Trayvon Obama??

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2013, 03:59 PM
There you go again CJ7 … invoke the classic Obama formula, simply attack the competition party if you can’t offer a record of solutions. I’ll make you a bet; I’ll bet my vote in the next election if you can reasonably support your position - name 3 promises he kept resulting in 3 ways we are better off since he was elected/reelected. That is, without trying to use your perceived failings of any other party. You must stick to 3 successes under his watch that a majority of Americans would likely agree with. I’ll give you 1, getting out of Afghanistan is overdue – better late than never (but that would probably have happened under any pres). And you can’t claim “he would have but the republicans control the house” (since they didn’t during his first term). Now name 2 more successes that were good for America, not just his constituents. Last chance to make your case….. Originally Posted by Sickpuppy

ok, heres 2 better off's

Jobs ... slow growth indeed but considerably higher than the 4Million shed before he was elected.

Housing ... still slow due to some geographical anchors, but steadily growing as a whole across the country
Sickpuppy's Avatar
OK CJ. Number 2 was continuing drone strikes. My number 3 would be his endorsing Hillary's stint as secretary; that is, maybe his legacy will sink her chances. Can't wait to see the repub's "Who do want to answer the 3am phone call?" commercial with her in front of the burned out Benghazi outpost.. To be continued....
LexusLover's Avatar
standard approach when you've run out of wiggle room on a topic ... shift credibility/intelligence away from yourself and withdraw immediately Originally Posted by CJ7
On the topic of your limited intellect there isn't much "wiggle room" ... it is severely limited.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2013, 04:06 PM
OK CJ. Number 2 was continuing drone strikes. My number 3 would be his endorsing Hillary's stint as secretary; that is, maybe his legacy will sink her chances. Can't wait to see the repub's "Who do want to answer the 3am phone call?" commercial with her in front of the burned out Benghazi outpost.. To be continued.... Originally Posted by Sickpuppy

and I was under the impression you were talking about ISSUES not talking points ... should have known
LexusLover's Avatar
standard approach when you've run out of wiggle room ..... Originally Posted by CJ7
When it comes to your intellect there isn't any "wiggle room" .. it is severely limited. Period.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2013, 04:08 PM
On the topic of your limited intellect there isn't much "wiggle room" ... it is severely limited. Originally Posted by LexusLover
limited intellect ? from the "avator" boy himself
... tsk tsk
Sickpuppy's Avatar
Uh, sorry CJ, both highly debatable. Dems pushing of gov't loans to the unqualified killed the housing market. And, using taxpayer stimulus to prop up cities to maintain jobs for the police, fire and teacher union members (who vote only dem, therefore only helping constituents) along with the major shift to underemployed, but still counting them as employed, doesn't cut it. My vote is still in play.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2013, 04:16 PM
Uh, sorry CJ, both highly debatable. Dems pushing of gov't loans to the unqualified killed the housing market. And, using taxpayer stimulus to prop up cities to maintain jobs for the police, fire and teacher union members (who vote only dem, therefore only helping constituents) along with the major shift to underemployed, but still counting them as employed, doesn't cut it. My vote is still in play. Originally Posted by Sickpuppy
there YOU go ... thought we weren't talking about attacking the competition, especially since you're on entirely the wrong track about FAULT .. which I can prove btw ..

.. who was it that had control, of Congress when that request was made?

back on track ISSUES that voters demand, not talking points


need some help? ( from Rasmussen)

Health care
Job creation
Social Security
Gov. spending
Gov. ethics and corruption
National Security
Small business
Gun control
War in Afghanistan
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2013, 06:36 PM
I give up, you just don't get it and you're overmatched. I'll move on to someone who can carry on a reasonable thoughtful debate based on the issues and not resort to the lib's last resort when losing an argument, name calling.
Originally Posted by Sickpuppy

guess I was overmatched
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
myself along with several other conservative minded voters, Originally Posted by CJ7
Are you fucking kidding me?

Now THAT'S funny!
LexusLover's Avatar
limited intellect ? from the "avator" boy himself
... tsk tsk Originally Posted by CJ7
Still judging intellectual capacity by typos, are you? For you that could be devastating!

We've been through this before, child. It's not a "game" you win. But if you must again. We shall.
LexusLover's Avatar
ok, heres 2 better off's

Jobs ... slow growth indeed but considerably higher than the 4Million shed before he was elected.

Housing ... still slow due to some geographical anchors, but steadily growing as a whole across the country Originally Posted by CJ7
It's "here's" ...not "heres".....

...... and there is a comma between "indeed" and "but" ...

There is no ending punctuation on the first line, and the other two lines aren't complete sentences.

You are intellectually devoid and a basic dumb-ass. Your standards, child.
LexusLover's Avatar
guess I was overmatched Originally Posted by CJ7
Sentences begin with a capitalized word and end with some sort of punctuation instead of those goofy, childish "Smilies."

You are intellectually devoid and a basic dumb-ass. Your standards, child.
LexusLover's Avatar
Are you fucking kidding me? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No, he is not, but ...

.... he IS intellectually devoid and a basic dumb-ass. His childish standards.

Actually, he's a grade-schooler playing on a varsity field.

And he's not even an accomplished grade-schooler. Petty is a good label for him.

A petty, intellectually devoid, dumb-ass is what he is, and will always be into the foreseeable future.
Sickpuppy's Avatar
Sorry for the delayed response, I have a life outside Eccie and can't maintain a 9000+ posting rate. If you can't stay on topic CJ and avoid churlish behavior, I'm going to have to give up trying to convert you to reality. So, exactly how did BHO personally steer us into a better jobs market and improving housing situation, in your learned opinion?

BTW, here's a video you might enjoy. Its 13 minutes long so grab another Red Bull.