How the fuck did we get to this point?

This is why I rarely post or comment any longer here....

I just hobby on the down low provider girl friends know me *wink* you girls!!
  • Gbfsl
  • 10-19-2015, 08:19 AM
This is why I rarely post or comment any longer here....

I just hobby on the down low provider girl friends know me *wink* you girls!! Originally Posted by SNL9933

+1. It is a shame. This used to be a great place for information exchange.

It is what it is and it ain't what it used to be.
FunInDFW's Avatar

the people who instigate and belittle on these boards would never do such a thing if there was an actual identity attached to them. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie

Or hell, maybe you're right. Maybe the women that do that here are just as bad outside the site without the keyboard.
The people from this board who meet me in person often say something like, "you're totally different than what I expected".

I guess I do a pretty bad job of representing who I am online because in reality I'm just fun-loving and laid back. Off the board, I'll let something go for a long while before I do anything about it but when I've had enough I've had enough and usually just walk away without looking back. I can think of one or two times where I was in a situation I didn't want to be in and intentionally made myself the asshole so the person I was dealing with wouldn't feel rejected but most of my dealings with people in the hobby have been very pleasant and long-term.

Point being, the women posters on this site differ from the men in that we will eventually be held accountable for the type of person who is posting behind the handle. We see clients, get reviewed. Our board vs reality personalities can only be so misleading whereas the men have a distinct advantage of anonymity with regard to who they really are.
Has anyone noticed that almost every thread has some sort of pissing match playing out?

It's always the same people, with a few exceptions...

For the people who insist on shit talking each other on every other fucking post... can you just pm each other all your insults? Do the rest of us need to witness your online grudge match? Originally Posted by sirliamscross
We are to this point because some of the supposed adults on this site have the mentality of teenagers. I seriously wonder how many of the people that post so much drama, negativity and bs fare in their RW. I would be willing to bet they are miserable individuals. Sad state of affairs. Truly. Originally Posted by Kendall4U
Just because we disagree about something doesn't mean I should call you out and try to make you look bad. And (specifically here on this site) just because our personalities don't click doesn't mean I should try to belitte you every time you dare to post something.

This place is awesome. The wonderful ladies here provide something amazing. Something that is worthwhile and exciting and desired by all the gentemen here. At (usually) a small fraction of what that same thing would cost us in terms of time and money.

Why troll? Because you can. Obviously. But you shouldn't. When you feel the need to get personal and make a negative comment about someone... JUST STOP. And not every petty jab needs to be answered with a return punch.

I really like this site. I just wish we could me more civil. Originally Posted by sirliamscross
This is why I rarely post or comment any longer here....
Originally Posted by SNL9933
It is a shame. This used to be a great place for information exchange.

It is what it is and it ain't what it used to be. Originally Posted by Gbfsl
I totally agree with every one of these posts.

I know I have contributed to the drama, not by starting it, but by responding to the haters and have received points for doing so. I know I need to check myself better. It is a sad state of affairs on this site that while the info exchange is still present, but at minimum levels, this board has been more about agendas, dick cliques and drama kings and queens who take shots at others from left field.

And you are right about the pissing matches. It is usually started by the ones who are so adept at doing the indirect insults, personal shots from left field and baiting posts. This site has become like this because, as has been said, the more condescending and agenda laden posts that these same people continue to do, the more hits this site gets. Who is to blame for the site allowed to be like this? I have my theories, but will not post them due to the fact that more points will be in my future.

I enjoy this site for the most part, there are some great threads and interesting, hobby related discussions. I enjoy the reviews and being able to use this site as a tool for research when seeing a provider, but having to walk through the BS and mire to get the info is a bit tiresome.
This is why I rarely post or comment any longer here....

I just hobby on the down low provider girl friends know me *wink* you girls!! Originally Posted by SNL9933
ditto..this is why I have never posted in coed until now.
I totally agree with every one of these posts.

I know I have contributed to the drama, not by starting it, but by responding to the haters and have received points for doing so. I know I need to check myself better. It is a sad state of affairs on this site that while the info exchange is still present, but at minimum levels, this board has been more about agendas, dick cliques and drama kings and queens who take shots at others from left field.

