Bribing The Realtor

DFK Hunter's Avatar
Yes, gobsmaked pretty sums it up.

"You like?" she smiles.

Dumbest question of the weekend (Of course I LIKE!); however, I can only nod my head. I want to believe what I'm seeing, but I'm fearful she's a dream and will disappear. I can only stare.

Kate says "Watch this!" as she backs up to the door. She draws a bead, mutters to herself, then cartwheels onto the bed in a split! (That explains her limberness!) She looks at me with bedroom eyes, reaches her out her hand, palm up, to touch the underside of my chin with her fingertips, and in a husky voice asks,

"What do you think of that lover?"

Capt'n Little Sailor: Spock, WHAT!
Spock: Alien craft approaching, sir. My sensors indicate Scatatorians are emerging from the wormhole in Sector #2.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Shit!
Spock: That is correct, Captain.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Is there anything coming from Sector #1?
Spock: The sensors show the Urinarians as still contained within their home world. However, given the resent consumption of two Dr. Peppers I calculate a forced Urinarian migration in approximately 10 minutes.
Capt'n Little Sailor: What a pisser!
Spock: Captain, I must remind you that any threat from Sectors #1 or #2 must be dealt with before operations can continue.
Capt'n Little Sailor: What a load of crap!
Bones: Yes, that is the recommended therapy.
Capt'n Little Sailor: I don't believe it. This is the best piece of ass he's gonna get this century and now this. Scotty?
Scotty: Aye, aye Capt'n.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Shut'em down.
Scotty: Aye, aye Capt'n.

"I have to take a dump..."

Her eyes blink, "You've got to be kidding..."

"Yeah, it's true." I tell her as I head for the bathroom, "Any distraction like this and it's impossible for me to climax until I take care of it. I'm sorry...." I close the door...

"If ya'gotta go, ya'gotta go..." she calls out. (Thank you for your support, Babe...)

Déjà vu now pays us a visit.

"You're not stinking it up in there are you?" Impatient horny cheerleader syndrome kicking in.

"Probably, but I'm working on a surprise for you." Frustrated thinker punts back.

I can hear her eyes roll, "Oh... Joy... Can't... Wait..."

"Hey, The History Channel has a show on Battleships right now..." Impertinent cheeky cheerleader syndrome kicking in.

"So turn it on, you might learn something." I call, throwing back the bait.

"Sigh, may as well..." She mutters.

When done I come out to find my Carolina sexleader sitting on the end of the bed fully engrossed in a documentary on, battleships. As she sits I slid in behind her wrapping my arms and legs around her. She caress my arms and legs with her fingernails as we watch the TV together.

Capt'n Little Sailor: Spock, exactly how many times have we seen this?
Spock: By my count sir, five.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Well, we've seen "Holy Grail" thirty-two times so at least that's right.
Spock: That would be logical, sir.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Bones, hand me some of those cheese-puffs, maybe I can get him fat...

I really don't mind her watching TV this way, I'm able to enjoy her in a part of my world.

Once a provider asked me, "So you have a thing for cheerleaders?" My reply was, "No, I have a thing for women in cheerleader uniforms." It's an important distinction to me, obviously I like the way the uniform looks on the object of my affections, but I also like the way she feels in the uniform. The texture and touch of a woman through that fabric feels good to me. (This applies to all the clothing I fetish about.) So I wrapped myself around Kate to enjoy Kate in her uniform. (And yes, yes, the prospect of banging a former NCAA cheerleader is like... wow...)

Capt'n Little Sailor: Ship goes boom!
(On the TV a ship explodes and sinks.)
Spock: Your powers of prognostication are astounding, Captain.
Bones: Spock, I thought Vulcans were incapable of sarcasm?
Capt'n Little Sailor: Yes, Bones, but there are times when sucking-up is the logical thing to do!
Spock: That is correct, Captain.

