In The Upcomming Census, Respondents Will Be Asked Citizenship Status......

texassapper's Avatar
Hey Barley why don't you come to Texas, get rid of the Mexicans and see what that does to the economy Originally Posted by themystic
What it would do is result in a raise in pay for all menial labor... Anyone that wanted a job would be able to get one. Do you not understand that illegal labor drives down what legitimate wage earners can charge for their services - what businesses have to pay to have workers? It Doesn't affect me - I get a quarter of a million a year for my accumulated job knowledge... but it does affect low skill workers. So really you prefer Mexicans to poor Americans. Why the fcuk would you put another countries citizens ahead of your own? Why do you liberal pricks hate America?

The answer is simple Libtards prefer power to principles. You say you're for the poor and down trodden but you advocate policies that keep the poor that way. No school choice, non-citizen labor, welfare instead of work... anything to cling to power. People like you disgust me. You're worse than Blue falcons you're simply Anti-American.
That’s foreign intervention in our elections. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You mean like Russian meddling but actually changing the results by voting illegally? Heavens. Where's the 24/7 media outcry?
gfejunkie's Avatar
You mean like Russian meddling but actually changing the results by voting illegally? Heavens. Where's the 24/7 media outcry? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yeah. Good luck with that shit.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
People like you disgust me. You're worse than Blue falcons you're simply Anti-American. Originally Posted by texassapper
what's a blue falcon?
I B Hankering's Avatar
what's a blue falcon? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That's PC military speak for "Buddy Fucker": a guy, or gal now days, who will fuck over their fellow soldier(s) for personal gain.
themystic's Avatar
What it would do is result in a raise in pay for all menial labor... Anyone that wanted a job would be able to get one. Do you not understand that illegal labor drives down what legitimate wage earners can charge for their services - what businesses have to pay to have workers? It Doesn't affect me - I get a quarter of a million a year for my accumulated job knowledge... but it does affect low skill workers. So really you prefer Mexicans to poor Americans. Why the fcuk would you put another countries citizens ahead of your own? Why do you liberal pricks hate America?

The answer is simple Libtards prefer power to principles. You say you're for the poor and down trodden but you advocate policies that keep the poor that way. No school choice, non-citizen labor, welfare instead of work... anything to cling to power. People like you disgust me. You're worse than Blue falcons you're simply Anti-American. Originally Posted by texassapper
You live in some fantasy world texas. you are out of touch with Reality. In the Texas construction industry there are thousands of good paying, $ 25.00 + per hour jobs. Tons of construction jobs that pay on a low end $ 40k a year up to 100k a year. You cannott hire white and black help. My company has over 400 employess in Texas. We dont have 10 white or black workers at any given time. The whites and blacks who were in the Industry were "ashamed" to pass thier craft down to thier children. They all want them to be $ 250 k a yea IT / Computer people. You need to stick with what you know. Fox news is polluting youre brain
forgot that there were 2 forms, long & short. the article doesn't make clear which form was involved. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Some have made the distinction, others didn't.. Depends on which site u used to search.

this counting of illegals affects more on the state & local level than federal. states have to plan for their budget so have to include them in their calculations. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
BUT why should illegals count for state funding/budgets though?

the lower court & supreme court have made rulings in this area. states have always lost if they tried to use U.S. citizenship as a requirement.

some of the rulings are contradictory... states try to enforce federal law and they're told that they cannot enforce federal law, only feds can. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Which to me IS screwed up. WHY should illegal aliens be covered under our constitution??

