Dangerous Neighborhood

rcinokc's Avatar
Well, sure. And one wouldn't have the same conversation in a Library they might have in a Barroom. Guess what - different places have different rules of etiquette. Why is that concept so difficult for some to grasp?

Here, we are all safely behind our keyboards. And constantly reminding the rest of us about that because of a failure to keep up is just plain weak. And fucking tiresome. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Not to mention acting like a RW tough guy. Boring as hell.
Well damn, it seems like country made it to county, and there's some real-lifers out there so satisfied with their politically correct universe that the prospect of blowing off a little internet steam in the simple and stated beforehand "this is blowing off steam forum" is unimaginably boring.

See, the purpose here is so you could say "fuck off, douchebag" to a douchebag, or even to someone who might not be a douchebag, but needs to hear it anyway! That's the point. An unruly rude ass forum, pansies need not enter. If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out or do not read. No fake tough guys, just a good healthy vent. If you don't need one after a day full of crazy assed foriengers who can't drive, dumb ass short bus drive thru talent, insurance agents, auto dialed bullshit advertising, menopausal wimmin, gravel haulers and landscape artists throwing damaging shit at your car, NCNS ho business, school bus drivers, idiot dog walkers and idiots texting and driving when they say they don't, this is where you can call Phildo or whoever else shows up a no driving shitwad stupid Klingon chasing butt pirate motherfucker, just so you felt better. That's all.

Almost everybody loves drama, or all those smart ass TV judge shows would get cancelled. This forum would be for drama, real or imagined, where all the venting you can imagine could spew forth like a fireworks barge on fire. Which would give everybody a place to say "fuck you" so they could stay civil in the gentle folks forums. Participation is not mandatory.

And all you fuckers who called me those terrible names, OUCH, where's that RTM button?
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
how about going to a mavs or stars game? or bowling? or drinks with friends? they still have movies i think. geez...do some of you want to spend all you spare time on eccie arguing about shit?
I have to agree with Juan on this. Have fun boys and girls. What is the fun in typing typing and typing some more?
Well damn, it seems like country made it to county, and there's some real-lifers out there so satisfied with their politically correct universe that the prospect of blowing off a little internet steam in the simple and stated beforehand "this is blowing off steam forum" is unimaginably boring.

See, the purpose here is so you could say "fuck off, douchebag" to a douchebag, or even to someone who might not be a douchebag, but needs to hear it anyway! That's the point. An unruly rude ass forum, pansies need not enter. If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out or do not read. No fake tough guys, just a good healthy vent. If you don't need one after a day full of crazy assed foriengers who can't drive, dumb ass short bus drive thru talent, insurance agents, auto dialed bullshit advertising, menopausal wimmin, gravel haulers and landscape artists throwing damaging shit at your car, NCNS ho business, school bus drivers, idiot dog walkers and idiots texting and driving when they say they don't, this is where you can call Phildo or whoever else shows up a no driving shitwad stupid Klingon chasing butt pirate motherfucker, just so you felt better. That's all.

Almost everybody loves drama, or all those smart ass TV judge shows would get cancelled. This forum would be for drama, real or imagined, where all the venting you can imagine could spew forth like a fireworks barge on fire. Which would give everybody a place to say "fuck you" so they could stay civil in the gentle folks forums. Participation is not mandatory.

And all you fuckers who called me those terrible names, OUCH, where's that RTM button? Originally Posted by phildo
Wow, there's a lot of anger in you dude. I don't think most people think that way at all. Yes, we all have moments but don't just come here because it's anonymous and we can, without consequence, to be mean to people.

Say whatever smart-ass comment you want to me but you have serious issues. Just because you have access to a computer, this website, can think of some clever things to say, and no guilt doesn't mean you're right. I learned long ago just because someone has a drivers license they can drive, everyone with a job knows their field, or a lawyer knows the law. I wouldn't be surprised if people in your real world think you're an asshole too. You really should seek something to do with your life - golf, see a counselor, pray, something to take away the hostility.
Phil, you're right I fucked up.....I misread that original post. I thought you were asking if any body knew what the worst neighborhood in the County(Dallas)was. So yeah now I see you said Country. Gotta quit drinking that gin at night!