At the commercial Kate leaned her head into me and excitedly asked the second dumbest question of the weekend, "Did you know there was a battleship named after North Carolina?"

"BB-55, the Showboat?"


"Never heard of it." I dead panned.

"Did too!" as she 'girly slaps' me for my humor.

Capt'n Little Sailor: Hey, hey! Spock, we might get some light S&M action out of this!
Spock: That would not be possible Captain. The computer is not programmed for it.
Capt'n Little Sailor: BAH! The next thing you know they'll start watching the "Price is Right."
Spock: That would not be logical, sir.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Bones, hand me some more of those cheese-puffs...

When the show ended she turned off the TV and I stood up to get the kinks out from my full-body embrace. She climbed up on the bed and did a couple of scissor kicks to give me a bit of a panty show. I climbed up next to her and we started to kiss. Working in little circles I kissed her cheek, down her neck, down her arm to her fingertips, then onto her thigh, down the outside leg to her ankle (decided I didn't want to kiss her shoe), lifting her leg I kiss her inside ankle, up the inside of her leg to the thigh to her cute cheer panties. I then lightly rubbed my upper teeth across the fabric until just over her clit I felt her shudder. Having found my target I start to wet it with my tongue and once it was nice and moist I pushed my face into her crotch so my nose was pressing the panties into her vulvae and I was sucking the panty against her clit.*

This aroused Kate who thrusted upward and tried to wrap her legs around my head. Fortunately I had pinned one of her legs so she half rolled and grabbed the little sailor...

Capt'n Little Sailor: YEEEEEEHAAA!!! Now THAT'S What I'm Talking About!

I don't know how long we 69'd but it became increasingly difficult to keep her bucking under control. She also had an alarming (if not somewhat erotic) tendency to get a little "tooth" into it when she orgasmed.

Capt'n Little Sailor: Not programmed, eh?
Spock: That is correct, Captain. Certain areas have become a bit desensitized after 15 years of...
Capt'n Little Sailor: Would you shut up...

I'm having a grand time when suddenly Kate grabs a handful of chest hair and pulls me up. We kiss a bit then she lays me on my back and services the little sailor to strict attention. Kate stood above me and started a little panty peek-a-boo sliding the panty aside and back again. During the dance she placed a foot to either side of my hips then she starts to slide down, doing the splits, right over me, and guided the little sailor in.

Capt'n Little Sailor: Halleluuuuuuujah!

Once all the way down she thrust her arms out in that cheerleader pose and started to bounce.

And bounce and bounce with me thrusting her right back up. While we were going at it she started to roll the front of her uniform shell to expose her breasts. Watching her bounce like that caused me to lose my mind and my nut. Kate dropped on top of my chest and we kissed until asleep.

(*FYI: Panty sucking was something that worked well with CJ whose very sensitive clit made DATY uncomfortable. I don't know if it's true, but I surmised that the sensitivity may have had something to do with her being multi-orgasmic. Since Kate was multi-orgasmic too, I guessed that what worked for CJ would work for her. My limited experience indicates that panty sucking is rather lame form of DATY for the lesser mortal... <joke>)

To be continued...
fun.time.hobbyist's Avatar
I don't know whether to hate you or envy you. Either way. Bravo! Please tell me there's more.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Dammit! I just luuvvvv Star Trek.....................
  • jarza
  • 03-02-2010, 08:44 PM
You made Star Trek sound sexay again, keep it going. (Oh Counselor Troi...she was HOT)
dallasfanboy's Avatar
Geez man, I have popcorn in my hand and the story still isn't finished. LOL Must of been on hell of a memory. Good Job sir.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
(Zrrrrrrr, Zrrrrrr, Zrrrrrrr)

Capt'n Little Sailor: Spock, report!
Spock: Ships sensors indicate an alien vessel approaching.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Mr. Sulu on screen.
Mr. Sulu: Aye, aye Captain.

Open eyes.... (That was weird...)

