WMJ4657's Avatar
alot of girls say dont want dick picks but they really do its just that u guys dont do them right, they want to inspect u to make sure u dont have cock cooties so u need to hold up a news paper with today date behind ur dick 2 make sure its the kind they want Originally Posted by Zebco

Are you posting sample pic so we know how to properly display?
Exchequer's Avatar
Based on recent experiences I wouldn't mind if pictures on this site involved a newspaper shown with today's date. But even finding a print newspaper these days is hard to come by.
austin88998833's Avatar
alot of girls say dont want dick picks but they really do its just that u guys dont do them right, they want to inspect u to make sure u dont have cock cooties so u need to hold up a news paper with today date behind ur dick 2 make sure its the kind they want Originally Posted by Zebco
If that's the case then I am considering taking a pic with the Sunday edition of the New York Times and posting it on my pinned tweet on Twitter. That way I have my bases covered, and don't have to worry about offending individual providers with dick pics. Only problem is I will have to update with a new edition of the paper every so often, but its much better than sending one with every other text!
Exchequer's Avatar
If that's the case then I am considering taking a pic with the Sunday edition of the New York Times and posting it on my pinned tweet on Twitter. That way I have my bases covered, and don't have to worry about offending individual providers with dick pics. Only problem is I will have to update with a new edition of the paper every so often, but its much better than sending one with every other text! Originally Posted by austin88998833

I don't think your dick can handle the size magnitude of the Sunday New York Times. You might need to use a smaller paper!

austin88998833's Avatar
I don't think your dick can handle the size magnitude of the Sunday New York Times. You might need to use a smaller paper!

Originally Posted by Exchequer
You would be incorrect sir. Did i tell you that I used to be a dancer at Chippendale's when I was working my way through school? That little rag called the NY Times couldn't hang with me!
Exchequer's Avatar
austin88998833's Avatar
Yeah Barney. That day you made me better than i was!
I really dug the plumber's butt!
Forget the text app if you have a significant other than randomly uses your phone. Buy a burner phone that does not require personal info to register (I use Tracfone) and refill with prepaid Visa card for anonymity. Do not leave it anywhere it can be found accidentally. Call and text providers only from this device. Originally Posted by g0lfnutt
Not true.
I screen so I want information. I don't however care for text like hi,hello,available.
You want me to be prompt? and respond quickly?? Me too.
I prefer your text to be
Hi izzy. I am name
I would like an appt @ TIME
for however long. 2 most recent refrences.
What I dont get is the question about donations. Do your research most pros have it posted somewhere in the signature links. I understand there is some time sensitivity at times. I suggest going to your atf or planning ahead.
Wouldn't you want to ensure that your not walking into crap?? I don't trust people that have nothing to lose.period
Safety is key!!!
It's also a turn on when a guy does his research and I dont have to tell him everything because he refuses to read. Originally Posted by Issabella Monroe
On my hobby cherry popping experience, I had already gotten confirmation of her rate during pre-appointment e-mail exchanges, and when I arrived, she informed me that the rate had gone up SUBSTANTIALLY. I was a cherry, so I went forward with it. Ever since, I re-verify. I don't want to have to walk out after all that time setting up. Better just to re-verify so there are no surprises.

And Tuck, this is true - donation advertising has really thinned out - especially on this site. Would be nice to get a menu like they used to do, now that I'm dreaming! Actually, a few do have a menu, and I appreciate that.
austin88998833's Avatar
On my hobby cherry popping experience, I had already gotten confirmation of her rate during pre-appointment e-mail exchanges, and when I arrived, she informed me that the rate had gone up SUBSTANTIALLY. I was a cherry, so I went forward with it. Ever since, I re-verify. I don't want to have to walk out after all that time setting up. Better just to re-verify so there are no surprises.

And Tuck, this is true - donation advertising has really thinned out - especially on this site. Would be nice to get a menu like they used to do, now that I'm dreaming! Actually, a few do have a menu, and I appreciate that. Originally Posted by Fred Thompson
You are correct Fred. I have also found that Eccie and P411 have different rates and if they are advertising rates on a 3rd and 4th sure, they may differ from the other 2. If it’s first visit I make a point to re-verify if I’m not certain. Or if I haven’t seen them in a long time, re-verify then as well.
Exchequer's Avatar

Also I have found out that providers can’t charge a rate higher than what they put on P411. But you do have to be on P411 for that to happen.
Hot Summer's Avatar

Also I have found out that providers can’t charge a rate higher than what they put on P411. But you do have to be on P411 for that to happen. Originally Posted by Exchequer
Ladies charge what they want no matter what's on their p411 ...its called upsales hun
Exchequer's Avatar
Ladies charge what they want no matter what's on their p411 ...its called upsales hun Originally Posted by hot summer
You are 100% correct. I can also say whatever I want to say on ECCIE, just Somethings might get me banned. All I know is a bona fide provider told me that P411 does not like it at all if you charge a higher rate than you advertised on their site it might be a ban it might be something else I don’t now.

*higher rate means different price for the exact same amount of time.
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
Not sure if it’s been mentioned, but before going on a date, make sure to turn off WiFi and Bluetooth on your mobile devices. I had a date one time where she was connecting her RW phone to my BeatsPill and her name popped up under my “active devices being used.” I let her know about this and she no longer turns her WiFi and Bluetooth on during a date.
DallasRain's Avatar
Ditto Ex..i happen to have lower rates at my home base than traveling rates..but p411 wont let me post the other rate also.