Message to a Hater

The difference between a white knight and someone who is "defending" a provider is simple. A WK trashes a guy who has written a review of a provider who he "brown noses" to possibly get brownie points, and the review is either a "no" recommendation or a suspect "yes" because he did not have as good of a time he thinks he should've had.

Or a guy has a different opinion of her, be it that she is not that pretty or whatever, the WK says he is wrong, while the guys who defends the provider, disagrees with the opinion, without calling out the guy that differs from his opinion, big difference!
KittyLamour's Avatar
Copierguy, Thank you. I regret that it had to come to the length it did in order to be noticed. I have sent multiple requests that this member be stopped from attacking me. To no avail. I never received any response any of the times I asked. In fact I was told to go and click the alert button on every post by urhuckleberry when I did so I was told that I might get a vacation for abusing the system. I quickly told them that I was only doing what I was told to do to get some attention to the hateful posts. Nothing was done about it. I honestly felt that this was my only alternative to get it to stop was to take matters into my own hands and be a Bitch vs the Lady I usually am. I do feel that I have made my point and will not fall victim to the trap of petty he said she said crap. I am requesting that this thread now be closed. Nothing further of use can be gained from it. Thank you again to all who understood and supported me. I really don't think what I'm saying is beyond the sentiments of any normal humans feelings when they have been wronged for an extended period of time. If I didn't have feelings, I wouldn't be very human. I don't think you hobbyists want to see a mechanical provider, I am not nor will I ever be. To ignore these insults to the extent it would've ensued would require me to be as cold and unfeeling as ice. I'm a real woman. That's all I have to say. THank you again.
not sure any use was gained from the first 31 posts...

why can't people just fuck and get over the drama, not sure these ever end with the OP in a better spot than they originally started...
Johnny exaggeration stating that many clients walked away from me is not right. Originally Posted by mercianna
I'm sorry. I'm afraid I did not clearly word that sentence enough for you and probably others. When I said "many reviewers walked away from their session with you having the distinct impression you were precisely 36," I did not mean to imply they were dissatisfied with the appointment or that they outright cancelled the appointment. The evidence is to the contrary. Rather, I meant that upon the conclusion and at the time of writing their reviews, many reviewers thought you were precisely 36 years old in early 2011. In fact, those reviewers who listed you as 36 all gave "yes" recommendations for visiting you. Hope that clears up that bit of confusion. Next time I'll do a better job at communicating.

Back to my original point, WALK AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD! You are NOT helping your business by replying. In fact, if this were a legal business endeavor, you would probably have to start looking at closing shop because because you're really not doing yourself justice by participating in the drama and drawing attention to yourself. You're not coming across as a mature 40-ish year old MILF who is confident with her age and body. Trust me when I say, you do not want to attract the customers that will be attracted to the "insecure and needy" persona you are putting out there right now for all to see. But hey, it's your business, maybe you have a much more solid handle on your rep and how it affects your business than I do. I am not a provider. Last post in this thread.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Au contrare. I said I wouldn't post but my friend you have me wrong. I am far from needy and far from weak. I live very well and do not hurt for business. I do what I want when I want to do it and am able to enjoy my favorite pastime which is being an equestrienne and horse owner. I do not own a nag either. I am one of the strongest most self sufficient providers I know personally. You see the opposite. I say that I am strong enough to take a stand for what I believe in. Undertaking this thread was not something a weak or a timid person would've done. They would have continued to ignore it and hoped it went away. I, on the other hand, was not content to let it continue. I am secure enough in my clientele to take this stance. It has not nor will it effect my income. I am also secure in the fact that the people who I seek to attract recognize my efforts for what they are. You do not fit in that category. I respect class in anyone. I likewise respect dignity. I am confident enough in myself to make a stand and say "you have got me fucked up" and "it stops here" if I had any doubt as to my allegation I would not have said it. Period. Last post in this thread.
Ok I am enjoying a lazy day of tv and scotch so I'll bite...

Your post seems contradictory in my opinion. In your first post which started this ordeal, you talk about hurt feelings and clients not seeing you bc of what this guy has supposedly said. Then you say in this last thread that your not weak and your self sufficient and that your secure in your clientele. Well if your not weak, then one persons opinion (especially if you haven't met him) shouldn't hurt you, your essentially strong enough to rise above it right? If your self sufficient then your not really worried about this effecting people that may or may not have come to see you, because your stable client base will see you regardless of what this guy said right?

Those that have seen you and had fun will continue to see you....those that haven't probably didn't really pay much attention to one persons feelings, but this 3 page long ordeal will probably definitely make them stay away. I had never heard much from this person you called out, just from others saying your pics aren't accurate and your incall was not well kept. If they feel that way so be it. You claim to be self sufficient and secure in your client whats the point?