Zrrrrrrr, Zrrrrrr, Zrrrrrrr

I look at Kate, she snores.

My sample space is small, two multi-o women, both snore. Kinda makes you wonder.

I get up that Saturday morning knowing that breakfast will be delivered soon, so I start to pick up my clothes that are strung out in a trail from the door to the bed Hansel and Gretel like. I look at Kate lying in the bed (snoring) was last night real?

Capt'n Little Sailor: Why do you ask? She's still in her uniform doofus!
Spock: Captain, although illogical, it is a natural reaction for a male of his demographic...
Capt'n Little Sailor: Oy Vey!
Mr. Chekov: Keptin, I didn't know you were Jewish.

It is not within the scope of this memoir to delve into a discussion of my phobias. However, the fear of commitment can, has, and more often than not, will trigger an anxiety/panic attack of varying intensity. Women, and it is exclusively women, who have expressed exclusive interest in me are the triggers. I have learned to deal with it, and I can usually minimize it. The same goes for my less intense claustrophobia. So much for my mental dirty laundry.

While I'm in a TMI frenzy, here's another factoid, until the night before the only sex partner I ever had was CJ. With CJ, sex was an act of love and an expression of love where the word love was spoken freely, emotionally, and naturally. Therefore, I was aware that, in a moment of unguarded passion, I could easily blurt out an, I love you. This weekend was not the result of love, but bribery. A business transaction with no commitments to anything other than passion and money.

However, last night was one of the most incredible of my life, beyond all expectations, and way, way out of proportion to the bribe. As I look at Kate, I can feel myself start to sweat.

Scotty: Captain, the engines are overheating again.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Mr. Sulu, impulse drive, take us to the showers and get the ship cooled down.
Mr. Sulu: Aye, aye Capt'n.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Okay people, have any unauthorized transmissions gone out.
Ohura: No, Captain. But...
Capt'n Little Sailor: But, what?
Spock: Captain we detected an unauthorized message during the post coital cuddling phase.
Capt'n Little Sailor: What! Against my direct orders! WHO, WHERE?
Ohura: Starfleet Command, sir.
Capt'n Little Sailor: You have got to be kidding me! Starfleet Command? For crying out loud don't they know their ADD meds wear off after 11 PM!!! What were they thinking?!?
Spock: Captain, the logical explanation is that Starfleet wasn't.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Doesn't Starfleet understand that all the not thinking around here is MY JOB!
Ohura: Sir, we did not pick up any acknowledgements from her.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Jeeze Louise, and they call me the "little" head.

Ours is a very nice 5-star (AKA expensive) Hotel which means nice bathroom fixturing such as ceramic tile, a solid metal (not-plastic) tub/shower, working vent fan, and mold free shower curtains. With the shower and vent fan, it was easy to become over focused and lost in my thoughts of Kate, last night, and what this day might bring. It is a technique I learned in childhood, blocking out distractions to get things done. The obvious side-effect is that I can be easily startled. Those who know me like family, friends, and co-workers understand and act accordingly. Present fuck-buddies exempted...

"Hey lover..." Kate announced as she entered the shower.

"Wha... Ack... Arg...Ouch!" (bang - thud) I exclaim while exiting said shower to find the minimum potential energy the law of gravity would allow (he fall down go BOOM).

"Oh My, Gawd! Are you Okay?" Apologizing profusely, Kate immediately checks me for broken bones.

"I'm dead and you're an Angel to take me to heaven, right?"

She rolls her eyes, "You are fin... No, you're bleeding..." Kate grabs a washcloth and starts inspecting the wound over my left ear. Despite the pain, I start to play with her breasts.

"Will you stop so I can look at this?" She elbows my hands away and I wait.

Finally, she issues her prognosis, "It doesn't look big enough for stitches, but I'll need to shave some hair off to get a bandage on."

"You are NOT shaving any part of my head. Just apply pressure until it clots." I'm firm on this.

