The Value of Chemistry -- Ladies?

DRorchia's Avatar
A provider I had been seeing for some time recently left the business. Our sessions had always been pleasurable but on this last time, she mentioned that in some ways she was sad to go. She told me she wanted our last time together to be memorable. Oh was it memorable!!!! I don't think I'll ever forget it. Our "connection" or chemistry I believe definitely had something to do with it and it made for one of the more pleasurable experiences I've ever had.
A session without "chemistry" is just that...a session. You may find release but whether or not you find it pleasurable or you leave "shaking your head saying WTF" as another poster mentioned all depends on the connection you establish between provider and client. Chemistry is crucial to that.
SeekingSomeLove's Avatar
There are a few ways to look at the word "chemistry", but I would say it's closely allied to "intimacy". I know a few fellows in the hobby that say this is something that matters not even a single bit in a session, but that's because they view it as a transaction mostly. "I give you this, you give me that." Simple, end of discussion, Type-A perspective. I on the other hand see any session that I have had with someone as a tiny piece of my life that I'm deciding to share with someone else, and that is a very intimate thing. Intimacy is based largely on allowing people to be themselves, being a bit vulnerable yourself, and being honest with what comes forth. Don't try to force things to be something they're not. Now, in an appointment, this can get a bit more complicated because of the transaction portion of the thing, but I know that I certainly wouldn't be able to enjoy time spent with someone else where I can absolutely FEEL the tension that exists, in whatever form it's in. No matter what steps are taken to hide away these tensions, if you're sensitive enough, they will become apparent, and how anyone could continue after it's discovery is beyond me. So...chemistry, connection, intimacy...whatever term you use, I think it's a deal breaker or deal maker...that is unless the entire goal is to use a woman as a thing for masturbation, which is exactly what's happening if there isn't a connection there. It's about the entire experience with a woman...the little noises, the little changes of pace, the moments you notice you've just made the right move sexually....all of this involves paying attention, and paying attention involves a connection. I'm not saying that this must be a "knocks you off your feet" level connection, but the more the connection, the more the pleasure.

If anything in there is repetitive or out of place, you'll have to take it or leave it since i'm a very big believer of NOT proofreading the things that flow as you write. *shrug*
austinkboy's Avatar
...when I read wildly different reviews of the same lady, or when I have myself, gotten into my car after being with a well reviewed lady, and I'm shaking my head wondering WTF, I just can't help but think, this is not a YMMV, but chemistry, either on my part or their's.
I find it hard to believe that anyone can truly have "fun" without some sort of connection, call me naive. A performance, sure, but a good time, I think not. Originally Posted by eglrdr
I have been thinking about this a lot lately. So while I am not one of the ladies, I would like to comment...
My point of view is somewhat introspective, and perhaps selfish. After one of my favorites suddenly disappeared this year, and another went UTR, practically retired, I was on a quest for replacements. So, I sought out women that were perhaps similar "types." Even up until last week, when I was severely disappointed (not her fault) with a very hot, well reviewed Asian spinner that would be my shoe in "type" physically. Great performance, but no chemistry.
So, came the question of who are my new favorites, and how did they become my favorites? I don't have a crisp answer, and the closest explanation I have is what I told one my current very favorites just this last week, perhaps a little too much blunt honesty but here it is nonetheless...

"At first, I paid to see you so I could have sex with you. Now I pay to have sex with you so that I can see you."
nice boobies
"At first, I paid to see you so I could have sex with you. Now I pay to have sex with you so that I can see you." Originally Posted by austinkboy
That's a perfect example of the way real chemistry leaves you wanting more on both sides... both sexually and otherwise.
Originally Posted by austinkboy
"At first, I paid to see you so I could have sex with you. Now I pay to have sex with you so that I can see you."

This is usually the case for me as well.
knotty man's Avatar
that is such a perfect way to sum up the feelings i have for these special ladies. great line austinkboy
Chemistry definitely helps and does make it a lot more fun.