Get a load of this Bernie Supporter and Campaign Worker.

rexdutchman's Avatar
I agree with who ever said it The doors Open LEAVE ,go to Cuba, Ven , Canada , Oh yea they don't just let anybody in ?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
i think the US policy of economic isolation of Cuba relates more to pacifying the S Florida Cuban immigrants who are anti-Castro. Opening up economically would likely spur government reform much more quickly - the Cubans need to do it themselves. We have no business invading and forcing a regime change. The economic isolation gives the regime what they need - an enemy to blame for all the faults of the Socialist /communist regime. Originally Posted by oeb11
that's one aspect of that. the other reason for it is the Cuban govt.
confiscation of private property owned by Americans and Cubans. I think this is a major reason why.
LexusLover's Avatar
Run, Bernie, RUN!

Please win the nomination, Bernie! Bloomberg, needs the votes!