"Just sit here holding this against your head?"

"That's sweet of you to offer, but I accept. However, you need not feel so guilty for nearly killing." Is my cheeky reply.

She frowns. Admittedly, she probably felt silly squatting naked in a hotel bathroom holding a washcloth against my head, but she looked beautiful to me.

"Well, if we're just going to sit here let's take advantage of it." she says as she starts a HJ on the little sailor. Once at full attention, she mounts up, and that's how she nursed me back to health. Both heads stopped hurting and I no longer cared how cold, hard, and uncomfortable the tile floor was. Luckily, the bleeding stopped in time for us to get ready for breakfast.

The room had a small balcony just large enough for a table and two chairs, the service cart remained inside. As we ate, I asked her about the tightness we experienced the night before.

She just shook her head like it was nothing, "It's just been a while, that all..."

"Really? How long, days, weeks, months?"

"Months..." Kate looked off.

I now regret asking a vague question that allowed a vague reply, "Months? How many months?"

She gives one of those 'back off' glances...

Contritely (but stubbornly!) I try again, "I am sorry. It's just that the concept of a loving relationship where there is no love making is foreign to me. That's all."

Clearly irritated Kate looks away. Then in a monotone, "Three maybe four months."

She breathes deeply and continues, "We seem to be on two different worlds whose only intersection is our boys..."

We listen to the birds and the traffic below for a few moments before I ask, "Do you love Harold?"

The question jolted her, a puzzled look came over her face, "I don't know, I think I do...." her voice trailed off.

"You don't think he's stepping out on you do you?"

She rolled her eyes and chortled, "Why would that matter when I'm here..." looking softly at me, "...with you?"

"Oh, right..." Stepped in it good that time.

Some people like lulls in conversations, I usually don't, but I try to accommodate those who do by occupying my time counting to 1000 before speaking again.

"I have the room to tomorrow, but my offer was for a date, or two..."

"And breakfast." She said.

"Yes, and breakfast.." I confirm.

She took my hand and smiled, "I packed for two."

We held hands in silence and I didn't need to count.

More to cum...
rekcaSxT's Avatar

I assume you will tell us what eventually happened with the two of you.

What is her number btw???? JUST KIDDING!
DFK Hunter's Avatar
After we tided the room, we decided to go exploring.

"You don't want to fuck all day, do you?"

"The thought had crossed my mind."

So out we went on a grand expedition of window-shopping looking like any other married couple, complete with rings. At the time I didn't think anything of it, I still wore my band (and do today except when I visit providers) and she wore hers. But we took off our rings for sex.

I thought I getting her a gift but thought better of it; didn't want to deal with the hassle of a cover story for the gift. However, I did need to collect a few bobbles to placate the inevitable, "what did you bring me" requests waiting at home. Close to noon, we bought some sandwiches from a vendor with a long line of locals and sat at a bench to partake. I had just finished dressing my sandwich and taking my first bit when Kate asked,

"Wanna fuck?"

Still chewing my first bite I mumble, "You're done?"

"I didn't worship my food like you, I just ate it. Look, I have a serious need for some emergency sex so hurry up!" (Emergency sex? That's a new one.)

After I snarfed my sandwich she grabbed my hand and started hunting. She is dragging me all around looking for a place public enough to sate her craving, but private enough to not get arrested. That was the hard part for the local finest was out in force that day. She finally settled on a breezeway where we kissed and I finger fucked her to enough O's to take the edge off.

Later, as we walked through a park she slipped her arm around me and held me close. Her touch had an emotion that set of goose bumps and chills.

Spock: Captain, I have detected the possible presence of a tractor beam from the woman.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Mr. Chekov, shields to maximum.
Mr. Chekov: Aye, aye, Keptin.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Spock, report!
Spock: The signal is weak and hard to analyze. It could be the beginnings of romantic attraction, or it could be how romantic the venue is; the area is famous for it. However, there is a third possibility Captain.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Which is....?
Spock: That she's a fuck-bunny who's just as horny as our ship is, Captain.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Taking odds on that one Spock?
Spock: That would not be logical Captain.

