Bad Time To Be Rich

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-21-2012, 07:38 PM
your rich in personality Originally Posted by JONBALLS
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Doove has his picture on the front page of Drudge today.

The problem we face is that the rich aren't rich enough.

If we could just let them get richer they'd all have the money to loan to job creators so the rest of us could be their wage slaves.

Can't we just leave the rich alone so they can do what they do best?
rodog44's Avatar
They aren't losing it, they are converting it to cash and suitcasing it onto their yachts, where it sails off into the wild blue yonder. Originally Posted by nwarounder
rodog44's Avatar
I know i wouldn't wanna be rich now. Originally Posted by Doove
The problem we face is that the rich aren't rich enough.

If we could just let them get richer they'd all have the money to loan to job creators so the rest of us could be their wage slaves.

Can't we just leave the rich alone so they can do what they do best? Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
I hope one of YOUR "wage slaves" hijacked your ECCIE account, if not that is fucking hilarious coming from an agency owner, and sooooo ironic. But mostly ROFFLMAO

OMG my sides are killing me.....
OMG, I can't stop
Liberal hypocrisy in all it's shining glory laid out for even the foolish and moronic to understand.
LOL, you have misinterpreted my post. I don't need anybody's money, nor would I blame anyone for moving cash out of this country while under a socialist dictators' rule. Of course, I have not broken any laws or evaded taxes, but I wouldn't blame any business owner or wealthy person for feeling threatened enough to do so under Obama and his thugs.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-22-2012, 05:19 AM
Of course, I have not broken any laws or evaded taxes, but I wouldn't blame any business owner or wealthy person for feeling threatened enough to do so under Obama and his thugs. Originally Posted by nwarounder
So you advocate criminal activity. On the record, too.
where you claim depositors PAY interest on savings accounts, and that just underscores how truly ignorant you are. You are not fooling anyone by now claiming you were not serious and not ignorantly wrong, Ekim the Inbred.[/QUOTE]

This was the trap you let snap and are such a pompous buffoon and so eager to beat me up with your intelligence never saw it coming.Sorry asshole you loose again.Beware of my comments I have gouged you in the past and LMAO and never said a word.However I have told you I am fucking with you,because you get so worked up,but it newer dawned on you.
Rich? its a bad time to be the middle class, the rich will always be ok

the problem we have is their continuing effort to draw down the middle class and attempt to get people more dependant and used to or having no other choice than turning to food stamps and that sort of bullshit.

the healthcare law (irs new tax the middle class law) is going to start hitting passive income from rentals and most landloards are hardly rich but instead people that try and build solid investments that dont fall into the hands of people that will steal or mismanage your money.

but now the crooks are going to put more of a burden on that , its all a farce, their comming after any disposable income they can get their gruby hands on and its all in the fine print of that health care farce
So you advocate criminal activity. On the record, too. Originally Posted by Doove
While I did not say I advocate criminal activity, I will tell you, ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY, I'm a contributor on a public forum that helps others break the law and evade capture while engaging in illegal acts. Please everyone, support your local hookers and go get laid today and smoke a big fatty when you are done if so inclined.

What I am not, is a socialist hypocrite. Now you can officially put that in your record, you pea-brained , little retard.
joe bloe's Avatar
The problem we face is that the rich aren't rich enough.

If we could just let them get richer they'd all have the money to loan to job creators so the rest of us could be their wage slaves.

Can't we just leave the rich alone so they can do what they do best? Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Amazing, a pimp complaining about capitalism exploiting exploiting the worker. That may be the best example of irony I've ever seen.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-22-2012, 08:09 AM
What I am not, is a socialist hypocrite. Now you can officially put that in your record, you pea-brained , little retard. Originally Posted by nwarounder
You might not be a socialist hypocrite, but it's pretty clear what you are.
Amazing, a pimp complaining about capitalism exploiting exploiting the worker. That may be the best example of irony I've ever seen. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You have to be from Austin to even remotely understand something so fucked up.
I B Hankering's Avatar
How dumb is Ekim the Inbred? Ekim the Inbred thinks the .01%ers became rich by depositing their money in savings accounts where the banks CHARGE the depositors interest! See at post # 20:

. . . do you think the rich have their money in the banks that charge higher interest??? Originally Posted by ekim008