What qualifies someone as a Diamond?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I hope no one took me serious with this thread and saw it as the joke I intended; hence the big green smiley face.

And fawn and Angelina, I'm so glad you both are proud of your stellar reviews. There are a lot of women that have a "no review" policy and a lot of men that don't write reviews and/or don't like reading them. So, just because someone doesn't have reviews or very many doesn't mean they are not popular and working successfully. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
It's a great topic, Nicolette! Just a few misunderstood the initial intent. I must admit to laughing out loud when PJ mentioned "the list". For the record, and probably no surprise to most, I wasn't on it but it didn't bother me too much.

Each board needs a court jester. And what others have said, I will parrot. Not sure it is the number of reviews, price point, age or what intangible quality makes a diamond, it just "is". And the word "diamond" is just a metaphor for something else anyway ... so there isn't a need to be concerned about it.

Carbon kisses,
I sense snobbery. I think that if a lady is well-educated, well-reviewed and admired by many and can produce dozens of verifiable reviews via ASPD and TER documenting her intelligence, wit, beauty and class, then she should be worthy of being considered a diamond. Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
I think you're mistaking light humor for snobbery.

There seems to be great weight on reviews. Though they're good to have, I don't think they're an important factor in determining a good companion.

Some of the most sparkling women prefer what happens in the bedroom to be left there. They'll be harder to find, and a gent will have to trust his instincts as he talks to her, before their first date. It's not impossible to research such a lady - there's always backchannel chatter. However, there are indeed some real legends without a single review.

Then there are ladies like myself, who probably meet less then a dozen new people in a year. So it's safe to say, I may never have 20+ reviews.

What characteristics would such an extraordinary hobbiest possess? Originally Posted by Cumandgitit
I like this question: Charm, good manners, good taste. It's the little things that matter. How wonderful to share an evening with a man whose eyes can make you feel beautiful. It's nice to feel like he's genuinely attracted, not like you're there for entertainment. The ability to relax into your own skin and enjoy the erotic journey without feeling pressure to "perform".

Ever have one of those nights where you're so glad to be alone again, he doesn't take off the tux, she hikes up the evening gown, and you take what you want? Mmmmm.
Angelina, I think Lauren's point is that good reviews, though reassuring to some guys are not required. For some ladies, they are a key component of marketing -- for others not so much. Some of the ladies that I have enjoyed seeing the most didnt have any reviews. But we clearly had a connection that existed before we ever met. Your good reviews are because you connect with your clients, that is the goal, not the reviews.

I don't write many reviews these days myself. You'll almost never find one "in public". Two of my best were just a single word: 1) exquisite and 2) insatiable. Each completely describes the lady and our interaction. (I'll let you guess to whom each applies -- I refuse to name names.)
Ever have one of those nights where you're so glad to be alone again, he doesn't take off the tux, she hikes up the evening gown, and you take what you want? Mmmmm. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Thats a good night to be wearing a rental tux.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Now see, if we had more bipartisan cooperation like this, we wouldn't have that piece of shit health care bill (I refuse to call it reform) sinking the Democratic party. Originally Posted by pjorourke
In the interest of not sabotaging the bipartisan diamond escort testing program that is so important to all our constituents, I will refrain from taking the bait from this obvious Neanderthal troll and his scurilous lies about the current health care reform bill. I'll be glad to test fuck and diamond candidates with my distinguished, but deeply misguided, and politically opportunistic college, all in the name of the public good (even if he is a no good SOB)!!!
Thats a good night to be wearing a rental tux. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Not if he has good control and it's doggie.

I dry clean my gowns after each wearing anyway
atlcomedy's Avatar
I think you're mistaking light humor for snobbery.

. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
This really is a new decade if I find myself agreeing with Summerhill
Awww come on. We've had the odd pleasant moment. I've never considered you a thorn

atlcomedy's Avatar
Awww come on. We've had the odd pleasant moment. I've never considered you a thorn

Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Aw you're so sweet
The whole point of the HDH or Diamond as she is now called is that there is no definition.
It's not about education.
It's not about rates.
It's not about reviews.
It's not about volume
It's not about age/race
It's not about background/breeding
It's not about looks/dress..and here is why...

