Fear of a Tea Party Planet


Good to see you're 37 yrs old ... Again.

Why didn't you give the author their credit when citing their
Work? At least modify the text to make it believable.

Another instance of unoriginal thought being passed off
As YOUR opinion .
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
As am I.......but they are our only two choices. In fact I have directed you to the science of that argument. The Believing Brain. Great book , based on science, yet you choose to believe your beliefs over scientific research. I too once thought there was a third way , until I read the science.

You are like these fools that make fun of the Mayan 'religion'...yet do not question their own hokey pokey religion/belief system.

You are the one delusional. You discount rational scientific responses as delusional. Read , "The Believing Brain" and then we will talk. Until lets just make fun of each other. You are the Nurse Ratchet to my McMurphy. I enjoy pointing out your BS, you are a fence sitter, admit it and move on.

Nurse Ratched: The best thing we can do is go on with our daily routine Originally Posted by WTF
Again, you set up strawmen and congratulate yourself for knocking them down, and you still haven't shown where I'm a fence sitter. Didn't think you could.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

Good to see you're 37 yrs old ... Again.

Why didn't you give the author their credit when citing their
Work? At least modify the text to make it believable.

Another instance of unoriginal thought being passed off
As YOUR opinion . Originally Posted by UB9IB6
I did post the cite. You just need to be able to read. And I didn't pass off anything as my own, I posted a column I thought was interesting, and gave credit to the author. If all you can do is make stuff up about me, I must be doing something right.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Unfortunately, the Taliban, Al Qeda, the Iranian Mullahs as well as other religious nuts bound on "purifying" the world by enforcing their own, "special" brand of lifestyle philosophy have more in common with the Religious Right and the TeaWipe Parrotriots in this country than not. All of them are most interested in eliminating those who do not agree with them on every, single, solitary point.

I say wrap a rag around Pat Robertsons' and Glenn Beck's heads.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-26-2012, 10:40 AM
Again, you set up strawmen and congratulate yourself for knocking them down, and you still haven't shown where I'm a fence sitter. Didn't think you could. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If you can not see a fence, it is because you are sitting on it. Both sides see you sitting up on it doing nothing but bitching. You come off as a fool. Would you choose a side during the Civil War? No, you would just bitch. The reason there aren't many of your kind is because people that will not choose, get wiped out. You are in a minority for a reason. Darwin pointed out your folly.

We have a two party system. You sit in the middle and bash both parties. Your way will not work or it already would have worked. I too do not like either party but I do make a choice which one I want to see govern between the two. We only have two choices, yet you will not acknowledge that fact.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, in order to meet your standards, I have to choose between arsenic and hemlock. No thanks. I'll try to find a third option. Where is the "two party" system enshrined in law? We have two establishment parties, neither gives a damn about freedom, and neither cares about the people. It is only power and control they seek. And, according to you, I must choose. There is no choice.

And how do you know what side I'd be on in the Civil War? Another strawman. You're good at those.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-26-2012, 12:49 PM
Yes there are only two parties....sorry but that is a fact. I did not make the rules. You do not have to choose , you can continue to sit on thr fence abd think it is JD'c cock.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Actually, Im commenting on the general, "moderator's" neutrality that you're exerting in this forum CC. I really find it inappropriate that you come in here and spout your Tea Party bullshit and then hang The Rules over our heads.

I urge you to make a choice, bro.

I find your leanings to be slightly to the left of Atilla the Hun.

If its OKAY then you get no pass in these debates. OKAY?

I thought we had been over this before, at least a few times already (the whole "badge" discussion earlier). I have never wanted/requested/expected a pass on anything I've in here. I've said that numerous times. Further, I have said publicly several times that if there is a moderator issue that I need to handle with anyone, we will (and have) do that privately. If you got something to say, to me or anyone else, please let it rip.

I'm sorry you seem butthurt over that pic I had to pull, but that was a violation of the board rules and further a violation of the stated rules of the Sandbox in the sticky. So while I may like to mix it up in here with everyone, I still have a job to do, if and when it becomes necessary. In that case it was necessary. FYI, another regular got a very similar message from me for a pic he posted. He simply acknowledged that it was improper and won't do it again....no muss, no fuss.

I don't really give a fuck what you do. We didn't see shit out f you until you became a mod in this forum. Now you're the cock of the walk. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You came to the sandbox long after we split off these discussions from Diamonds and Tuxedos, so you are unaware of the history. When we did that, I established the rules and the message you see in the sticky. I have always been a mod of this forum, a lot longer than you have been a regular poster in here.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Since you specifically asked, It's not necessary to personally know any politician to be able to read and see how they function. Voting records are public record, press statements are public record, news conferences are public record. All you have to do is look. So I'm as "qualified" as any other American (including you) to comment on my perception of any politicians record and views.

Because our perceptions are different is what makes the entire news world go around. You apparently think that all politicians are lilly-white pure, I think that all politicians are corrupt as fuck. We all get to talk about it. I'm just a member/moderator on an anonymous hooker board, and in reality I don't have any special powers or knowledge or special insight on anything. I'm just another nobody like everyone else. But I do have opinions, just like you do. Thats whats cool about this country (currently), there are a lot of countries in the world where we could never do that.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-26-2012, 05:18 PM
Thats whats cool about this country (currently), there are a lot of countries in the world where we could never do that. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Don't talk bad about Texas like that, we haven't seceded from the Union yet, but when we do , you can bet your sweet ass that they will kick out anybody that takes up for the Dixie Chicks!

Don't talk bad about Texas like that, we haven't seceded from the Union yet, but when we do , you can bet your sweet ass that they will kick out anybody that takes up for the Dixie Chicks!

Originally Posted by WTF
They won't have time to kick me out, I'll already be gone!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
So, in order to meet your standards, I have to choose between arsenic and hemlock. No thanks. I'll try to find a third option. Where is the "two party" system enshrined in law? We have two establishment parties, neither gives a damn about freedom, and neither cares about the people. It is only power and control they seek. And, according to you, I must choose. There is no choice.

And how do you know what side I'd be on in the Civil War? Another strawman. You're good at those. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Well, it WAS good enough for a couple of Greek philosophers.......
I did post the cite. You just need to be able to read. And I didn't pass off anything as my own, I posted a column I thought was interesting, and gave credit to the author. If all you can do is make stuff up about me, I must be doing something right. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Sure. That's why you don't include your citation before pasting.
You just post a link at the end. I get it now.

I didn't see any credit to the author... Then OR now. Just a link.
Very slick.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Plagiarism is posting something and pretending it's my own words. I did not do that. Agree or disagree, but it's all there for you to see.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If his IQ is indicative of the intelligence of the majority of Obama voters that would explain a lot. Originally Posted by Tiny
The operative term here is MAJORITY! Of America.