the riots and violence

Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
I'm tired of Wal-Mart closing at 5pm due to this shit.

All I know is, if they bring this act of ignorance to the burbs, Imma freeze our paintballs (the good ones...) and go to town... Leaving the t.v. off works wonders and I choose to read the world news and only click on what interest me and/or may affect the bubble that I maintain.

Does it personally affect my life: No

Am I able to control the situation: No

I keep it moving and focus on what does personally affect my life and I am able to control.

That is all.
Russ38's Avatar
85 people shot....24 fatally in Chicago last weekend.
Where are the protesters for that?
So far this year 1,003 people have been shot in Chicago Originally Posted by tbone2u
I agree what happened to Floyd was terrible.
I just don't understand why the black community never says anything about the problem in Chicago. The ones doing the shooting ARE criminals. Many that die are not. Some are innocent women and kids.
No one seems to give a shit about that.
I guess women and kids getting shot is a lame talking point.
It's easy to always put the blame on others when the problem is staring you right in the face. Originally Posted by tbone2u
I agree tbone.....It is no doubt a self inflicted genocide in that city no one seems to give a fuck about....
O'Mike's Avatar
I agree tbone.....It is no doubt a self inflicted genocide in that city no one seems to give a fuck about.... Originally Posted by Russ38

And it doesn't fit the media's agenda.

What I hate is that it seems to have gone beyond fairness and equality for all.
I'm tired of Wal-Mart closing at 5pm due to this shit.

All I know is, if they bring this act of ignorance to the burbs, Imma freeze our paintballs (the good ones...) and go to town... Leaving the t.v. off works wonders and I choose to read the world news and only click on what interest me and/or may affect the bubble that I maintain.

Does it personally affect my life: No

Am I able to control the situation: No

I keep it moving and focus on what does personally affect my life and I am able to control.

That is all. Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
Agreed. This isn't my clown show.

Monday and Tuesday is "take your handgun to work" day. My wife isn't going to be stopped on the freeway by protesters and pulled out of her car.
USAsoldier's Avatar
I agree what happened to Floyd was terrible.
I just don't understand why the black community never says anything about the problem in Chicago. The ones doing the shooting ARE criminals. Many that die are not. Some are innocent women and kids.
No one seems to give a shit about that.
I guess women and kids getting shot is a lame talking point.
It's easy to always put the blame on others when the problem is staring you right in the face.

I'm also guessing you think looting and burning a business down is done by non-criminals Originally Posted by tbone2u
Like you actually care about the African American community, please have several seats.

You're mistaken if you think the African American community doesn't care, or speak up about the violence in Chicago.

They're are many initiatives, community programs, and churches in Chicago that are trying to stop the violence.

Here is an example of one of them. Make sure you read it all so you can stop bringing up that tired Rightwing line, "AlL tHE sHOoTinGS iN chICaGo." - Gang intervention:The Chicago Police Department (CPD) is currently running gang interventions modeled on the Boston “Operation Ceasefire” Model in four districts. In this intervention, law enforcement, service providers, and community figures deliver a unified message to gang members to stop the violence or face a targeted and unified response from the Chicago Police Department and its Federal partners.Youth Shooting Review:Based on a model from Milwaukee, the Youth Shooting Review will bring experts from government and non-profit agencies together to analyze the factors leading up to specific youth shootings. The review panel will then use this analysis to recommend intervention strategies and policies to prevent future youth shootings.


One Summer Chicago:Summer programming helps keep young people out of trouble when school is out of session. To help more young people find summer activities, DFSS has launched the One Summer Chicago program (Page []), which places high-risk youth in productive summer jobs.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy / Social Emotional Learning initiatives:Social Emotional Learning is a process that helps young people learn these vital emotion-management and interpersonal skills. The State of Illinois has pioneered statewide standards to address social-emotional skills. Programs such as Becoming A Man (B.A.M.) Sports Edition have also taught social-emotional skills using the model of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which trains young people to understand how their thoughts affect their actions.Safe Passage:When students are afraid of becoming the victims of violence, it is difficult for them to attend and engage in school. Safe Passage, an initiative run by the Chicago Public Schools, places “Community Watchers” along pre-defined safe routes to keep students safe as they travel to and from school. The program is currently being implemented in 35 high schools in crime-heavy areas.