The only common denominators are: discretion and being socially and professionally adroit in a multitude of settings. In short, an HDH would be comfortable able to blend in with a gent who is used to paying $400 an hour as she is the man who starts at $1000 at hour...who wants a minimum of a dinner date. HDH cannot be compartmentalized..that's the whole point..she has the ability to transcend several levels without snobbery or ignorance. Now whether she chooses to play on all those levels is a different thing altogether. The point is that not one thing on that list would preclude you from exhibiting those traits. The rest is entirely subjective BUT manners and discretion are generally agreed by all.

C x
Lauren and Camille both made excellent points, especially about reviews. The men I meet don't like to meet companions with a lot (in some cases any) reviews. They just don't care about what's happened with someone else and don't want a carbon-copy experience that someone else had. They focus on OUR time together.

I like to have information about my personality and what someone can expect when they spend time together with me on my site. I advertise very little and don't want to be high-volume.

I have my own standards for myself (and they're high) and the men I've met so far through this endeavor have seemed quite happy with me as I am so...as they say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Essentially, when someone meets me they are pretty confident in the knowledge that we'll have a great time in public (and I won't embarrass them with my appearance or demeanor) and that public time will be a great prelude to our time together in private.

This doesn't come from reviews, it comes from the time we spend communicating before we meet, which to me is one of my favorite things apart from the actual date.

I want to make it very clear to the women here that have reviews that I'm not knocking them in the least. It's a personal choice each companion has to make for herself, among many other things. I just have very strong and compelling reasons for why I do things the way I do them.
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
I wholeheartedly agree with the above ladies: Camille, Lauren and Claudia.

I believe what constitutes a true Diamond aka HDH is her belief in herself; the way in which she interacts with others, (peers, friends and colleagues) having compassion, being humble, a woman of character, and having moral values whether in this sub-culture or not (a virtuous woman).

I don't think a dollar amount or reviews quantifies being a true Diamond aka HDH; it's being true to oneself without sacrificing for a "price".
I think that all of you ladies are very beautiful in your own way. As far as reviews go, having a no-review policy is respected on my end. I am annoyed when certain providers contradict themselves when they cite that they have no review policies, yet link a TER review to their profiles or attach a review to their CityVibe ad, etc. It is quite hypocritical.

So, I was with a very successful regular client two evenings ago on a four hour outdate. This client books me every week and this week he prepared the two of us a gourmet meal. In the midst of our date, he noted all of the charming, lovely, nurturing and substantial qualities he saw in me. I estimate that this gentleman has seen me on 20 occassions. I asked him candidly, "If I had no reviews, would you have booked me initially and taken interest?" He replied, "No, I would have expected to have seen at least a few reviews on you." This particular client is gorgeous, sweet, successful and he could go into a bar and meet a charming lady, but he was intoxicated by several glowing reviews. When I am with him, it is not an ordinary session. I buy him a bottle of fine red wine, a different one each time, a bar of gourmet chocolate from Whole Foods and we spend hours conversing about substantial global affairs, the hobby, the stock market, you name it, we discuss it. Had I not had reviews, but mere testimonials that could have been fabricated by myself, he would not have booked a session with me. Now, he is my VIP client who I will bend backwards for.

As far as testimonials on websites go, several of my clients who are educated professionals who prefer reviews have remarked that they believed that some courtesan providers fabricated their own testimonials featured on their site since there was no clear reference or verification to confirm its authenticity. They wanted evidence. This is why so many providers work hard, and pay our dues so that we can market ourselves higher in the future to a VIP market. In my case, I wouldn't plan to use all 50 of my reviews, but a select 5-7 to showcase my brain, my witty side and my charm. From what I have seen and the services I offer, I should be much higher, but I don't feel entitled to an excessive donation by any means. If other girls can do it, so can I.

I have asked this same exact question to my high paying clients who spend thousands of dollars on services with me each month. They cite the same thing, in that without reviews, regardless of how charming, sexy, classy, hot I was, without reviews I would have no credibility in their eyes. These are powerful men (e.g. doctors, lawyers, stock-brokers, etc.) and they are my repeat clientele.