Back at the Hotel, we decided to finish of what we started in the breezeway but she wanted to change first. She came out wearing the same outfit she wore at the last closing (see Part #2) and she wanted me to try the panty/DATY (see Part #6.2) again. At first, the idea was to role-play it, with me under her desk munching on her. It didn't work out; the desk in the room was too low and narrow for me to get a good angle to her dangle. So we adapted and pulled the chair out and I dived under her skirt, found her clit, and started sucking away. Her thighs were to either side of my head, but I by thought cupping my hands back over her thighs I was in control, and at first I was able too. But when I started to digitize she went out of control driving her pelvis up and wrapped her legs so tightly around my head I had difficult time breathing. I got to visit to Panicsville.

Mr. Chekov: Keptin! Shield Breach! All vipons disabled!
Mr. Sulu: Capt'n, the ship is not responding to the helm and the navigation computer is out.
Capt'n Little Sailor: (triggers ships intercom and speaks in a super cheery tone) Hi, this is your Capt'n speaking. We on the USS Hunterprize apparently can't do DATY right so our ship is now locked in the half-nelson of death. This of course triggers the ever popular claustrophobic panic attack. My advice to you is to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. I'll be in my state room. The puddle of Spock goo next to me has the Con. Have a nice day...

It was over in less time it takes to read. I honestly don't remember what triggered her release, but I know I was grateful. Kate's first instinct was to hold and console - nope not yet. I sat alone on the balcony and waited for the rush to subside.

"Wow, it's been a while, a long while since I had one that bad." (I should have been prepared for it)

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Yes, I'm going to be fine. Can I have that hug now?"

She jumped to me, "I.. am.. so.. sorry..."

"No, no, no. It's no big deal..." Now I'm the one consoling

"I've almost killed you twice and the day isn't over yet."

"Eh, what's a little attempted involuntary-manslaughter between fuck-buddies?"

We laugh, kiss, fall into bed and make love. Not the hard banging animalistic passion the night before. But the softer and denser passion that comes from emotional connections and coupled desires. At least I didn't say anything stupid.

Dinner that night was at another High End eatery establishment across town and Kate looked marvelous in her little black cocktail dress.

"Merow, I can't wait to fuck you in that!"

"It won't fit you silly..." She teased.

Dinner was wonderful if only because I was with her. Though I did notice, she kept her legs crossed the whole time.

****************************** ***************

More to come, but I am getting to the end. It's hand written on paper I just have to type it in. Looks like 2 more section and the epilogue.

Yeah, I know. Heard it before.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
If you don't sell this to some men's magazine.....
notthistime's Avatar
Very good story, DFK, and well told.

I'm surprised to find myself getting rather sad because of it. It reminds me that this hobby of ours really doesn't have anything on the real world. It's been a long time since I've felt and experienced that kind of passion. A long time indeed. I miss it very much.

Looking forward to the finale. Good luck getting the computer time.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Kate was quiet during the first part of our drive back to the Hotel, tomorrow we would be returning home. She unbuckles her seat belt and slides to the middle to put her head on my shoulder.

"Babe, you're not in a seat belt." Paternal voice...

"I don't care..." was her defiant reply.

"You know, I'm the one that gets the ticket."

"I don't care..." more impishly than defiantly.

Eventually I convince her to use the middle lap belts. Heaven forbid should I have to explain an accident to Harold. Her contented sigh against my shoulder gave me goose bumps, and raised the hair on the back of my neck.

Spock: Captain, I'm detecting a tractor beam from the woman again. Still weak, but stronger than before.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Thank you Spock. Mr. Checkov, keep those shields up and lock all weapons down tight. If we go into fight or flight mode it will damn sure be flight on my watch. We'll send her a bus ticket if we have to.

