StephenASmith's Avatar
First thing: a guy with the name of spit it out = somebody's unhappy wife with 1 review of an AMP. Ain't no real man on here going to tell a lady to spit it out. Listen ma'am I'll take one for the team and come to ur house and lay pipe in u. U won't b unhappy anymore.

Second: a person named jalapeno popper with no reviews = troll gtfoh!

Third: a person named stevenasmith with only 1 review, u haven't been on here long enough to say anything to anybody. Don't worry about Strawberry and where she gets her education from because u aren't paying for it. So grow up and stfu!

If a provider said to much sauce then well it's obvious where the guys electronics went--the pawn shop to pay for the session. As far as his supposed piggy bank with his kids money for college? Really? He's like 60+ years old? I think his kids are grown and finished with schooling.

Oh and any guy who gets on this website and bashes a lady, two things come to mind--you're a fag sissy, or u can't perform for the ladies. I have no problem in that department. u can ask the ladies on this site and ourhome2 if I have that issue and no problem will probably b the answer.

As far as the client putting out 2k to get info on jellybeans or his electronics back he might as well go back to the pawnshop and get his stuff back.

But that's just my take on this subject Originally Posted by GeorgeDRII

This guy’s grammar and horrible sentence structure bothers me. Uses way too many acronyms. Just spell the word out dude, you’ll be okay.
Ever seen his avatar on ourhome2, it used to be on here?
Grammar would be the least of his problems.

I’m not really surprised a guy who likes swallowing so much, would want to meet me on a street corner

If you’re ever strutting that stuff on a Dallas street corner
StephenASmith's Avatar
Ever seen his avatar on ourhome2, it used to be on here?
Grammar would be the least of his problems.

I’m not really surprised a guy who likes swallowing so much, would want to meet me on a street corner

If you’re ever strutting that stuff on a Dallas street corner Originally Posted by Spit It Out
Yeah, I’ve seen it. He looks like a PERV. I had 4 providers pm me telling me how weird he looks. Lol
Go figure
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
Ur the only one worrying about my typing Stephen. Mind ur business half wit scrawny old ass bitch.
StephenASmith's Avatar
Ur the only one worrying about my typing Stephen. Mind ur business half wit scrawny old ass bitch. Originally Posted by GeorgeDRII
Scrawny ? I’m 5’10 190
Old ? I’m 35

C’mon bro ... keep trying.
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
I laugh at u 2 losers with small dicks hahaha!
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
I like big fat guys like u Stephen, u make more noise when u fall down.
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
Well this thread got boring. Time to get back to hobbying
CryptKicker's Avatar
Thread closed so staff can moderate the posts and then it will be reopened.... several infractions and a banning has already occurred. In the meantime be mindful of what St C has stated:

To all,

I wanted to take a moment to call to attention a few of the site's guidelines to be sure everyone understands and is on the same page with what is expected and what will be enforced.

The following is not permitted on the site:

Insulting Others
Targeting other members for attacks
Harassing other members, groups of members, class of members, etc
Disrespecting other members on the site
General rudeness toward other members on the site

These have always been part of the vision for this site, although I'm not so sure it's been enforced consistently mainly due to the site growing so large in size over the years.

The moderators have recently been given a directive from Site Admins to enforce these particular guidelines strongly and consistently across the board, anywhere it may exist. The key word is ANYWHERE. Any forum, public or private. If someone insults you to your face or behind your back they have still insulted you and that is that.

Also, a special call-out for those who may have participated in such behavior prior to the day this notice goes live: You can consider this an early Christmas present for you. You are being given a golden opportunity to stop insulting, targeting, or harassing other members and participate in harmony with the diverse folks that make up this community.
Should anyone not take this notice seriously and continue to display behaviors that have been prohibited on this site since Day 1, I'm afraid you won't be able to get by for very long flying under the radar without consequence or reprimand.

We have always intended this site to be a place everyone can come and participate, any gender, all walks of life, to seek and receive information pertaining to their search for fun and successful encounters. Staff wishes to issue an apology that the rapid growth of the site seemed to throw us off in some areas from keeping this aspect of the vision alive. Corrections and adjustments are being made, and it should be pretty noticeable in the days and weeks to come.

Thanks everyone! Have a great day!

St. C
CryptKicker's Avatar
OK- reopening the thread. Keep my previous post in mind before deciding to continue down the road of insults, etc...
Thanks, {staff edit- possible RW info- CK}. Always appreciate your input. Originally Posted by CoverMe
I don’t think that was RW info. I definitely took it another way.
StephenASmith's Avatar
I don’t think that was RW info. I definitely took it another way. Originally Posted by B Three
She thinks she’s a MOD now. Lol
Been on ECCIE for less than a year.

915 posts in 7 months ? 130 posts a month. What am I doing wrong ? Not one single review lol
winn dixie's Avatar
Well this thread got boring. Time to get back to hobbying Originally Posted by GeorgeDRII
Really? He really went back to "typing" , except on the other site! He just got too emotional and could not control himself..........Seems to me he was the one being a keyboard tough guy. He's still running his mouth over there...
winn dixie's Avatar
I don’t think that was RW info. I definitely took it another way. Originally Posted by B Three
Hey B 3.. Some where I saw a topless pic. of you.. WOW perfection!!
Over on the other site where boobies are allowed. Thank you!