Yep, it's another Benghazi thread...

Let's see.... You mean advisors on the payroll of your faux charity foundation who advise you while you are Secretary of State on things like:

1. How to steer overseas business opportunities to your biggest foundation donors.

2. How to make US foreign policy decisions that will keep your foundation donors happy.

Yeah, this Sidney Blumenthal stuff is just run-of-the mill. All politicians do it. No fucking scandal. More along folks, there's nothing here! Originally Posted by lustylad
Are you saying they don't? You just happen to have a hard-on for this politician in particular, because of who she is. There isn't one fact yet that has exhibited anything but bad decision making. Nothing criminal, despite what you want it to be
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What Hillary should do is release ALL the emails so the evil Republicans will be embarrassed when they can see for themselves how well she handled her duties. It would also ignite her campaign when proof of her wisdom and competence is put on display for all to see. Turning over all the emails is a win-win for Hillary.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Don't bother reminding Baby Killer about the crime committed by Hillary...he doesn't want to hear it. He'd rather go chasing Sid across that big, green meadow and forget all about reality.
  • shanm
  • 06-18-2015, 10:24 AM
And what "crime" is that admiral?
Don't bother reminding Baby Killer about the crime committed by Hillary...he doesn't want to hear it. He'd rather go chasing Sid across that big, green meadow and forget all about reality. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What crime? If she's committed a crime, she should be tried and judged for it. I've said this time and time again. Which is more than I can say for you and your boy Shrubby. You don't ever want him to see justice, do you?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What crime? If she's committed a crime, she should be tried and judged for it. I've said this time and time again. Which is more than I can say for you and your boy Shrubby. You don't ever want him to see justice, do you? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Here we go again. I've asked more than once and the last time was 24 hours ago, tells us in legalese what crime Bush committed? Inform of us of your brilliance, tell us a sad tale, pierce the layer of boredom with something fantastic about the criminal acts of George W. Bush. You haven't done that. On the other hand, myself and many others, have recounted several incidents that can only be described as criminal acts by Hillary Cinton. You don't defend her on those acts, you attack us for having the gall to mention them.
Here we go again. I've asked more than once and the last time was 24 hours ago, tells us in legalese what crime Bush committed? Inform of us of your brilliance, tell us a sad tale, pierce the layer of boredom with something fantastic about the criminal acts of George W. Bush. You haven't done that. On the other hand, myself and many others, have recounted several incidents that can only be described as criminal acts by Hillary Cinton. You don't defend her on those acts, you attack us for having the gall to mention them. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I said she should go to jail if guilty. What more do you want?

As for Bush, what crimes, you say? Oh, I don't know, how about maybe the CIA torture program that was outlined in the Senate Intelligence Committee's report. Or maybe Richard Clarke, Bush's former counterterrorism czar, who says that right after 9/11, Bush told him to 'start linking this to Iraq'. 25 percent of the detainees were innocent, guilty of nothing. And what was Cheney's response to one quarter being wrongly tortured?

"I have no problem as long as we achieve our objective."

Take your clinton 'scandals' and shove them up your ass. He started a war. Can she top that?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I said she should go to jail if guilty. What more do you want?

As for Bush, what crimes, you say? Oh, I don't know, how about maybe the CIA torture program that was outlined in the Senate Intelligence Committee's report. Or maybe Richard Clarke, Bush's former counterterrorism czar, who says that right after 9/11, Bush told him to 'start linking this to Iraq'. 25 percent of the detainees were innocent, guilty of nothing. And what was Cheney's response to one quarter being wrongly tortured?

"I have no problem as long as we achieve our objective."

Take your clinton 'scandals' and shove them up your ass. He started a war. Can she top that? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Actually, she started the war by voting for what Bush wanted. Bush cannot go to war by himself. It takes Congress. The Congress could have sat there (including Hillary) and said NO. Unlike Obama, Bush would have obeyed the will of the people through the Congress.

There's that word torture. Care to define your terms. Careful, you're about to look like a fool.

Funny, the only place I could find that quote was on MSNBC from a blog written by some guy named Steve Benen. Who, if you read the article, is pretty far from objective. You look stupid Baby Killer.

Don't think we didn't notice how you cravenly skipped from Bush to Cheney. I guess you have trouble achieving an erection as well. All sound and no fury.