher than COBRA. Unfortunately, COBRA expires. But in general, corp bennies tend to lock people in and makes it harder to break free and become enterprising - IMHO, especially when one has a family to feed etc.
Grace Preston's Avatar
The drug pricing doesn't go into effect until November, I think. It's a great move and should be very impactful, whether on ACA or not. Considering your understanding of "total compensation", I found ACA to be higher than COBRA. Unfortunately, COBRA expires. But in general, corp bennies tend to lock people in and makes it harder to break free and become enterprising - IMHO, especially when one has a family to feed etc. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

For me.. I'm more than willing to take a financial risk in terms of breaking out of a job to "be my own boss"... but, I can't take the health care risk. Right now, health insurance is the ONLY think that binds me to my current role. Don't get me wrong, I love my job-- but the writing is on the wall for the subset of the industry and I can't imagine my current position lasting more than 2-3 more years (that's why I'm working on the MBA).