dilbert firestorm's Avatar
One person’s AWOL is another person’s late to work or not showing up when all the records have disappeared. And, I’m not liberal, left or a Democrat.

There were no WMD. Period. The end.

Turned the war around? We were going to win if we wanted to win. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
actually they did find wmds, but they were old stuff dating from the Iraq-Iran war or the 1st Gulf war for some. I was annoyed with the media saying those don't count.

they also found evidence that saddam was slowly reviving his WMD program in bits and in pieces, Saddams people buried alot of wmd related materials in the ground intending for them to be reconstituted at later date. He might have got it going again in about 10 years.

they also found the supply of yellowcake used for processing uranium fuel.

its not widely reported because it didn't fit the media narrative of no wmds.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Love you idiots who, in hindsight, completely discount your support for the war. "Oh yeah, I thought it was the right thing to do, I was wrong, sorry about that. Drive on and let me vote for another idiot in this election who will do something equally as stupid like attacking Iran." If I had lost a son, daughter, wife or husband to this ridiculous war, I would punch you right in the fucking face. Bush, Cheney and all the rest of the neocons who lied about the WMD's, who pushed the illusion that Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks and who did everything possible to justify this waste of American blood, money and prestige ought to be criminally prosecuted. Originally Posted by timpage
See Below

Your list of people to punch in the face is long and prestigous..it would have to include John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, among many many others from around the world...........


The Senate voted 77-23 to authorize President Bush to attack Iraq if Saddam Hussein refuses to give up weapons of mass destruction as required by U.N. resolutions. and the the House approved an identical resolution, 296-133. .and subsequent (Democratically controlled) Congress's funded the nine year war. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Read "State of Denial" by Bob Woodward. It chronicles the lies told to get those votes. He had total access to all the players. This was his third book on the subject of Iraq.You know, the guy who brought down a president. Go ahead and deny his credibility.
It takes away every argument you can have. Reading it could teach you to open your eyes. But you won't. You're afraid.
I B Hankering's Avatar
they also found the supply of yellowcake used for processing uranium fuel.

its not widely reported because it didn't fit the media narrative of no wmds.
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
+1 The lefties want to ignore the fact that this was presented in the intelligence reports - and its the reason the administration ignored Joe Wilson's report.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
this is the 3rd I have posted this interview that was on 60 minutes

no WMD's? ask the Kurds


I B Hankering's Avatar
The WMD Commission and the Butler report both indicate that the intelligence community was correct in suggesting that Saddam was probably seeking to re-arm his military forces with WMD. That conclusion is, in part, based on these known facts: 1) Saddam had had WMD in the past. 2) Saddam had strong incentives to reconstitute his arsenal. 3) He had the money to refinance such a reconstitution. 4) He had trained, competent technicians who could reconstitute his stockpile of WMDs. 5) He had the necessary materiel on hand to proceed with such a reconstitution. 6) He repeatedly stalled and deceived the inspectors—which begged the question—“What is he hiding?”
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The WMD Commission and the Butler report both indicate that the intelligence community was correct in suggesting that Saddam was probably seeking to re-arm his military forces with WMD. That conclusion is, in part, based on these known facts: 1) Saddam had had WMD in the past. 2) Saddam had strong incentives to reconstitute his arsenal. 3) He had the money to refinance such a reconstitution. 4) He had trained, competent technicians who could reconstitute his stockpile of WMDs. 5) He had the necessary materiel on hand to proceed with such a reconstitution. 6) He repeatedly stalled and deceived the inspectors—which begged the question—“What is he hiding?” Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Saddam was also playing a game of chicken which involved deception which in a sense backfired on him.

He made it look like he had appeared to have an active WMD program which in fact was several years away from being operational. He was in a sense trying to project a show of strength to the Arab world. The arab culture is extremely macho.

His strategy however was complicated by the fact that there were some Iraqi scientist who were just in it for the money and were inclined to sabotage and lie to Saddam on the progress of WMDs reconstitution.