You mean like Russian meddling but actually changing the results by voting illegally? Heavens. Where's the 24/7 media outcry? Originally Posted by gnadfly
No where, that's where it is. Just like you rarely see the media focus on the lives LOST to illegal aliens, or their families. You MAY get an article or two on the CROOKS themselves, when they do kill someone, but that's it. Nothig afterwards, no interviews with the family of the victim(s)..
texassapper's Avatar
You live in some fantasy world texas. you are out of touch with Reality. In the Texas construction industry there are thousands of good paying, $ 25.00 + per hour jobs. Tons of construction jobs that pay on a low end $ 40k a year up to 100k a year. You cannott hire white and black help. My company has over 400 employess in Texas. We dont have 10 white or black workers at any given time. The whites and blacks who were in the Industry were "ashamed" to pass thier craft down to thier children. They all want them to be $ 250 k a yea IT / Computer people. You need to stick with what you know. Fox news is polluting youre brain Originally Posted by themystic
That's right...40K a year jobs... which would be 60K a year jobs if you weren't hiring illegals. Construction jobs here used to support families... and they would at 60K. But you are paying 40K because Juan will work for that. Mexicans don't take jobs that Americans won't do; they take jobs that Americans won't do for that pay rate.
bambino's Avatar
That's right...40K a year jobs... which would be 60K a year jobs if you weren't hiring illegals. Construction jobs here used to support families... and they would at 60K. But you are paying 40K because Juan will work for that. Mexicans don't take jobs that Americans won't do; they take jobs that Americans won't do for that pay rate. Originally Posted by texassapper
They pay Mystake $7 an hour to honey dip the Port O Johns. Hard to find anyone willing to do that.
themystic's Avatar
That's right...40K a year jobs... which would be 60K a year jobs if you weren't hiring illegals. Construction jobs here used to support families... and they would at 60K. But you are paying 40K because Juan will work for that. Mexicans don't take jobs that Americans won't do; they take jobs that Americans won't do for that pay rate. Originally Posted by texassapper
I know the point you're making and I agree that 60 k is the better wage. 80 % of our guys make in that range. The days of hiring undocumented labor because they work cheaper is long gone. All BS or politics aside Texas, in general whites and blacks are just not interested in working the construction trades in Texas. Even the Mexicans here teach their kids to do "something besides construction" We have seen a significant increase in the Central American immigrants as opposed to the Mexicans. I'm just telling you what Ive seen for the last 5 years
themystic's Avatar
They pay Mystake $7 an hour to honey dip the Port O Johns. Hard to find anyone willing to do that. Originally Posted by bambino

Dumbino Ive been hearing some unpleasant things about you. Did you really take it up the ass Dumbino? Hanging around Gay Rey, Lexy Liar , Lusty Fag and that bunch, it was bound to happen. You know what they say, " If you hang around the barber shop to long, eventually your going to get a hair cut". Wow Dumbino, a dick up your ass, thats sad. Get some help bro
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You live in some fantasy world texas. you are out of touch with Reality. In the Texas construction industry there are thousands of good paying, $ 25.00 + per hour jobs. Tons of construction jobs that pay on a low end $ 40k a year up to 100k a year. You cannott hire white and black help. My company has over 400 employess in Texas. We dont have 10 white or black workers at any given time. The whites and blacks who were in the Industry were "ashamed" to pass thier craft down to thier children. They all want them to be $ 250 k a yea IT / Computer people. You need to stick with what you know. Fox news is polluting youre brain Originally Posted by themystic

you mean like my IT job ?


i know that's gonna make you hate me even more ..

so what do you do for this company? do you own it? you have implied such shit before. or are you the guy that sorts the mail? bahahahaaaaa

tell us again about how Trump fucked "your company" in that lawsuit you lost.

next you'll claim you "won" won't ya?

oh and by the way, if "your company" employs illegals you are gonna be put out of business. ruined!

so actually .. i hope do own it, you'll be the one going to jail over it.

maybe you and WTF can be cellmate "Bro's"
themystic's Avatar
you mean like my IT job ?


i know that's gonna make you hate me even more ..

so what do you do for this company? do you own it? you have implied such shit before. or are you the guy that sorts the mail? bahahahaaaaa

tell us again about how Trump fucked "your company" in that lawsuit you lost.

next you'll claim you "won" won't ya?

oh and by the way, if "your company" employs illegals you are gonna be put out of business. ruined!

so actually .. i hope do own it, you'll be the one going to jail over it.

maybe you and WTF can be cellmate "Bro's" Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Please don't go away Jerk Off Kid. You are an an endless source of entertainment. Yes I'm one of the owners. The other two are both TrumPutin supporters. Life is full of weird quantum entanglements. Btw I have IT nerds like you that I pay. They work for me. FYI, in case you haven't heard, quit Wking Dumbino. Get back to hating you little pussy