Reviews...Fair or not...

Old Horn Dog's Avatar
Hey Scarlett. Guys who've been on the site awhile can usually tell a review that doesn't pass the smell test. There's no guarantee but usually there will be some discussion about fake-or-made-up-review-or-not if it's even close. If anything the guys are overly-aggressive about calling out fake reviews--I've had to yell @ some of them before that not EVERY new guy is a. a cop and/or b. making up reviews. So I wouldn't worry about a single bad review esp. if the details are off or something just doesn't seem right about it to the rest of the guys.

Self-reviews or "manager" reviews are usually pretty easy to spot. Reviews written by guys but made-up b/c they have some other agenda: free access, personal vendetta against the girl, on-line troll s***-stirring for reasons I don't understand, etc.--any number of reasons really, those are harder to spot as a category: some are easy to tell & some may not be.
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 02-19-2019, 06:42 AM
Awww this post was so positive. It’s a old post.
But nice support