A House GOP Leader Asked for Obamacare Horror Stories

You are pathetic. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Come with some facts, not rhetoric. No matter how many times you keep repeating it, it won't make it true. Just point me to some facts. If you can't do that, then it's just your opinion and by extension, fucking worthless to me.
  • shanm
  • 03-28-2015, 10:39 AM
How did he lie? I'm not jizzing all over anything. If anything, you're the one jizzing all over yourself about Obama lying etc. You don't know that with certainty but you are willing to take it as truth. And no, it's not a guess. Costs have decreased. If you were as good at searching for those things as you are for porn on the internet, maybe you would know that. It would involve you taking your dick out of your hand and actually using both hands to type though. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Uneducated jizzmops don't understand the difference between accounting costs and economic costs.

COIdiot, if you would have been paying $1000 and are instead paying $900 now then costs did go down, you Grubered, cock-sucking, Odumbo minion
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I gave you facts. You gave me guesses. You are pathetic.
I gave you facts. You gave me guesses. You are pathetic. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You NEVER gave any facts. You just kept saying it didn't go down and Obama lied. Those don't qualify as facts without some backing.
Uneducated jizzmops don't understand the difference between accounting costs and economic costs.

COIdiot, if you would have been paying $1000 and are instead paying $900 now then costs did go down, you Grubered, cock-sucking, Odumbo minion Originally Posted by shanm
I'm quickly realizing why I put him on ignore in the first place. His take is ignorant and quite repetitive. The government is evil, blah, blah, blah. It's all about big business. Vote for some libertarian who I've never heard of and will never win, but at least I've made my voice heard.

No you haven't you inbred cocktard. All you've done is thrown a hot dog down a hallway. Nobody even noticed you.
  • shanm
  • 03-28-2015, 10:43 AM
I gave you facts. You gave me guesses. You are pathetic. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
"Obama is a liar! I hate him!" that's a fact now?

As opposed to a statistical study posted by the largest financial services firm in the world that verifies that costs did, indeed, go down?

Don't pull a LustyIdiot. Just because your ass was handed to you doesn't mean you have to start bitching and moaning like a coward. Have some dignity.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You NEVER gave any facts. You just kept saying it didn't go down and Obama lied. Those don't qualify as facts without some backing. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Those are facts. You are pathetic. That is also a fact. Your own rebuttal showed costs increasing. Obama said costs would go down. He lied. There are your facts, UnderAverage.
Those are facts. You are pathetic. That is also a fact. Your own rebuttal showed costs increasing. Obama said costs would go down. He lied. There are your facts, UnderAverage. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm done. You're a fucking idiot. Costs always go up every year you dumbshit. Under the ACA they are going up LESS. That means that costs went DOWN. Did you think that suddenly premiums would start dropping? That isn't what Obama said. Find where he said that very thing and I'll admit you're right. You won't find it, because he didn't say it. He said the rate at which your premiums increase will go down. He never said they would stop increasing. As much as you hate big business, you have to know how it works.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You are lying now, UnderAverage. That is not what Obama said. He said American families could expect their costs to go down $2,500 per year. You know that. You are one pathetic son of a bitch.