Why won't Obama unseal the TPP?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why do you always insist on my acknowledging the realistic aspect of a situation being somehow an acceptance of said act? If I am ok with something, I will fucking say I'm ok with it, you won't need to infer it from some other information. Can I not fucking recognize that something is going to happen regardless of how I feel about it? No, it shouldn't be kept secret, but what are you or I or anyone else going to do about it? Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're ok with it. You aren't even willing to criticize it. I am. But you're the "True Genius" who doesn't care that freedom is eroding. Go away. Nobody likes you.
I also feel that TPP is potentially a very bad deal for America.
I also feel that TPP is potentially a very bad deal for America. Originally Posted by bigtex
I don't doubt that, but it's likely to be a long time before anybody knows for sure. Once they start implementing it, shit's gonna begin flying in a whole lot of different directions.
Why do you always insist on my acknowledging the realistic aspect of a situation being somehow an acceptance of said act? If I am ok with something, I will fucking say I'm ok with it, you won't need to infer it from some other information. Can I not fucking recognize that something is going to happen regardless of how I feel about it? No, it shouldn't be kept secret, but what are you or I or anyone else going to do about it? Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're ok with it. You aren't even willing to criticize it. I am. But you're the "True Genius" who doesn't care that freedom is eroding. Go away. Nobody likes you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
A man walked into an airport in Atlanta, the largest in the US, with a loaded AR15 slung over his shoulder and you think freedom is eroding. Would I like to see what's in the deal? Sure, but I'm realistic in realizing that I probably won't and even if I did, it wouldn't make a difference.
I don't doubt that, but it's likely to be a long time before anybody knows for sure. Once they start implementing it, shit's gonna begin flying in a whole lot of different directions. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
In other words, "We have to pass it to find out what's in it."

Let's not do that again.
In other words, "We have to pass it to find out what's in it."

Let's not do that again. Originally Posted by gnadfly
"The fog of the controversy"... What could go wrong?

In other words, "We have to pass it to find out what's in it."

Let's not do that again. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Isn't that what "your man" Jorge W. Shrubya did when he convinced the U. S. Congress to sign onto the ill fated and ill advised, Spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq?
In other words, "We have to pass it to find out what's in it."

Let's not do that again. Originally Posted by gnadfly
This is a perfect example of words being twisted out of context and the relentless echoing of it afterwards making people think it actually was said in that manner. You have to read more than just that quote that was pulled out in order for it to make sense.

"Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday that people won’t appreciate how great the Democrat’s health plan is until after it passes.
“You’ve heard about the controversies, the process about the bill…but I don’t know if you’ve heard that it is legislation for the future – not just about health care for America, but about a healthier America,” she told the National Association of Counties annual legislative conference, which has drawn about 2,000 local officials to Washington. “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it – away from the fog of the controversy.”
During a 20-minute speech, she touted benefits she thinks will be tangible to the audience’s employers. She said there’s support for public health infrastructure and investments in community health centers that will reduce uncompensated care that hospitals now need to deliver.
“You know as well as anyone that our current system is unsustainable,” said Pelosi (D-Calif.). “The final health care legislation, which will soon be passed by the Congress, will deliver successful reforms at the local level.”
Isn't that what "your man" Jorge W. Shrubya did when he convinced the U. S. Congress to sign onto the ill fated and ill advised, Spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq? Originally Posted by bigtex
Your little dick avatar man keeps winking at the girls in this video, BGItex Grand Dragon of the KKK(D)...


Biden don't care what color of dress they wear.

What doesn't he want us to know? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He probably doesn't want the world to know the TPP is extremely pro-big business and light on worker and free trade protections.

Obama is a Democrat, but he sometimes supports the interests of big business, especially financial services companies (which is what Elizabeth Warren hates).

The TPP has been a real show. It has been interesting to see Republicans fight the urge to be against anything Obama promotes. It is Republican support in the Senate that will allow its passage there.

Of course some Republicans just can't resist being against anything Obama promotes -- i.e. Rush Limbaugh

The TPP is really weird where you have:
-- Obama, Democrat, for the TPP
-- Democrats, against the TPP
-- Republicans (most) for the TPP

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV-05TLiiLU Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Your own posted video shows YOU LIE!!

Pelosi NEVER SAID "we have to pass the bill so WE can see what's in it".

Pelosi said "we have to pass the bill so YOU can see what's in it".

And who is the YOU to whom she is speaking?

Pelosi was giving a speech to a national association of state and local government officials. She was telling them about it because of the impact it would have on cities and states.
She was NOT talking to other members of Congress.

Thanks for posting that video!!

Of course your video had nothing to do with this thread which is about the TPP.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Isn't that what "your man" Jorge W. Shrubya did when he convinced the U. S. Congress to sign onto the ill fated and ill advised, Spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq? Originally Posted by bigtex
Actually, no. The Democrats all knew what was going on and fell all over each other to show their support. No one wanted to appear "soft on terror" no matter how stupid the plan was. There was one lone voice opposing our involvement. Ron Paul. I think Dennis Kucinich joined him. Maybe a handful of others, but Hillary was all for it. I don't recall if Jim Webb signed on or not. He may have had more sense than that.
LexusLover's Avatar
Isn't that what "your man" Jorge W. Shrubya did when he convinced the U. S. Congress to sign onto the ill fated and ill advised, Spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq? Originally Posted by bigtex
This is a perfect example of words being twisted out of context and the relentless echoing of it afterwards making people think it actually was said in that manner. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You mean like the above example?
You mean like the above example? Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot, while on the subject of the "above example."

You have yet to answer the following question:

Knowing then, what is known now, would you have supported the ill fated and ill advised ... Spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq?

A simple "yes" or "no" will do!

Remember: You can run but you can't hide.
Actually, no. The Democrats all knew what was going on and fell all over each other to show their support. No one wanted to appear "soft on terror" no matter how stupid the plan was. There was one lone voice opposing our involvement. Ron Paul. I think Dennis Kucinich joined him. Maybe a handful of others, but Hillary was all for it. I don't recall if Jim Webb signed on or not. He may have had more sense than that. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Webb wasn't in the Senate at the time.