starflash's Avatar
Read it last night at about 1 a m just after you posted it, and totally bit.......Was so shocked I couldn't think of a suitable response, so moved on.....Good one D J.....
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 04-02-2011, 06:37 AM
Good one. This has been one funny April Fools day. First the Hack Off with that Global Warming meltdown take. Then this post. I wonder what would make it even better. Originally Posted by junglemonkey
The Hack-Off was a BLAST.
Wayward's Avatar
Now don't go playin' with my gold diggin' heart father.

Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
Not playing at all, it was a comment on your beauty and charm Princess, if we are going to bring your heart into the discussion then I'll have to thinck of something better than a motor vehicle as a gift.

Now the real question is for DJ was this a joke with in a joke and just a really good way to get some offers for GFE++ ?
Thanks for the laugh!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 04-02-2011, 03:36 PM
Dammit, I missed the Hack- Off!? I gotta go to his site now to see who won...

There's a lot of irony in this thread... lol
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Now the real question is for DJ was this a joke with in a joke and just a really good way to get some offers for GFE++ ? Originally Posted by Wayward

caster's Avatar
You had me completely going for like 10 minutes because I was driving and reading man.
pyramider's Avatar
Do gerbils without booties count as bb?
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
I would choose THIS as my 1st thread to read in 2 months.

Damn it feels good to be back.
Lil'Whiskey's Avatar
There is always a certain amount of truth behind every story. Think about it.
cardinal's Avatar
LOL... nice April Fool's!
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
There is always a certain amount of truth behind every story. Think about it. Originally Posted by Lil'Whiskey
Seeing this is your first post ever in the Houston forums and you probably don't know jack shit about what goes on in the Houston hobby boards...................

I was one of the original members of ASPD going back to 1999. One of my 'things' is to do an annual April fool's day joke. I've done several ranging from having a session with a transsexual named Kili, having a session with Teri Weigel, to getting busted with a solicitation of prostitution charge, and a couple of other ones. IMHO the Weigel one was best because I set it up a month in advance and very few saw it coming. When ASPD closed down, a lot of us moved over here. A lot of people who replied in this thread know me as a fellow player and once very active in the hobby. So when we moved over here, I waited a year and did this one.

A lot of people who have replied to this thread, I've met at Houston socials.

Sorry about the tone of the post, but I don't like what you're insinuating, nor do I like a guy who's never posted in the Houston forums before attempting to ruin the tone of what's supposed to be a fun thread.

Now that this has been stated, you might have some sort of idea what you can do with your conspiracy theory. Think about it.
hotelal's Avatar
Good one DJ, as usual you get them every year!!!
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 04-03-2011, 08:31 AM
IMHO the Weigel one was best because I set it up a month in advance and very few saw it coming. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
It was the best. D_J you had us on that one. I fell for it 100%. And, so did just about everyone else.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 04-03-2011, 11:27 AM
Damn man, you even got Hotelal to post? Where you been Al? lol

Saw the Hack-off, it was hilarious and the true train wreck it was supposed to be. My man Ray-Ray took the crown...TFF!

So D_J, we will sit back and see what you have in store for us next year mi amigo...