~50% of Black Chicago Murders and other Crimes are actually being committed by Whites

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
He's a White guy, but indisputably a LIBERAL!

Therefore the "confusion" he suffered.

Today the anti/never Trumpers (with the LIBERALS) want "separation" as well as they label those who have supported Trump as "deplorables" and other ludicrous names in an effort to marginalize or demonize them.

That's why they aren't any better than the Klansmen or Nazis.... and I call them "Hooligans"VVVVVVV! Originally Posted by LexusLover

the marchers, I assume, they were a mix of whites and blacks? did he say?
White liberals can turn into conservatives fast, once they get the shit kicked out of them by someone who robs them.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
how about nonwhite liberals?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
White liberals can turn into conservatives fast, once they get the shit kicked out of them by someone who robs them. Originally Posted by friendly fred

not the case that I've seen. it'll take them at least 1 year to change. others would take longer and be gradual process.
Good enough for Twitler, isn’t it?

This is another silly thread that only got sillier.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I illustrate absurdity...with absurdity.
All you post is absurdity...on steroids!!
41k+ posts and...NADA!!
Keep up the good work...it is LABOR DAY.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
White liberals can turn into conservatives fast, once they get the shit kicked out of them by someone who robs them. Originally Posted by friendly fred

^ Further proof that conservative beliefs are indeed shallow. So if a white person physically attacks me because of my race (not that they'd live to tell about it) but if they did am I supposed to then hate all white people? That's basically the essence of your message. Extremely misguided. So if you say something bad about me I'm in turn supposed to hate Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, and Lawrence O'donnell ? Yeah not a chance in hell.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
This thread was indeed a test. Despite the empirical evidence in my favor which most of you deny...I also wanted to prove a point and I did.

Most Republicans peddle in National Enquirer and Fox News type conspiracies on a daily basis. In fact their lives revolve around conspiracies and yet they would take offense to a legit report like this and call it a conspiracy. Ohh que the irony. Donald Tramp tells demonstrative and proven lies on a daily basis and constantly peddles in the conspiracy and yet...and yet the Republicans live and die off of his daily dose of lies. This is quite remarkable. At any rate I started this thread to prove the point that Republicans live off the conspiracy and yet reject it out of convenience to their narrative. How pathetic
LexusLover's Avatar
Here's some "Republicans" peddling .... based upon your definition ...

I B Hankering's Avatar
Lib-retards are duped daily by CNN's conspiracy theories.

CNN said a source declined to comment. Except he actually did.

The story reported prominently that one of Cohen’s attorneys, Lanny Davis, had declined to comment on the matter.

In fact, CNN was well aware that Davis had commented plenty....

... critics say the practice is murky at best and ethically dubious at worst. Reporting that someone 'declined to comment' when he or she actually had could mislead readers into believing an individual had no role in shaping a story.

'If CNN did tell its readers and viewers that Davis did not comment when he was indeed one of their confidential sources, that breaks a bond of trust with the public,' said Kathleen Culver, director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin. 'It’s deceptive and wrong.'

This thread was indeed a test. Despite the empirical evidence in my favor which most of you deny...I also wanted to prove a point and I did.

Most Republicans peddle in National Enquirer and Fox News type conspiracies on a daily basis. In fact their lives revolve around conspiracies and yet they would take offense to a legit report like this and call it a conspiracy. Ohh que the irony. Donald Tramp tells demonstrative and proven lies on a daily basis and constantly peddles in the conspiracy and yet...and yet the Republicans live and die off of his daily dose of lies. This is quite remarkable. At any rate I started this thread to prove the point that Republicans live off the conspiracy and yet reject it out of convenience to their narrative. How pathetic Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
What you fail to realize its not about peddling conspiracies. It's just that nobody really gives a fuck. By the years end Chicago Police will have investigated a few thousand shootings resulting in 500 murders. If you're trying to shame white posters here by trying to impose that half of the perpetrators of these murders are really white guys dressed in black latex masks then you might want to seek some serious counseling.

