Clear lake guys would u see a provider in a 2 bed room r.v on a resort fishing all day

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep so you can get your head through the door.
Wakeup's Avatar
How may threads you going to follow me around and respond about me on today? Should I set an over/under?
chloeblue83's Avatar
I'm very low-key only see one guy a day maybe 2 I don't see everyone here only one guy here this week it looks like family or Friends I also have females come by so it just looks casual. Most people are working during the day. And in Colorado no one noticed because how quite and respectful I am and don't have many people to even notice. It's way better than a hotel and the apartment I had last yr
chloeblue83's Avatar
5"9 170 and almost 50 reviews sweetie double wide that hunny
Wakeup's Avatar
No need...there's no shortage of low self-esteem chubby chasers in the US. Not me, of course...but plenty of them...
chloeblue83's Avatar
U r so rude u can make yourself look bad all u want I'm going to have a great night u have a ugly inside r u jealous or what dude. I wanted guys opinions not disrespecting little girls who can't act right get on some else's comments because I have a bad ass r.v a great attitude and a great life peace out negative gal
Wakeup's Avatar
You "wanted guys opinions"...I gave you one...why so serious?
chloeblue83's Avatar
U post alot on weight of girls but the guys I see don't have low self esteem they leave with a smile and a new friend who treated them awesome u r so hung up on weight u may have the low self esteem sweetie not my clients