Oh, and I am also very selective with my clients and am a low-volume provider. I choose to hobby maybe a day during the week, maybe a few. If I wanted to see 2 two hour clients each day, I could, but I prefer only one client on the days I hobby. I can pick and choose my clients. I also have a full-time career outside of this which requires my Post-graduate degree, which is also a major turn on for prospective/repeat clients in that the nerdy super-intellectual always seems to shine through.

My take on reviews is this, having spent all of those long, rigorous hours in the college classroom performing "research" before making an educated guess/choice, I suppose going into this hobby in May of 2009, I knew nothing of it. My clients are all extraordinarily intelligent and want to spend their money wisely. So months ago, I watched the documentary, "The Girlfriend Experience" starring Sasha Grey. The film opens with her tending to messages and e-mails related to appointments. She is a high-class escort, or is portrayed in the film, and reviews were what brought her to success.

Many of us have our reasons for doing this. My reasons for this are not to emulate a silly, pretentious, materialistic lifestyle. I am doing this for deeper personal reasons. Being so academic/researched oriented myself, I study how everyone markets themselves. I must say, I have learned a lot considering that I have been doing this for 6 months. KGM is building me a brand new website, three new photo-shoots and maybe less emphasis on the reviews. I am looking forward to re-emerging even stronger in this hobby.

I am so blessed to have a rewarding, deep, respected non-hobby profession outside of this. My other profession is what keeps me happy and sane in this mad, pretentious world.

May peace be with you lovely ladies!

Lauren and Camille both made excellent points, especially about reviews. The men I meet don't like to meet companions with a lot (in some cases any) reviews. They just don't care about what's happened with someone else and don't want a carbon-copy experience that someone else had. They focus on OUR time together.

I like to have information about my personality and what someone can expect when they spend time together with me on my site. I advertise very little and don't want to be high-volume.

I have my own standards for myself (and they're high) and the men I've met so far through this endeavor have seemed quite happy with me as I am so...as they say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Essentially, when someone meets me they are pretty confident in the knowledge that we'll have a great time in public (and I won't embarrass them with my appearance or demeanor) and that public time will be a great prelude to our time together in private.

This doesn't come from reviews, it comes from the time we spend communicating before we meet, which to me is one of my favorite things apart from the actual date.

I want to make it very clear to the women here that have reviews that I'm not knocking them in the least. It's a personal choice each companion has to make for herself, among many other things. I just have very strong and compelling reasons for why I do things the way I do them. Originally Posted by Claudia Mara
Would love to visit a diamond girl.
My clients are all extraordinarily intelligent and want to spend their money wisely. So months ago, I watched the documentary, "The Girlfriend Experience" starring Sasha Grey. The film opens with her tending to messages and e-mails related to appointments. She is a high-class escort, or is portrayed in the film, and reviews were what brought her to success.
Angelina Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
Incidentally, "The Girlfriend Experience" isn't a documentary; it's a work of fiction.

Steven Soderberg, the director (one of my favorites), said in an interview that he "interviewed many GFE's" to get what he thought would be a good perspective.

Angelina, it's wonderful that you've gained so much from your reviews. You certainly do seem very proud of them! But while it's wonderful that your clients rely on reviews and seem choosy men with high standards (always a good thing, of course), not all intelligent, discerning men go by reviews. I'm proof of that. The men who see me have become successful in their lives by thinking for themselves and not following the masses.

Many men who strictly adhere to only providers who are reviewed aren't always aware that reviews aren't foolproof. It's not uncommon for providers to provide free or discounted services in exchange for a good review. Worse, it's not uncommon for some men to threaten a bad review if he is not given free or discounted service, or if the provider doesn't provide something he wants that is outside of her boundaries. There's much more, but I won't belabor the details.

Reviews are not foolproof, but yes, they do seem to work for some providers. Regardless, I know of numerous women, including myself, who are satisfied with how things are without having them. In the so-called "Diamond" market, the gentlemen generally don't like them. Especially the graphic kind. Non-graphic endorsements, I think, generally do a much better job in conveying the type of experience I offer.

I don't think anyone is saying that one is better than the other in and of itself; to be happy as a provider, do what works best for YOU!!!!

And be sure to pass on that happiness to your gentlemen friends, always.