BOUNDARIES! Why is it so difficult for some to respect them and others not?

TheEccie214's Avatar
Extra points for a Lego Batman mic drop.

I was rooting for the Op not being a stalker until he then proved he was a stalker.
Don't listen to any of these naysayers. If there's one thing a girl appreciates, it's a guy continuing to chase after her after she has said no several times.

Get a boom box and crank up Peter Gabriel outside her window. Don't play any of that lovey-dovey crap either. I recommend Sledgehammer or Shock the Monkey.

If that doesn't work, try playing Slayer.
pyramider's Avatar
Don't listen to any of these naysayers. If there's one thing a girl appreciates, it's a guy continuing to chase after her after she has said no several times.

Get a boom box and crank up Peter Gabriel outside her window. Don't play any of that lovey-dovey crap either. I recommend Sledgehammer or Shock the Monkey.

If that doesn't work, try playing Slayer. Originally Posted by dfwcouple43sum

I am a newbie here and found these 2 threads very fascinating and illuminating as they point to flaws in my own twisted mind. My situation is much like DTF's but plan on blowing up my marriage after the holidays. I tried the sugar daddy route to find that my emotional connections form way to quickly. It is easy in a loveless marriage. So I began the process of looking for escorts. I know now that I will probably go the AMP route because the language barrier puts an extra layer of emotional protection. It is all about knowing yourself and weaknesses. We are flawed but we need to recognize them. A lot of these post are indeed very helpful and thanks to those who are thoughtful.