Top 50 Most Decorated Republican National Security Officials:" Trump “would be the most reckless President in American history”

  • DSK
  • 08-08-2016, 10:51 PM
You know something I B by the way does I B stand for insecure Bitch? Let me tell you something you are really a disgusting vile individual. It's a shame that we have people in this country who are deathly sick, paralyzed or terminally ill and yet you are still living. If I could wave a wand and have them be living and healthy and you gravely sick I would do it in a heartbeat. I really mean it and no apologies will be given- you are an evil sick man with no conscious for the fellow man. You only care about yourself and quite frankly if you got struck by lighting I would celebrate. As you can tell I really despise you.

VAI ALL' INFERNO STRONZO!!!!! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

You are as obvious as ever, WeeEndowed911. COG nailed you.

Ottieni il tuo culo nero fuori di qui

oops , guardare fuori per il vostro avvocato
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Lube Myass, aka WeeEndowed, and Fisting Chapel, all those people opposing Trump are firmly ensconced in the Establishment. Makes me all the more certain that I made the right choice in switching my support to Trump. I didn't like him or trust him at all in the beginning, but the more you expose the Establishment resistance to him, the more I'm convinced he must be elected if America is to recover from our slide into totalitarianism.
And that post sums up the TrumpNuts. Instead of focusing on the true issues we as a country have ignored for years and decades (for example--not the only issue: How many terror attacks are we willing to absorb for privacy?)

But to the simple minded, 9-11, Boston, etc., were "preventable". If it is so obvious, please enlighten us how that would have been accomplished? In a way that doesn't trash the Constitution while you are at it of course. How many do we declare guilty until proven innocent? How many searches without probably cause? How many "lets eavesdrop on everyone and see what we find"? How many mandatory identification cards and yellow crescents on the clothes in place of the yellow Star of David?

People want simple answers to difficult problems. And when they can't find simple answers (at least ones that don't turn us into a fascist state) they turn next to the idiot who yells and rants and proposes ridiculously simplistic non-answers.
Originally Posted by Old-T
All I seek is the truth and that's what I expect from those that are in positions of authority in this country. You're just ranting over my last post without even realizing the deception of our Government. Nothing just happens anymore they are planned. If you can't see that then you're naïve which most Americans are. First and foremost God is being trashed, our Constitution is being trashed, the rule of law is being trashed and humanity is being trashed. Our last four presidents have made reference to the "New World Order" which is a lucifarian concept, which involves a global currency, and a one world religion, among other things, and you want to ask the silly question how 9-11 and the Boston Bombing ect. could have been prevented. Do you pay any attention to what is going on at all, or do you just take the word of the MSM?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Did I not at first say I would vote for Johnson? However realistically Gary has no shot the wise option is to prevent trump from winning. Have you written all the republicans who are record saying they will cast a vote for Hillary? You can't accept the fact that we been swindled by trump. The majority of you are too dumb or blind to see it!!! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
It's a binary choice, Lubed Wide-ass. A vote for anyone other than Trump is a vote for hildebeest, Lubed Wide-ass. Hildebeest is for reallocating precious citizen tax dollars from caring for veterans suffering from Agent Orange contamination and Gulf War Syndrome to performing sexual realignment surgery on the emotionally disturbed who shouldn't be in the military at all, Lubes Wide-ass, and that's criminally ludicrous, Lubed Wide-ass!
gfejunkie's Avatar
I'm glad they finally exposed themselves as the Washington insiders they are.
It's what Trump's been running against since the beginning. Successfully too.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm glad they finally exposed themselves as the Washington insiders they are.
It's what Trump's been running against since the beginning. Successfully too. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Yep. REAL successfully!

Trump's daughter (except the fucked up one, of course) are begging him to chance the dialog. He's trying, but nobody is buying it.

Double digit lead for HRC and growing.

This isn't about the Establishment. it's about decency. You fuckers have and will remain on the wrong side of it. WIth Drumpf.

Grip. Grip. Grip.


Run home to your Mommy!
lustylad's Avatar
This isn't about the Establishment. it's about decency. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What would a filthy disgusting pig know about DECENCY?

I suppose hildebeest lying brazenly to Pat Smith and Charles Woods as they stood next to their sons' caskets at Dover AFB on Sept. 14, 2011 - and then afterwards calling these grieving parents liars for calling her out on her lies - was all about DECENCY!

