Who is to say that coal and oil are 19th century fuel? That is a cute bumper sticker philosophy but reality is different. Coal has been around a long time, fossil oil about 170 years, whale oil's time has passed but what else do we have with the left wing environmentalists stopping the construction of nuclear reactors or the building of wasted storage sites. My guess is that oil is both a 20th century fuel and a 21st century fuel source (natural gas too).
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well duh! can someone tell JDIdiot that we are already in the 21st century. He seems to have forgotten.
The reasoning against non-renewable energy sources is in their name. they are NON-RENEWABLE. Whether it be a hundred years or a thousand, there will be a time when we run out of them.
The scientific minds that advocate alternative energy are doing it because they,
first and foremost, want humanity to survive beyond that horizon.
We should be applauding people like Elon Musk. What he, and people like him are doing, will benefit generations upon generations of human beings, after we are all dead and gone.