is chat broken again?

Kmac's Avatar
  • Kmac
  • 02-15-2012, 05:18 PM
I'm not able to get into chat either even after clearing everything. Anyone else?
I really miss the chat room....... can someone give some tech support or tell us if it's working or not.
So no chat on IE?
MrDark's Avatar
WTF chat was working ok for the past few days, i try going back in and now it says I have to register?? WTF? oh and there isn't even a button to do so or I can't see it? I'm on firefox.
doncock's Avatar
I still can't get in at all..This is pure BS!
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-17-2012, 05:45 AM
If you right click on the "chat box" up should pop a small list of options - for flash.

One being global settings.

Somewhere in there you can delete all the cookies/cache as well.

This is what helped me get past the "loading skins" issue.

______________________________ ______________________________ __

EDIT : my opinion, you can stop reading now...

I LOVE the new "tabs" feature for when having private convos. LOVE IT!!!

I LOVE the new "manage ignore list" option. No more having to re-block someone every time they leave and come back.

I HATE - that the stop scroll button is buried.
I HATE - the blinky icons/gifs. It is distracting and makes the whole page hard on the eyes.
I HATE - the image issues - you can now right click and save the FULL size image that the lady sent into chat. Not just the icon size that shows up.

I HATE - that there may be a possibility of personal info being leaked out if an image doesn't load. If what is said above is true, the location of an image on your computer will be shown if the picture you sent doesn't load into chat properly.

As an example - the file location that can be shown may look like this -

C:\Users\Lazurus Long\Pictures\Sexy Naked Pics My Boss Should Not See\Picture Of Me Playing In A Tub Of Jello

C:\Users\Providers Real Name\Pictures\Pics When Bob And I Went To Cabo In April\Sexy Naked Pics\Picture Of Me Riding An Inflatable Dolphin Naked

The bold indicates what you name your computer when you set it up. Or someone else does... and file locations that can give away details... If you don't have a separate device for hobbying you may be at risk of sharing some personal information.
GDLMAN's Avatar
I cant get in either right now..please have patience as St.Chris is working round the clock solving this issue. It will get fixed.
chat chat chat.......................... ......we are all freaking addicts...................
As I stand up, hello group my name is DJ and I am a chat addict!!!!!!!!
I have burned my dinner while chatting before have waited till the last minute to jet out because i was so intruiged with the on goings in that room and I have HUGE Panic attacks when I can not sign seems like i am not the only one. lol
charman's Avatar
I got on loading firefox and heading to the site
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-17-2012, 09:55 AM
Any info on whether the metadata on photos is available for anyone that right clicks and saves from chat?

Meaning that if I have a picture on my computer from my iphone, that I took in my back yard, and want to share it in chat - whoever right clicks and saves it, will have the GPS info and more.....
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 02-17-2012, 11:37 AM
You can actually disable the gps function on your phone's camera to keep that from happening.
luv2luv's Avatar
All I know is that I can't do what I used to be able to do, which was simply clicking on "CHAT" and having it open. Until that happens again, I just won't be using CHAT. Too bad too. But I'm not interested in changing service providers, operating systems, communicating through the Death Star, or invoking the rite of the ancient Mayans. Till it comes back, it's broke.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-17-2012, 01:03 PM
You can actually disable the gps function on your phone's camera to keep that from happening. Originally Posted by broes

Oh I am fully aware of how to. For personal reasons, I won't be disabling my GPS.

The function sharing photos on chat has just become "file sharing" in a form. Most people have no clue about the data on an image they THINK is just getting shared on a chat.

A chat that used to protect the ladies at least a little from picture thieves, well.. lazy ones... just turned into an accidental self outting nightmare waiting to happen.
The problem continues for me as well. It was down then back up for a day or two and now down again. Seems like they would send a blast message out tell everyone what the status is at this point. Seems like folks are getting frustrated and will soon seek other boards unless this get fixed and is stable for a while. Just me two cents!!