Your bitch is an affront and an insult to all DECENT Americans!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Grip. Grip. Grip. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Get one. Get one. Get one.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hillary does not represent decency, in any manner, way shape or form.
Lube Myass, aka WeeEndowed, and Fisting Chapel, all those people opposing Trump are firmly ensconced in the Establishment. Makes me all the more certain that I made the right choice in switching my support to Trump. I didn't like him or trust him at all in the beginning, but the more you expose the Establishment resistance to him, the more I'm convinced he must be elected if America is to recover from our slide into totalitarianism. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't know what the hell you are talking about cock sucker, I don't need to pretend to be anyone or hide my identity on a fuckint whore board. There's no darn way you can tell me that Trump is a conservative or represents conservative values.
You have it quite wrong the more the establishment opposes him makes me believe I am doing the right thing. He hasn't got the endorsement from either George H, George W or Jeb plus add in all the other GOP who are jumping ship kinda makes you believe that perhaps the right person wasn't selected. Oh by the way DSK someone on here pm'ed asking if you knew a Jewish Lawyer who works in real estate law? I am assuming that's your other alter ego?
Hillary does not represent decency, in any manner, way shape or form. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I ASSume you think Trump is a class act ?
  • Tiny
  • 08-09-2016, 11:54 AM
[SIZE="3"] A vote for anyone other than Trump is a vote for hildebeest, Lubed Wide-ass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I hear that crap every time I say I'm voting for Johnson. The people who voted for Trump in the primaries are the ones who will be responsible for Hillary's election. I voted for Kasich. He wasn't my first choice, but he would have kicked her ass in the general election.

That said, yesterday was a good day for Trump. His speech at the Detroit Economic Club was spot on. It's exactly what we need to get back on the path towards growth and prosperity. Hillary of course responded with more class warfare rhetoric, more of the same policies associated with the second slowest recovery from a recession during the history of the United States. (The slowest was in the 1930's, after the great depression.)

And as to the subject of this thread, if the architects of the Iraq war aren't going to vote for Trump, then that's a point in his favor. Trump has some out of the box ideas on foreign policy, and some are probably preferable to status quo. The question is whether he's so arrogant that he'll ignore the advice of people who know a lot more about particular subjects and parts of the world than he does.

I hope Trump can continue on the path he started the last couple of days. He appears to be watching what he's saying more closely, and advocating policies that make sense. He'll get a lot more votes if he keeps that up.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I hear that crap every time I say I'm voting for Johnson. The people who voted for Trump in the primaries are the ones who will be responsible for Hillary's election. I voted for Kasich. He wasn't my first choice, but he would have kicked her ass in the general election.

That said, yesterday was a good day for Trump. His speech at the Detroit Economic Club was spot on. It's exactly what we need to get back on the path towards growth and prosperity. Hillary of course responded with more class warfare rhetoric, more of the same policies associated with the second slowest recovery from a recession during the history of the United States. (The slowest was in the 1930's, after the great depression.)

And as to the subject of this thread, if the architects of the Iraq war aren't going to vote for Trump, then that's a point in his favor. Trump has some out of the box ideas on foreign policy, and some are probably preferable to status quo. The question is whether he's so arrogant that he'll ignore the advice of people who know a lot more about particular subjects and parts of the world than he does.

I hope Trump can continue on the path he started the last couple of days. He appears to be watching what he's saying more closely, and advocating policies that make sense. He'll get a lot more votes if he keeps that up. Originally Posted by Tiny
I also didn't vote for Trump during the primary, but the Fates have dealt us this binary choice we see before us.

And you really should break your fixation on what Trump "might" do wrong and focus on what hildebeest "has done" wrong.

Hildebeest ignored 600 requests for additional security in Libya and put more faith in private reports from her sycophant confidant, Sidney Blumenthal, than she did in reports from the CIA, Military Intelligence or her own State Department personnel on the ground in Libya.

lustylad's Avatar
That said, yesterday was a good day for Trump. His speech at the Detroit Economic Club was spot on. It's exactly what we need to get back on the path towards growth and prosperity. Originally Posted by Tiny
Gee, let's hope those "six guys named Steve" who helped him with his speech are not members of the (gulp) "Establishment".
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Dozens of the Republican Party’s most experienced national security officials will not vote for GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, they wrote in an open letter released Monday.

said the former officials, many of whom held top positions in the George W. Bush administration.

Signers include some of the best known intelligence, defense and security experts of the past two decades: Michael V. Hayden, the former director of both the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency; Michael Chertoff and Tom Ridge, both of whom served as secretaries of Homeland Security during the Bush administration; Dov Zakheim, a former under secretary of defense; John D. Negroponte, a deputy secretary of state and a former director of national intelligence; Eric Edelman, a top national security adviser to former Vice President Dick Cheney; and Robert Zoellick, a former deputy secretary of state, United States trade rep and president of the World Bank. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

I have little interest in your troll post but THE top 50 most decorated? Really? Not the top 49 plus one? Where did you get that line from? You make it up in your little troll head? Probably someone gave it to you and you don't realize just how over the top it is. Of course, what you claim they're daying is that Hillary is the better that what they really say? Hillary has already shown that she can't be trusted with the truth, secrets, or discretion. Not to say people's lives. I suggest you walk yourself back to your little desk and turn in your notice. Most of us too smart (on a hooker board of all things) to listen to the likes of you, Sassy, or the rest. Of course if you want to be famous then grab some secrets on the way and out and post them for the world to see.

Strange that they couldn't find 50 DEMOCRATIC intelligence specialsts....why that might even include Valerie Jarrett, Hillary Clinton, Sidney Blumenthal, and Huma Abedin....perhaps it's just best that they forget finding qualified DEMOCRATS.