And you are right about the pissing matches. It is usually started by the ones who are so adept at doing the indirect insults, personal shots from left field and baiting posts. This site has become like this because, as has been said, the more condescending and agenda laden posts that these same people continue to do, the more hits this site gets. Who is to blame for the site allowed to be like this? I have my theories, but will not post them due to the fact that more points will be in my future.

I enjoy this site for the most part, there are some great threads and interesting, hobby related discussions. I enjoy the reviews and being able to use this site as a tool for research when seeing a provider, but having to walk through the BS and mire to get the info is a bit tiresome. Originally Posted by davidfree986
I have to admit - I have (on the Houston board) a few times in the past fell into drama - not by starting it but by defending myself from assholes and/or trolls. It never amounted to any good and was a complete waste of time. I'm far too intelligent and educated for that - my mistake. I will never allow myself to pulled into such b.s. ever again...

Hobbyists and providers who are mature and are here to play nice, offer intelligent conversations, insights and opinions are the only thing I am interested addition to having some great sex...
Charlie Brown's Avatar
I never get any respect from any of my friends. That's why I hang out with you guys !

I didn't know girls could do the things they can do with their mouths - it's like WOW !
doug_dfw's Avatar

Somebody just found a keyboard and went into some redundant diatribe about hippies, atheists, and people who get on welfare.

The keyboard is the problem. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
Oh my goodness. Glad you are happy being one of them. I did not know you can use food stamps to get Premium access. Surprise every minute a day.
doug_dfw's Avatar
How many times you been at the bar today doing shots? Just hope you don't show up to another appt with blood shot eyes and try to take advantage of another woman like you did me at our appt. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Hi Hill! Happy to say you sure keep on message. So sweet of you to be so utterly "truthful??" in public. And contradictory truthful in PM.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Hi Hill! Happy to say you sure keep on message. So sweet of you to be so utterly "truthful??" in public. And contradictory truthful in PM. Originally Posted by doug_dfw
So after Mellanie goes public to defend you, the best thank you that you can offer is to continue here and the Welcome Back Tara thread? You've made it very clear your feelings towards her and she you. It's old dude, let it go for everyone's sake.
Mojojo's Avatar
It's inevitable to get to this point. It's just the nature of the internet beast.

Mods just have to be nice, till it's time not to be nice. Originally Posted by cookie man
^True! Its no different than most other boards I've been a part of. The internet is the place with endless boundaries so every personality you can think of and more to be around..

+1. It is a shame. This used to be a great place for information exchange.

It is what it is and it ain't what it used to be. Originally Posted by Gbfsl
I'm not sure, I've never gotten my information from anywhere other than the Reviews, Request and PA sections. The Co-ed and Sandbox have only served to humor me as a member.
Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 10-19-2015, 10:00 PM
Hi Hill! Happy to say you sure keep on message. So sweet of you to be so utterly "truthful??" in public. And contradictory truthful in PM. Originally Posted by doug_dfw

Hopelessly, even this thread specifically trying to address the incivility , is hijacked for personal verbal abuse in one form or another and degenerates into the same mess... we are doomed. ...
I read some of this stuff and wonder where the habitual posters and drama queens/kings find all the time to devote to a hooker board. I mean, I understand that it can be an entertaining read...but to invest so much time into bringing drama, being rude and arguing about shit that really doesn't even matter...baffles me.

You can never get back the time you spend on use your time wisely. Take some of that energy and Pay it Forward.

Ladies, if it's not making you money or contributing to your well-being, why even bother?

I have a little secret for the gentlemen. As much as it is a turn off to some of you, when ladies "act up and speak their minds", on the board. It is just as much of a turn off to some of us when your life revolves around the board (trust me, we can tell when you have nothing better to do) and when you act like a dick just to feel good about yourself.

What got us here? Obviously way too much time on people's hands. Can someone donate that spare time to me? I can't ever seem to find enough.

Or hell, maybe you're right. Maybe the women that do that here are just as bad outside the site without the keyboard. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
If you mean if a man in real life talked to me like the men on these boards do would I stick up for myself and tell them to go elsewhere? Then, yes. I do act like that in person. Fortunately for me in the real world I can control who has access to my life. I do not have that power on eccie so when a guy talks like a piece of crap to me or another lady then I do stick up for myself and others.

So if that's what you mean, then yes.

I'm sure if someone came to your workplace day in and day out and complained non stop you would get to the point of having enough yourself.

There is no need for you to take my or anyone's quote and put words in our mouths. Make your own words.