ok so YMMV

Guest091710's Avatar
omg too funny
Wayward's Avatar
No, seriously she does... called me at a strip club late one night... saved me more money than if I'd gone to see Geico...

Lil Red Robbin used to keep a defibrillator charged up just for me... then one day she yells clear and I realized she wasn't trying to jump start mt heart... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
OMG our lil red Robin took out two clients? I thought she had only killed the one.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Thanks for the laff TMFT...needed it.
Subcilla don't feel too bad I spent Valentines Day by myself and had my tooth pulled out.
Lost my wallet earlier in the week also with hobby money.
This too shall pass. Originally Posted by carkido45
That sucks carkido. Sorry. Why is it that whenever you lose your wallet, someone always asks you where you lost it? Anyone ever notice that??

On the bright side though, maybe the tooth fairy will bring you some $

Plus...Valentine's Day isn't until tomorrow so you've got the rest of today to find someone to spend it with. See, it's not so bad.
Toreador_one's Avatar
I guess I disagree with most commenters, YMMV is valid in my opinion.

YMMV to me is an activity received from a provider that is not advertised or "on the menu" it has nothing to do, IMHO, about provider not being professional or treating clients different.

A couple of example.

You pay for the hour, but you stay for 2 for no additional fee for whatever reason, provider enjoyed your company, felt sorry for you, is your b-day etc. Should the next hobbyst expect no stay 2 hours? No

Greek not on the menu, but you get greek, again for whatever reason, she wanted it, your small and she can handled you, etc. So does that now means the next hobbyst should also get greek? No

if a get a YMMV activity, should I keep it to myself and not write it in a review? I do not see why I should not write about it, I am reviewing my experience after all.

Now lets say a provider is known to DFK (on the menu)and meets a hobbyst with an extreme case of bad breath, should the provider "suck it up"and engage in DFK as with all others? please, I would not blame her for not doing it.

In my opinion we are dealing with human beings not robots, I am certain that if a provider meets a stud of a hobbyst, she probably get more into a session with him, that, if engaging a rude, obese, bald, bad teeth, unattractive looking hobbyst.
Wayward's Avatar
All valid points but way off topic:

i feel entitled to say that that's total bs, my oral skills and my vagina never really vary, i've refrained from saying so before, but if You suck in a bad way don't expect to make a lawyers hourly wage, tired of hearing this bs. Originally Posted by subcilla
Her 3 AM moment of clarity was about exactly the opposite of what you are describing. If you aren't good at fucking or sucking it is not YMMV or YMWV you just suck. I think it is the manpoosie out for reviewers with no balls too.

If you turn a one hour appt in to an evening of bliss or something, yes that is ymWv (Will not May). I've always been torn about writing about sessions where most of it is not repeatable, even by the reviewer. Those are the delights of this thing of ours.
Your mileage WILL CERTAINLY vary. It's a hobby fact. If you show up and are rude, talk down to me, are rough, are disrespectful...my level of service and enthusiasm will definately be adjusted. H
pyramider's Avatar
So what is the topic?
Guest091710's Avatar
I guess I disagree with most commenters, YMMV is valid in my opinion.

YMMV to me is an activity received from a provider that is not advertised or "on the menu" it has nothing to do, IMHO, about provider not being professional or treating clients different.

A couple of example.

You pay for the hour, but you stay for 2 for no additional fee for whatever reason, provider enjoyed your company, felt sorry for you, is your b-day etc. Should the next hobbyst expect no stay 2 hours? No

Greek not on the menu, but you get greek, again for whatever reason, she wanted it, your small and she can handled you, etc. So does that now means the next hobbyst should also get greek? No

if a get a YMMV activity, should I keep it to myself and not write it in a review? I do not see why I should not write about it, I am reviewing my experience after all.

Now lets say a provider is known to DFK (on the menu)and meets a hobbyst with an extreme case of bad breath, should the provider "suck it up"and engage in DFK as with all others? please, I would not blame her for not doing it.

In my opinion we are dealing with human beings not robots, I am certain that if a provider meets a stud of a hobbyst, she probably get more into a session with him, that, if engaging a rude, obese, bald, bad teeth, unattractive looking hobbyst. Originally Posted by Toreador_one
i did not say there were no choices, im saying if Your skilled orally then equally please. i also stated poor hygiene was the exception. If i chose to spend 2 hrs and charge for one, the second is personal time. Yes of course H basic morals are applied, i was talking in terms of physical skills. They should not vary that far one from another. If You agree to a session, meet in person, and still agree to go through with it, then give it Your best. Besides in all honesty, who pays a provider and wants to ruin it with a bad attitude? not anything i have ever come across, that just doesn't seem logical.
Wayward's Avatar
So what is the topic? Originally Posted by pyramider
Minimum level of cocksucking ability to call yourself a provider.

Please join the Khafeh sho CDB! sig line campaign.
pyramider's Avatar
As long as they don't chew they should be good to go.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
What is the topic that upset you so much. I thought YMMV meant your mileage may vary, as in umm not so tight....Does it mean something else? Did someone post anything about this or something?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I think you're a hard-working girl, subcilla.

And I find it refreshing that you care about the quality of your work as well.

Keep up the good work!

(However, you might want to take it easy on the alcohol.

Alcohol kills the brain cells, you know!)
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Don't let one review get you down....It happens to everyone....
Your mileage WILL CERTAINLY vary. It's a hobby fact. If you show up and are rude, talk down to me, are rough, are disrespectful...my level of service and enthusiasm will definately be adjusted. H Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
As it should be. Nobody should have to put up with disrespect or bad behavior from anyone unless they bring it on themselves by being that way first.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
YMMV is valid... If I go see a provider that doesn't list Greek on her menu, she takes one look at me nekkid and figuring at least with Greek she won't have to look at me, out of pity says, "Yea , Go Ahead" , and after 10 of the best seconds of my life I write a glowing review saying I got Greek from the provider. One of you show up , get nekkid and she's staring at what appears to be a Louisville slugger hanging from your groin and she suddenly realizes why the guys on the board nick named you "Tripod" and then you say you are in training for the Iron Man Competition. I would say there is a very high probability of YMMV .