A helpful reminder on contentious threads

Eh, if I couldn't take it, I'm in the wrong unpaid position. Originally Posted by Vyt
@Vyt and Yssup!
No more asshats? Aww.

Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 03-09-2011, 07:59 AM
Every day could be Halloween. Just sayin'.
Can there be an "I'm not easily offended" opt out option for me allowing me to call people asshats if I view them as such and likewise agreeing not to hit the RTM if I am called an asshat or hooktard? I generally just view the words as verbal intensifiers and sometimes as very fitting descriptions of myself and others. I don't understand, given the nature of this "hobby" why some people are hell bent on being so sensitive.
Never heard of the term Asshat before. What the hell does it mean or even imply exactly? Is it supposed to be some vague "Butt head" replacement? Maybe I need my first cup of brew to figure it out or perhaps go back in time forty plus years.
Sounds like some random meaningless name that elementary school children would pull out of a hat to tease one another until it's replacement comes along.

At what point does name calling simply become comical? Funny as watching two drunk SW's cat fight over a disinterested bartender.

I can just see it now. You have been pointed for stating "You are nothing but a friggin Elbow Glove and your mother darns dirty socks. Now Take that"!
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 03-09-2011, 08:35 AM
Can there be an "I'm not easily offended" opt out option for me allowing me to call people asshats if I view them as such

Hell no.

and likewise agreeing not to hit the RTM if I am called an asshat or hooktard?

Maybe, though some guys will take 'not easily offended' as a challenge.

I generally just view the words as verbal intensifiers and sometimes as very fitting descriptions of myself and others. I don't understand, given the nature of this "hobby" why some people are hell bent on being so sensitive. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
There are fighting words that work on me. Granted, not asshat or fucktard - don't know what asshat means, but fucktard is true - but still not a good idea to encourage mayhem, right?
Whispers's Avatar
I generally just view the words as verbal intensifiers and sometimes as very fitting descriptions of myself and others. I don't understand, given the nature of this "hobby" why some people are hell bent on being so sensitive. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
From discussions with the ladies I've found that far less of them are sensitive regarding words like hooktards, hookers, prostitutes or even whores. There have been two threads here in the Austin forum surrounding "Whore" and "Cunt" with very revealing information.

The problems are not usually created by one of the ladies...... they are created by the guys that are not as much here looking for a session as they are for social interaction in any manner with a female that feel the need to jump up and defend the ladies "honor", prance and pose for them, in hopes of a pat on the head and a "You're such a big strong man" from one of them....

Major contributors to these back and forths when the get going are usually guys that never or seldom review and if you ask you can't find a lady that has seen any of them in the last year....

Why? They have no money. OR worse, No intent to ever see a lady. They just get off on the online interaction.

basically.... a number of you ladies MEET their sexual needs online and don't even get paid for doing so.
There are fighting words that work on me. Originally Posted by 78704
So what are they? Just taking note so I can pass them along to "You know who" just in case things start to get a little too boring around here again.
I've always taken asshat to mean a person with their head up their ass OR perhaps a useless person(since a hat on your ass would be somewhat useless) but I've always enjoyed the imagery either way.

I'm not encouraging mayhem, I'm encouraging adults being honest in an adult environment without needing someone to console them if someone says a bad word that hurts their feelings.

Sure, everyone has fighting words that would work on them...but if someone is going to go all yosammity sam over a few insults then I'd rather they do it on the board openly so I can see who has a hair trigger temper and emotional issues before I put myself in a room alone with them.

There are fighting words that work on me. Granted, not asshat or fucktard - don't know what asshat means, but fucktard is true - but still not a good idea to encourage mayhem, right? Originally Posted by 78704
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Tallywhacker. Can we call it a tallywhacker?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
From discussions with the ladies I've found that far less of them are sensitive regarding words like hooktards, hookers, prostitutes or even whores. There have been two threads here in the Austin forum surrounding "Whore" and "Cunt" with very revealing information.

The problems are not usually created by one of the ladies...... they are created by the guys that are not as much here looking for a session as they are for social interaction in any manner with a female that feel the need to jump up and defend the ladies "honor", prance and pose for them, in hopes of a pat on the head and a "You're such a big strong man" from one of them....

Major contributors to these back and forths when the get going are usually guys that never or seldom review and if you ask you can't find a lady that has seen any of them in the last year....

Why? They have no money. OR worse, No intent to ever see a lady. They just get off on the online interaction.

basically.... a number of you ladies MEET their sexual needs online and don't even get paid for doing so. Originally Posted by Whispers
I agree with a lot of that. But WOW! You don't mince words, do you, Whispers?

I believe there are a number of guys on here who never see the light of day; never take a walk; never sleep outside the bus station, and have no money. In fact, I'd say there are a SHITLOAD of people out there who have no money.

My question is -- should ECCIE be a qualified privilege? If only folks who had sufficient money/reviews/references/etc., be allowed to participate, would that stop the contentiousness in the conversations?

Or would you just be weeding out the @#$W%W%#S, %^s and P#s. (And tallywhackers?)

My opinion is that fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly.

(I'll prepare my financial statement and DNA sample straight away...maybe I can join!)
Whispers's Avatar
I was simply pointing out my personal opinion of the mix that makeup the real whiners in the community..... the ones that get up in arms about things that tend to not bother the avg jane or joe....
Hey most things don't phase me but calling me a Tallywhacker? Now we're getting personal. I'm telling! Ok so where's the RTM button again? If that don't get you points you "GooberSnoober" then nothing will.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 03-09-2011, 11:25 AM
I've always taken asshat to mean a person with their head up their ass....

Right; right, good one.

I'm not encouraging mayhem, I'm encouraging adults being honest in an adult environment without needing someone to console them if someone says a bad word that hurts their feelings.

If you mean you lead by example by coolly ignoring attacks, good for you. If you mean you say bad hurtful words to toughen people up, tut.

Sure, everyone has fighting words that would work on them...but if someone is going to go all yosammity sam over a few insults then I'd rather they do it on the board openly so I can see who has a hair trigger temper and emotional issues before I put myself in a room alone with them. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
Oh. Well, if you do it as a screening thing, please fuck with them as part of the screen, not speculatively in open fora.
Oh. Well, if you do it as a screening thing, please fuck with them as part of the screen, not speculatively in open fora. Originally Posted by 78704
Lighten up! I think Hannah's main point here is to consider where we are. This ain't some friggin school classroom or church gathering.

This is more like a bunch of good ole "Cheers" characters enjoying sitting around the bar sharing thoughts, covering one another's backs and exchanging harmless non-malicious jabs yet everyone keeps coming back daily for more of the same. If someone has too much drink and turns mean they get booted out and banned from the bar for a time.

Don't be such a "Knee Scarf". Made that one up all by myself. Figured out the MRDT or "Meaningless Random Derogatory Term" formula based upon ass hat.
Simply combine any body part and piece of clothing and voila! Haven't had this kinda fun since 8-10 years old.