Kate spoke again as we pulled into the hotel and parked, "Thank you for dinner, it was wonderful."

"You are very welcome." As I opened her door, I took it a bit too far. "You're worth it."

"That's right," she smiled, "because I'm the best piece of ass you'll get this century." She kisses me.

(Huh! Now that's scary...)

Capt'n Little Sailor: Now that's effin scary...
Spock: Correct Captain.
Capt'n Little Sailor: You are such a suck up...
Spock: Correct again, Captain.

I started my breathing exercises.

Our return to the hotel room had none of the awkwardness of the night before. We immediately, naturally, fell into bed together. After that we cuddled and I read jokes from a joke-book I bought while shopping. When it became obvious we were ready for more fun, she asked if we could do it nude.

"What? The bathroom this morning didn't count?"

"No, I was covered with water and you were covered with blood."

"Hummmm, sounds kinky..." I smiled.

"It was, now strip!" She demanded.

Ahhhh, nude sex. That's a fetish I might get into someday. We didn't know it at the time, but nude would also be our last.

Ohura: Capt'n, priority one message from Starfleet Command.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Copy?
Ohura: I...Love... You...
Capt'n Little Sailor: NO! NO! Belay that last!
Ohura: I can't, sir, Starfleet is broadcasting on all channels and frequencies. (There's a difference?)
Capt'n Little Sailor: Jam It, DO IT NOW!
Ohura: I'm trying, sir, but it's not working.
Spock: Captain!
Capt'n Little Sailor: Yes, Spock?
Spock: Confirmation...
(The bridge goes quite...)
Capt'n Little Sailor: Okay people, snap to it! Mr. Chekov, Shields up and weapons locked!
Mr. Chekov: Aye, aye, Keptin.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Bones, Scotty! Put the ship to sleep before he does any more damage!
Bones & Scotty: Aye, Aye, Sir
Capt'n Little Sailor: Spock, you have the con. I'm off to my stateroom.. (Muttering as he walks away) All my academy friends got Porn Stars, but me nooo, (trailing off) I got a family man, better sex they said... BAH!

OOPS is such a small word when the mistake can be huge.

****************************** *********
Part nine, the conclusion, is next up. Hopefully tonight.

Thank you for your interest.
otrdriver's Avatar
Penthouse Forum this would be a classic
I'm late to the party but I'm all caught up and ready for more... Excellent read!
DFK Hunter's Avatar
For reasons soon to be obvious, this section was the most difficult part for me to write personally as well as technically to reach the plausible deniability required. Another problem I had was separating the inevitable distortion created from 20/20 hindsight, what I knew then from what I know now. Therefore, I hope you will understand why, if this part does not "hang" together as well as some of the others.

Moreover, to those who told me that I've put too much out there, please remember "plausible deniability."

And yes, the mini-bagel hurt.

Your kindness, encouragement, and patience has been appreciated.

****************************** ****

Sunday, the day we return to our homes.

When I woke up that morning, Kate was in the shower, humming. A cheerful, really happy, you light up my life kind of humming. It sounded like was my funeral dirge. My chest was tight, pulse was racing, and I felt a migraine coming on. I took some over the counter drugs for my head with a DP from the fridge ($5, FIVE - @#@#$% - DOLLARS!) and I was sitting on the balcony when Kate came out.

"Good morning darling!" (I went from "lover" to "darling" in two days - already sounding married. Inhale, hold it, exhale...) She frowns, "Honey, are you feeling okay? You look pale..." and she touches my face...

Not wanting to be crowded, my instinct was to jerk my head away, but seeing it coming I held it to a small nudge, took her hand in mine, and kissed it.

"You have just given me two of the most incredible, passion filled days of my life, and you ask why I pale. I'm sore too, can you guess where?"