Gang School Safety Team:Gang School Safety Team, a CPD initiative, aims to prevent youth violence from escalating through retaliation. Whenever a young person is the victim of violence, Gang Enforcement police officers go to the victim’s school and work alongside school officials to discourage the victim’s associates from participating in retaliatory violence.SAFE Communities:To help neighbors come together to maintain public order in neighborhoods plagued by gang activity, narcotics sales, and street violence, CPD launched SAFE Communities, a program that helps build collaborative networks of community stakeholders. While enforcement operations are taking place in a targeted area, police engage key community stakeholders and encourage them to work together.Chicago Safe Start:Chicago Safe Start (CSS), led by the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH)’s Office of Violence Prevention, is a program to help reduce the negative impact of violence on young children. CSS helps raise awareness of children exposed to violence (CEV), expands CEV services, and helps educate other agencies on CEV.Jail Alternatives and Diversion:Cook County is using jail alternatives and diversions to help keep young offenders from committing future crimes. For example, people awaiting trial or serving probation can report to a center to participate in programming rather than being put in jail. This programming can include completing courses for high school credit, which helps put young offenders on a track to completing high school.Aftercare services:The Aftercare Services program, piloted by the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice (IDJJ) in Cook County, aims to help youth who are leaving the Illinois Youth Centers re-enter into communities and avoid future crimes. IDJJ collaborates with families and communities to create an aftercare service plan for each youth. The program also helps support re-entering youths’ mental health and/or substance abuse needs.

All those programs and hope must be very effective. I shudder to think how many homicides would exist without them.

Last Sunday was the most violent day of one of the most violent weekends in Chicago in recent memory.

Of the more than 20 killed by gunfire across the city over the weekend, 15 died on Sunday, so many the Cook County medical examiner’s office said it had to bring in additional pathologists to handle the autopsies.

“This is an unprecedented amount of homicides in one day for our office,” said Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Ponni Arunkumar. “The most I can recall in one day since I started here in 2003 is 10.”

In all, more than 80 people were shot over the weekend in Chicago amid widespread looting in the wake of the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer.

#AllLivesMatter (Even USAsoldier's)
LexusLover's Avatar
All those programs and hope must be very effective. Originally Posted by gnadfly
If Chicago would eliminate their police department, I'm sure it would all clear up and there won't be any need for any special programs.

Lori will be able to hire her own private security.

I wasn't aware that WalMart closed at 5 p.m.!

Mon - Sun | 7 am - 8:30 pm
Just wait for the fourth of July in Chicago....
We will see just how all the programs are working out.
The state is full of corruption and always has been
O'Mike's Avatar
Defunding the police departments will only result in more dead black people.

According to the FBI, 89% of black victims are killed by black assailants.

Despite the information disseminated by the media in recent days, the black murder problem in the U.S. is not a reflection of police abuse or systemic racism. It is a function, rather, of life — and death — inside the black community, of blacks killing each other. We see this trend playing out on a regular basis in major cities like Chicago, where last weekend more than 80 people were shot, 21 of them fatally
The white community has it's share of problems as well as the black community. Both need to address their problems.
Thing have to realize there ARE problems first.
Each cannot continue to blame the other.
VitaMan's Avatar
Current statistics show 70% of black children are born out of wedlock.
Lives matter ? Sounds more like a lack of responsibility.
The white community has it's share of problems as well as the black community. Both need to address their problems.
Thing have to realize there ARE problems first.
Each cannot continue to blame the other. Originally Posted by tbone2u
This isn't about blame. Everyone knows what the truth is. Ferguson was set on fire for weeks even though we knew Michael Brown was not a "gentle giant." The video shows the officer unnecessarily kept Floyd down long past the point of lawful restraint.

It's a political dance for power and concessions.
And it will continue after Floyd is put to rest.
This isn't about blame. Everyone knows what the truth is. Ferguson was set on fire for weeks even though we knew Michael Brown was not a "gentle giant." The video shows the officer unnecessarily kept Floyd down long past the point of lawful restraint.

It's a political dance for power and concessions.
And it will continue after Floyd is put to rest. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Your are correct......but many will never see it that way
O'Mike's Avatar
As this thing does not seem to be ending, I thought it a good idea to review some Texas laws on protecting your property. Seen mention of the FTP, fire to property, line of thought by some of the protesters. You don't have to be a victim if you face a threat.

I liked this quick read on the subject.

Sometimes the only response to illegal violence is to direct the legal use of violence back at the bad person.
Russ38's Avatar
^^^^^ And this is why Texas is the greatest state ever....anyone who disagrees can fuck off or move......