Too Sexy for the RW??

Jake2.1's Avatar
Sorry the term "conservative" that Ansley was commenting off of my post could be taken differently by different people. I was visualizing the type of guy that isn't very adventurous in the bedroom. And possibly isn't the type to have a very outgoing in personality. I could see more difficulties with that type of guy in dealing with a tiger in bed and therefore wondering how this tiger came to be.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-20-2010, 09:05 AM

I'm so out of touch with the dating world and not sure what "regular" guys consider kinky or just over the top.

Ladies and men, please help me out with this one! Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
We are all regular guys!

Fucking is just like dancing. Ya can't really get down without a good partner. Play it by ear, you know going in some are going to lead and some are going to follow. I wouldn't break dance if my partner was doing a two step! Just go with the flow and fo sho do not listen to a bunch of yahoo's on the internet!
do not listen to a bunch of yahoo's on the internet! Originally Posted by WTF
Out of curiosity where does that leave you?
Fucking is just like dancing. Ya can't really get down without a good partner. Originally Posted by WTF
Shit! That's the problem. I can't dance worth shit. Guess that means I can't fuck worth shit, either. When the lady leaves with a smile on her face, I guess that really means she's holding down loud guffaws. I guess when I ask for an "OK" on P411, she reluctantly gives it, thinking, "He really wasn't OK. But he did get it up for those 13 seconds."
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Charles, I'll bet you're a great guy.
Try to lighten up though OK? It's also OK to like yourself and allow others to as well.
Of course you didn't ask for my opinion and I will of course never speak of it again if you wish.
atlcomedy's Avatar
All guys are the same - they want to lay pipe

The difference with hobby guys is they know they are going to get to and as a result may be more aggressive (they also may be working under time constraints; literally the meter is running) and want to move things along.

Also, with Civies, it is not unusual for him(or you) to spend the night. So if for the last 10 years you've largely done hourly dates and slept alone, prepare yourself for the practical side of truly sleeping together including hogging the sheets, snoring, and if he's a geezer a prostate that requires him to take a piss every hour.

Finally consider that for some civies, sex may really mean something and mark some level of commitment in a relationship. Others will be happy to just get to lay pipe with a hottie. Try to figure out which type he is before you move forward making sure your objectives are compatible with his. (as an aside this is one of the main reasons many eligible men hobby; not because they can't get it, but they don't want the baggage that comes with it)
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-20-2010, 11:46 AM
Out of curiosity where does that leave you? Originally Posted by Ansley
I'm the only nonyahoo posting on the internet.

Shit! That's the problem. I can't dance worth shit. Guess that means I can't fuck worth shit, either. ." Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
It was just a metaphor. I never said there was a correlation
Spaulding Smails's Avatar
I've always dated pretty conservative men......They are so fun to corrupt. Originally Posted by Ansley
Tonight's dream:
Me - Mr. Conservative
Ansley - The Corrupter
Scenario - RW Date w/ Ms. Ayers
..'s Avatar
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  • 03-21-2010, 03:22 AM
I've always dated pretty conservative men and I don't see that changing when I leave the business. They are so fun to corrupt. Originally Posted by Ansley
growler's Avatar
Nicole you have fantastic eyes.....You have been been given some great points of view. Being in your thirties any man you meet, should expect you'll be in touch with your sexuality. I don't think you need worry. Intimacy in the RW isn't much different than the hobby. It's just not scheduled or has a time element to it. Let him take the lead the first time. He will look to you for sgins. And just like the hobby if there a connection. It gets better and better each time.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Nicole you have fantastic eyes..... Originally Posted by growler
What? Eyes? Oh yeah, yes she does!!
Some guy is going to get REALLY lucky.!
Rarely Sober's Avatar
I didn’t want to comment here since I actually hang out with a few guys on this board, but I really do not think the RW and hobby world are all that different when it comes to sex.

Since my divorce I’ve dated women, who were exhibitionists (I one had sex in the Bennigan’s parking lot on 59 and Kirby at 8:00 at night) Anal Fetishes, slight/heavy BSDM, one’s who were all into the romantic stuff. (Everything had to be candles), one girl who call me daddy all the time during sex, and one girl who wanted to mutually masturbate each other on webcams. (we were at her house, in different rooms, weird.)
(Don’t send me email asking, just go to and other dating sites, and give up trying to hit on 18 yr old girls and you’ll be surprised at what you find.)

I’ve found out that when someone makes time for a date they usually make time for sex. The biggest difference between RW and HW is scheduling,

So women and men, are expected to know what they want when it comes to sex, especially between 30-50, so no one will think any wiser of it, and it’s really not the sex, it’s about finding someone who you can but up with all of there BS, and who can put up with yours.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Since my divorce I’ve dated women, who were exhibitionists (I one had sex in the Bennigan’s parking lot on 59 and Kirby at 8:00 at night) Anal Fetishes, slight/heavy BSDM, one’s who were all into the romantic stuff. (Everything had to be candles), one girl who call me daddy all the time during sex, and one girl who wanted to mutually masturbate each other on webcams. (we were at her house, in different rooms, weird.) Originally Posted by Rarely Sober
If all of that is RW stuff...I live in a very sheltered RW existence.
Rakhir's Avatar
From my perspective I don't see that you will have any difficulty in assimilating back into the dating/relationship scene. Just be yourself and everything else will fall into place.