Mr. Sulu: Very good recovery, don't you think?
Ohura: Yes, very well done!
Capt'n Little Sailor: (munching cheese puffs) I would have done better...
(Crew stares incredulously at their Captain)
Capt'n Little Sailor: What? I'm just say'n...
Spock: Captain, it's just not logical.

Breakfast would be coming soon so I went to take my turn in the shower, alone. Feeling good on the pain meds I reopened the cut washing my hair getting soap in it (hurt like hell), my eyes (hurt like hell), and blood all over (looked like hell). When I finally came out breakfast had arrived and Kate motioned for me to join her on the balcony. As I sat down she took my hand and I took a mini-bagel. She looked schoolgirl giddy as she pronounced,

"What a beautiful day for a new beginning, with you..."

Mini-bagels should not be swallowed whole.

She'd heard me Friday night too. Her logic was simple one proclamation of love can be excused in the heat of passion, but two - that's true love. In Kate's defense it's not as if we weren't having some of the most intimate, personal, and passionate contact two humans can experience. Sex, as we all know, is a very powerful drug. I had three choices fight (Non-starter, next); flight (Not paying for bus fare);

Capt'n Little Sailor: PANZY!

Or negotiate (any chance is better than none).

Scotty: Negotiations are best conducted with a fully charged phaser bank.
Capt'n Little Sailor: (head slap)

I once read that couples in counseling who had fond memories of their courtships were much more likely to stay together than those who didn't. (duh!) She grilled me two weeks ago, now it was her turn, and she needed to remember the good times.

"Baby, tell me about you, Harold, and the kids?"

She is mortified, "W- What on earth for?"

"Because, baby, I need to know, it's only fair."

So she told me her story, their story, and then it became a family story. Kate had to understand that what she does (what we do) amounts to much more than a hill of beans to those closest to us. When she'd go negative I'd steer her back and when she contradict herself I'd point it out. And when I felt she was being unfair, I'd call her on it.

"You're trolling for problems, aren't you Kate?"

Silence, she's confused, hurt, and starting to get very pissed.

"How dare you! How dare you do this to me... to US!" her eyes are moist, "Why are you doing this? You said you loved me."

"I do Kate, but this is important, and not just for us." I press her, "When was the last time to told Harold you love him?"

"I don't know, weeks, months ago... Does that really matter? I love you..."

Bones: Our boy is doing rather well...
Capt'n Little Sailor: If he starts with the Casablanca quotes, I'm gonna hurl...
Mr. Chekov: Pass the cheese puffs, please.
Capt'n Little Sailor: The shields are holding well Mr. Chekov.
Mr. Chekov: Thank yew Keptin.
Spock: Sniffle, snort, honk...
Bones: Spock, are you crying?
Spock: No, Doctor, that would not be logical.

"Yes it does matter, Now why haven't you?"

"It's not like he say's it to me!" she indignant and pissed.

"Kate, we've been over this, we are not talking about what he does, we're talking about what you do."

"What he does matters!" Kate's frustrated.

"But it shouldn't Kate, don't you see? Just because he makes a poor choice doesn't mean you can make a poor one and blame him. It's still your poor choice!"

She's glowering at me, her chest is heaving. Me on the other hand...

Scotty: The engines are doing surprisingly well...
Bones: No thanks to you.

"And you know what bothers me the most Kate, your willingness to use your love as a weapon by withholding it from the ones you love."

"'Weapon?' that's absurd. That was never my intention..."

"I don't care what your intentions were," I counter, "it's your choices and the results from them that matter. Embargos have been considered as acts of war for centuries, to embargo an item is to withhold it. I don't care what he did or what you think he did, the moment you chose an embargo as your response you declared war on Harold. The father of your children."

Tears of frustration well in Kate's eyes, "I don't understand, why are you beating on me this way? I want to be with you..."

"Because it's important, Kate, damn important..."