Well everyone knows that would be Detroit. Now within that Metro area we would have to further breakdown the neighborhoods but it's been a few years and I don't have my notes on me. But yeah that's the country's worst hoods today from my experience. Not to ramble on but it puts Harlem to shame(can you say GENTRIFIED?). Still you have your hoods in MIami, Compton, East St. Louis. Parts of El Paso, Laredo,Chicago etc. I could go on but as Juan was saying, I have to go bowling now. But yeah if you want Country...Detroit.

ps no offense to anyone from Detroit or Flint etc. Wonderful people. Just don't hobby at night there.
aldo3178's Avatar
I do want in on this forum especially so you can say something and not worried if someone gets butthurt.
EasyLover, if you think Phildo taking up golf will ease his hostility, think again. Driving that brand-new, never-hit ProV1 out of bounds and hurling that Ping driver half way down the fairway helicopter-style does not make one "calm".
aldo3178's Avatar
Golf is never the answer. I do think a forum where you can go and vent is a good idea. Hell I recently started posting on the forums and low and behold I post and then start getting pm's threatening to get me banned because of my post. I understand that not everyone is gonna agree on things, the whole world is that way, but one shouldnt be threatened for their opinion. As a wise old man once told me opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and everyone elses stinks. I guess I am dobe ranting at least for a little while.
My butt will be hurting but from a spanking not my feelings.
Pretty sure your feelings can get hurt if you start showing your ass - especially if it gets proper spanked after you show it.

Also aldo, I pm'd u bc u started piling on a thread hijack. I asked you if you were interested in joining the forum and if not then to stop piling on or I was gonna start reporting it in an effort to keep the discussion on track. You remarked that you are only here for yourself and not others. Take note ladies.
aldo3178's Avatar
I never said anything about why I am here although it should be obvious I am here for the same reason everyone is here. I am a very laid back guy and just poke fun where I feel the need. I cant control what other people think which is why I like the idea of the vent forum.
Damn there's more dimestore psychology in this place than at a weekend Baptist marriage counseling retreat, hosted by amateur "counselors" with mail order certs. Jeez...

If I was really as angry as ya'll think, my head would have exploded long ago. I enjoy creative writing, enjoy bursting the bubble of political correctness, I don't take myself or any of this nonsense seriously. I even enjoy a game of getting smarmy douchebags to show their asses. Or even better, calling bullshit, or a spade a spade (no that isn't ethnic). Why venting, or even pretend venting, or getting all potty-mouth for the simple sake of getting all potty-mouth is so far beyond the grasp of some folks is beyond me. It's not about anger, hell it's about the human condition. There are guys like Seinfeld who can not go potty mouth all night and make that confused WTF face, or Bill Cosby, and the gentle people's need for humor is assuaged. Then there's Sarah Silverman or Chris Rock, and what the fuck ya know motherfucker, bitch got your dick in a meat grinder 'cause she smell her sister's perfume on that thang...

So yeah, if you don't grasp the concept of potty mouth without getting your feelings hurt, stay home. Show dogs stay on the porch, yard dogs run a little wild. But thanks for the analysis, all the time and effort and concern for my mortal soul and my need for love as my unfulfilled life has made me angry, bitter, lonely, sick, incompetent (or was that incontinent?) unfriendly and generally bad company. If you don't get it, you don't get it. If you do, well then, there you have it! But it will all have to wait because, no shit, I gotta go across the pond and do real work for about six weeks. Miss me much? Maybe I can schedule in some anger management with the Krauts. What was it SweaterPuppies said...Luv yam Hamcats! I have no idea what that means, but it's really catchy.
Phildo you know how life is you give some rotten bananas and some will toss the bananas and others will make bread. Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you will get. If you are like me sometimes you get tired when you are out fishing and the fish take any bait you offer even an empty hook. I so get as I have gotten older why my ex husband did not like the easy fish in the lake but always wanted a lake with a challenge. I get as a kid how much fun it is to be on the lake and catch fish you are young and it is a thrill but as we get older a challenge can be so much more fun. There is no challenge no thrill. It is like a roller coaster ride that does not make your blood pump. Enjoy your trip and when you come back it be the same old stuff but just a new day. Hugs and spanks TP

Do miss me some Sweater Puppies that is one spunky feisty person...
You mean like this?

See, its not that hard.