I disagree that a timid or weak person would sit idle and hope it goes away. I think it takes a strong individual to know and see a persons statement (true or not) and to walk away and know that its just some persons individual opinion.

Scotch glass is empty...refill time.
KittyLamour's Avatar
So in your opinion a strong person doesn't have feelings. In your opinion a strong person does not care that lies are being perpetuated against them on the www on the forum where they make a living. Being secure in who I am and secure in my clientele does not mean that I allow someone to misrepresent me over and over. Being strong does not mean being a door mat. I was raised to stand up for what you believe in and if you don't stand up then you will continue to be walked on. It's better to get an ass whooping and stand up for yourself than to allow people to shit on you. I was raised that people will respect the fact that you stood up and fought rather than laid down and passively let people abuse you. Because once they see that it's doesn't end there. But they will continue to overstep your boundaries as long as you let them. Nobody that has seen me will cease to see me because of this thread. Just because you and one other person say I look horrible does not make it so. Discernment is a virtue I appreciate. Walk away you say.. how long would you personally take it...go back and read for yourself the evil things he has said about me...and I ask you long would you take it? I'm a Latina...and I guess passion is in my blood. Passion for what I believe in and passion of emotion. Judge me if you must. You will not change the way I believe, it was how I was raised.
Lol....its one person....hell maybe two three four five people who say this. Your telling me its worth getting all up in a huff because a guy that did or didn't see you doesn't like the way you look and made it publicly known and posts his opinions when someone reviews you. I'm not going to go searching for this guys posts, why....because I could give a crap less. This thread has brought way more attention to yourself than his opinions probably did at the end of some dudes review.

So I guess its acceptable for a yes review to have a bunch of replies supporting the yes, and its okay for WKs to bash on someone posting a no, but its not okay for a guy to say hey I didn't have a good time with this person or I woudln't see her, to each his own?

You can care all you like, not telling you not to. I'm a strong minded individual, and I could give a shit less what you, and 100% of the people on this board say about me or think of me. Why? Because it doesn't matter! It's a board where we have these fake personas because we enjoy fucking around and fucking different girls bc we don't enjoy the boredom of a relationship....well thats why I do it. I still treat every girl I meet with respect (granted I really only see the same girl)....but read my reviews, I have given a few No's because I didn't have a good time and the provider sucked...IN MY OPINION.
And I'm not judging you, I already made my determination of whether or not I wanted to see you a long time ago. I just enjoy debate and playing the devils advocate...

who once said that...."only god can judge me now"
KittyLamour's Avatar
Ok, ok, I know I said last post in this thread but this shit is just too funny.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Lol....its one person....hell maybe two three four five people who say this. Your telling me its worth getting all up in a huff because a guy that did or didn't see you doesn't like the way you look and made it publicly known and posts his opinions when someone reviews you. I'm not going to go searching for this guys posts, why....because I could give a crap less. This thread has brought way more attention to yourself than his opinions probably did at the end of some dudes review.

So I guess its acceptable for a yes review to have a bunch of replies supporting the yes, and its okay for WKs to bash on someone posting a no, but its not okay for a guy to say hey I didn't have a good time with this person or I woudln't see her, to each his own?

You can care all you like, not telling you not to. I'm a strong minded individual, and I could give a shit less what you, and 100% of the people on this board say about me or think of me. Why? Because it doesn't matter! It's a board where we have these fake personas because we enjoy fucking around and fucking different girls bc we don't enjoy the boredom of a relationship....well thats why I do it. I still treat every girl I meet with respect (granted I really only see the same girl)....but read my reviews, I have given a few No's because I didn't have a good time and the provider sucked...IN MY OPINION. Originally Posted by htownplaya
And you just proved how narrow minded and shallow you truly are. You did not get one thing I said. I will in your case say that you are not worth the further effort of my time. That was absolutely ridiculous.

Johnny your post is irrelevant unless you are pertaining that comic post to be yourself.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I'm going to the stable. I've made my point and risk becoming redundant. Ciao.
I guess its true, you learn something new everyday
Merci, Don't worry about those hurtful things that are being said. They are ALSO bringing attention to themselfs as well, and their creditability. IMHO, any man that bashes a woman for sticking up for herself and trying to protect herself from a hobbyists that went out of his way to attack 4 of her reviews and 2 Threads (none of those reviews were his) over a 3 month period, can never be a real man. (Does it make you feel good to say those things to a woman?) He is just trying to be a pot-stirrer and keep the fire burning. MANY providers are reading this and I hope they remember the shit-stirrer's handle's. I can think of 10 veteran providers, that if any hobbyists were to treat them like this, OMG the shit would hit the fan.