  • Tiny
  • 09-03-2018, 07:08 PM
This thread was indeed a test. Despite the empirical evidence in my favor which most of you deny...I also wanted to prove a point and I did.

Most Republicans peddle in National Enquirer and Fox News type conspiracies on a daily basis. In fact their lives revolve around conspiracies and yet they would take offense to a legit report like this and call it a conspiracy. Ohh que the irony. Donald Tramp tells demonstrative and proven lies on a daily basis and constantly peddles in the conspiracy and yet...and yet the Republicans live and die off of his daily dose of lies. This is quite remarkable. At any rate I started this thread to prove the point that Republicans live off the conspiracy and yet reject it out of convenience to their narrative. How pathetic Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You are confusing Republicans with Donald Trump, who has flip flopped parties many times. And Trump doesn't necessarily believe his own bull shit. Or maybe he does. Who knows.

Your side has its list of baseless conspiracy theories too,

1. George Bush stole the 2000 election
2a. The right invented AIDS to kill off black people and gay men
2b. The right invented the Ebola virus to kill black people
3. Scooter Libby exposed Valerie Plame as a CIA agent as revenge for her husband invalidating some of the Bush administration's evidence for going to war with Iraq. (This false conspiracy theory actually resulted in Libby going to jail.)
4. Government agents killed Malcolm X
6. Reagan made a deal with the Iranians not to release the hostages until he was elected president.
7. The Koch brothers control the United States of America
8. The oil companies bought the patent and buried the technology for a car that will get 100 miles to the gallon.
9. Bush knew about 9/11 and let it happen.
11. Fox News brainwashes conservatives
12. Donald Trump ran for president of the United States to help Hillary Clinton win but the effort went bad. (A favorite of Bernie Sanders supporters)
13. Cheney, Bush et al invaded Iraq to give Halliburton more business and take the oil.
14. GMO's in seeds kill you
15. Hillary Clinton won the election handily, except that the Russians infiltrated voting machines and ran up the count in key areas in Trump's favor
16. White people are dressing up in black people masks and killing tens of thousands of blacks.
17. Planned Parenthood and other government controlled clinics dispensed two types of birth control pills, one to white women, that temporarily stopped ovulation, and a second to black women that sterilized them. This conspiracy theory is kind of old. It was directed against you and your fellow Democrats, who historically have done and continue to do more than anyone to diminish the prospects of blacks in America.

Actually SC, I bet there are at least a couple of these baseless theories that you believe are true. It's understandable, you're exposed to MSNBC conspiracies on a daily basis.
  • Tiny
  • 09-03-2018, 08:05 PM
So if you say something bad about me I'm in turn supposed to hate Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, and Lawrence O'donnell ? Yeah not a chance in hell. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Huh? So Friendly Fred hangs with the likes of Maddow, Hayes and O'Donnell? I didn't know he was an MSNBC fellow traveler.

Hey Fred, say some bad things about SC. Apparently if you do he'll hate leftists like Rachel Maddow, and see the light and convert to free market capitalism. He's a closet Republican, crying out for help.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Kudos, SC!

Heads be exploding.
not the case that I've seen. it'll take them at least 1 year to change. others would take longer and be gradual process. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
How long does it take after they've had their NON-ORANGE SPHINCTER stretched at a gloryhole ????? RTM RTM RTM !!!!!!!!
Huh? So Friendly Fred hangs with the likes of Maddow, Hayes and O'Donnell? I didn't know he was an MSNBC fellow traveler.

Hey Fred, say some bad things about SC. Apparently if you do he'll hate leftists like Rachel Maddow, and see the light and convert to free market capitalism. He's a closet Republican, crying out for help. Originally Posted by Tiny
Are ya sure that's what he's in the "closet " about . RTM ! RTM ! RTM !