Obama was right

Precious_b's Avatar
10 years ago. And you don't even understand how. So you lie about it to pretend you're up on things.

Obama being wrong was your point, not mine.

So that makes you being wrong okay? My point is you and the OP were wrong. You have access to the same information I do. You don't care about the truth of the story. I gave you the information about the differences between the excutive statements and you chose to remain ignorant about them. Your choice.
And now you're harassing me because I proved you wrong and have my own points. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
Go ahead and point out to him the "fact" that the Steele Dossier was started and funded by right wing, republican conservatives. Seems to always make him choke up in rebutal. Originally Posted by Precious_b
that lame argument? again???

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
See. Originally Posted by Precious_b

if you say so.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Go ahead and point out to him the "fact" that the Steele Dossier was started and funded by right wing, republican conservatives. Seems to always make him choke up in rebutal. Originally Posted by Precious_b

I wouldn't say "choke up" but if you had written, "he has a tendency to want to correct my mis-representation", then yeah, I tend to do that.


A conservative website with strong ties to the Republican establishment triggered the investigation into Donald Trump’s past that ultimately produced the dossier that alleged a compromised relationship between the president and the Kremlin.

The Washington Free Beacon on Friday confirmed it originally retained the political research firm Fusion GPS to scour then-candidate Trump’s background for negative information, a common practice known as “opposition research” in politics. Leaders from the Free Beacon, which is funded largely by Republican billionaire Paul Singer, insisted none of the early material it collected appeared in the dossier released later in the year detailing explosive allegations, many uncorroborated, about Trump compiled by a former British spy.

“During the 2016 election cycle we retained Fusion GPS to provide research on multiple candidates in the Republican presidential primary, just as we retained other firms to assist in our research into Hillary Clinton,” wrote the site’s editor-in-chief, Matthew Continetti, and chairman Michael Goldfarb. They continued: “The Free Beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele.”

Earlier in the week, reports revealed that the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee continued funding Fusion’s work after the original GOP source lost interest.

In case one couldn't follow that, Yes the Republican Free Beacon "started the opposition research" into Trump for other Republicans to use. When it was obvious that Trump was the nominee, that information was no longer valuable to Republicans but it was to Democrats so Democrats to over that research which led to the Steele dossier. Since this isn't that hard to understand, the only conclusion I can draw, is that Democrats knowingly spin a story they know isn't true because lots of other Democrat followers tend to get their "analysis" from other Democrat sources.

HedonistForever's Avatar
Since PB tried to hi-jack the thread from Obama and immigration back to the origins of the Steele dossier and it being my thread, I'll assume I can respond to the topic of the hi-jack.

Just heard that John Durham is right now, questioning an FBI agent if it is true, that the FBI offered Christopher Steele 1 million in Oct. of 2016, just weeks before the 2016 election which some might call election interference by a government agency, if Steele could corroborate any of the salacious material in his dossier.

He could not which lead the FBI, trying to scramble for somebody, anybody to give them SOMETHING to derail Trump. But then went ahead through lies from the FBI council and continued the investigation of Carter Page.

Getting the picture here folks?

So who was it spreading "conspiracy theories"?
Precious_b's Avatar
Don't take me out of context.
I stayed on point.
There is a dispute about "facts" between the two posters I quoted.
To word it another way, *I* just pointed out the parallax view of fact when observed by one party and offered an example of such when it came to "facts."

There already is another thread for you to rehash your post without *hijacking* this thread.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Don't take me out of context.
I stayed on point.
There is a dispute about "facts" between the two posters I quoted.
To word it another way, *I* just pointed out the parallax view of fact when observed by one party and offered an example of such when it came to "facts."

There already is another thread for you to rehash your post without *hijacking* this thread. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Uh, this is my thread. Me calling you out for hi-jacking it, is not me hi-jacking my own thread.

Take you out of context? I start a thread about Obama and his illegal "action" and you bring up the Steele dossier like a kitten with a ball of yarn. Don't ask me why but you get off on mis-representing the facts as to the Steele dossier, as I have shown you from any number of sources, as have others but like the kitten, you are, for what ever reason, having to much fun mis-representing this incident.

Tigbitties never said a thing about the Steele dossier. He was making a point about semantics, that EO and EA are different, either way, it was unlawful. What the hell does that have to do with the Steele dossier? Admit it, you throw that in there because you think it bothers me as you willing admit and that is the only reason you brought up a subject that was not being discussed.

Hell, if it wasn't my thread, I could be accused of hi-jacking by responding to your hi-jacking.
Precious_b's Avatar
Fine. Take it where you want.
You were not one of the two posters.
Since neither of us was in that tete-a-tete, interpret as you want.

Still that other thread to show where that first $1 came to that person that y'all still get butthurt over when reminded who gave him that $1.
biomed1's Avatar
Hedonist Forever,

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HedonistForever's Avatar
Thank you for that clarification. I guess I took to seriously when another poster told me, "it's your thread, you can say what you want". Of course ECCIE is the owner, never meant to imply otherwise.