Bones: I'm impressed, he's pretty good at this.
Capt'n Little Sailor: After all that therapy we've been through he should be!
Mr. Chekov: Love, embargo, weapon... I like that!
Mr. Sulu: You would...
Mr. Chekov: Just what do you mean by THAT!
Ohura: Boys, boys! Don't make me come over there!
Scotty: Cheese-puff Mr. Spock?
Spock: Thank you Mr. Scott.

"Listen to me baby, this is not about you and me, it about us; you, me, Harold, your boys, my kids, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cats, dogs, friends, co-workers... Every single person and being that we care for and who care about us will be affected by what we do today."

Tears stream down her cheeks... (My abdomen spasms.)

"Friday your boys went hunting with the second most important person in their young lives. And today you want to give them a new step-Dad and my kids a new step-Mom?" I let the implications soak in...

"And what about Harold? Maybe, just maybe, he'd like the chance to fight for you. (I would!) Did it ever occur to you that he might be fat dumb and happy, bidding his time and following your lead, because he trusts that you'll work it out with him?"

She angry now, "Following my lead, why would he think that?"

Throwing my hands in the air, "Oh I don't know, Kate, it's not like you've taken the time to tell him you're not happy, so why wouldn't he?"

"You're saying this only to make me go.. back to him."

Ohura: Uh, oh. There's his cue.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Bones, bed pan please....

"I'm saying it because it's true. Inside of us..."

Capt'n Little Sailor: RALLLLLPH!!!

"...we both know you still love him, and we both know you haven't given him an even shake."

Now cometh my romantic lie, "I, we need you to go back and give Harold a chance. Love him as you want to be loved. Love him as you loved me last night when you watched that documentary."

This is hard, I have to dump her not for the right reasons of my monologue, but because I'm selfish. My pain has become my friend. A friend that allows me to excuse away my taking advantage of Kate.

"I - I don't understand."

"Kate, when you watched that show it meant a lot to me. Why? Because you did it not just to please me, but for me, to be a part of me. When did you last do something like that for Harold? If you do this, take care of Kate and Kate's choices, Harold will respond. If he doesn't (I betting he will), then comes the time to think about us, and I have first dibs... (not)

"You really think so?"

"He'd be a fool not to, you're the best piece of ass he'll get this century."

Capt'n Little Sailor: You - you - s-stupid... FUCKING IDIOT!!!!! I can't believe this! She a former NC- double-fucking-A CHEERLEADER you MORON! (kicks tribble) Fantasy fucks FOREVER! And he throws her back.. Spock, I need a drink!
Spock: Sir, the USS Hunterprize is a dry ship.
Capt'n Little Sailor: Oh, yes! How could I forget "Mr. 'Too Many Alcoholics In My Family' to drink"? Just who in the hell did I piss of at Starfleet to get stuck on this Bozo of a Ship? (rant - rant -rant...)
Scotty: (whispers) Spock, why is the Capt'n behaving this way? We're all plank owners here, we all know this ship is just not built for it!
Spock: Yes, Mr. Scott, the Capt'n knows. It has been a hard adjustment for him, he misses CJ.
Scotty: (empathetically) Aye, Spock, we all do.
Spock: Yes, Mr. Scott, we all do, very much.

We quietly pack, no farewell romp, no holding hands, and start the drive home. The car is quiet but like the night before, Kate sits next to me. Once we get close to home, she moves back to the passenger seat, and when I park next to her car at her office, she doesn't wait for me to open the door but I get out anyway. She tosses her bags into her car and looks at me.

"So what about us?" she asks, already knowing the answer.

"We'll always have our date..." I bluffingly reassure her.

"Or two?"

"Yes, or two. And with breakfast." I smile.

She got in her car and drove home.

A week later the house had a contract.

And like my crew, I miss CJ too. Now even more...

****************************** ****

Epilogue to follow tonight or tomorrow.
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Dude - wanna see a grown man cry? It ain't purty!