How Important do you think Reviews of Providers Are?

Reviews however are only as good as they are honestly written..If someone writes a review from the standpoint of helping the girl and not informing his fellow hobbyiest of the truths then he is doing a dis-service to the review process. Of course we all known one of the great things that comes from good reviews is it will in fact HELP THE GIRL, but hobbyiest should NOT write a review with his first thought of getting/staying in the good graces of the girls, he shouldn't write the review with his first thoughts of not hurting her feelings. Tact is a wonderful thing and should be used, but facts are just that and should be told to help other customers/clients/hobbyiest make an informed decision. . . . .

Guys, should write honest tactful reviews not with the hopes of pleasing the p*ssy, but with the hopes of giving back to a community they rely on for good honest info and in hopes of educating their fellow hobbyiest and understanding that the side effect is that if the girl EARNS the good review her business will get better and if the provider EARNS a poor review that the opposite will and should rightfully happen... Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv

Bravo! Very well said, Deanna!

It should be remembered that a review is an opinion of a given session. Being honest and tactful is essential as it establishes the credibility of the hobbiest and the provider.

A review written as a "love-fest" of a particular provider accomplishes nothing except damaging the credibility of the reviewer and the potential motives of the provider in asking for the review.
To answer your question kitten.. personally reviews never revealed details that would bother me to have known in a hobby community. Its our responsibility to ensure hobbyiest and this world only knows the things we want them to about us. I obviously was never to ashamed, worried, or nervous about my identity since when I was touring heavily etc my face was always my avatar, my face and body can always be found when someone searches. I felt it was my duty to make sure I never came across as trying to hide something.

I really don't know how much info a review could have in it that would reveal much about me. My phone number I have used safely and securely for 10yrs now is NOT in my name, i own right around 5 cars or more at any given time that range in make, model, color etc. I never park, get into or out of my car where it could be identified by a hobbyiest. I never use my personal residence that I actually live in.

I attempt to control everything about my hobby life and my personal life, most guys unless they point blank ask have no clue if i am married or not, or if i was at one time whether i still am, if i have kids, if i did how many. If i was married they would never know to who, what he does for a living. No one truly knows what city, state I actually live in. There are numerous things I attempt to control in order to ensure that the hobbyiest has as little as possible to reveal.

In the end, they are suppose to be reviewing my bcd skills, my attitude, my appearance, in general their experiences with me, its my goal to make sure thats all they are able to convey in a review, my personal drama, personal life, and anything in it is kept out of this world for that very reason.

Identifying marks..tats, my pics etc.. you know what..if someone is on the internet and finds me and finds that I am banging numerous guys in different cities and have for 6+yrs now.. guess what

they had to be searching, typing in certain things in order to come across my info since "DeAnna Luv" is the only name anyone knows me by on here and no one..absolutely no one would ever guess or know my real name..100% sure about that, they would have to be searching for escorts in arkansas or florida or some other city I was in, perhaps they punch in my phone number and ads come up, whatever the case may be.. if they are looking, who the f*ck are they to judge me?

its like running into family members or church friends at a strip club..why be embarrassed? the only way they saw you there was because their ass was there too correct? same thing with finding out cuz some guy reviewed me that im an escort..if you ain't looking wouldn't find me

i am curious to know what people think could be revealed in a review that would put me at risk for anything negative?
Guest022210's Avatar
I like writing reviews and I like reading them.I am too enthusiastic I will admit,but the thing I try to communicate in them is how the girl made me feel.I think I have been very lucky to have had a really good run of great providers lately.Despite my tendency to perhaps overstate my case,all the other reviewers were of the same mind.I never had a provider ask me to review them oddly enough so I couldn't say if that might change what I say.Stated simply if I run across a good thing I like to share it and leave no doubt in the mind of the reader whether I had a good time.We all have our faults as reviewers and. Every reader decides what to to take what to leave.At the end of the day it's just fun.I try not to take it too seriously.
Everyone thank you for your opinions and thoughts. Its definetly given me food for thought... Deanna I may pm you for more information on how you manage to effectively protect your identiity all these years if thats okay? Now the question am I brave enough to allow on a review on a public board ...Time will tell lol...

The input on this thread has definetly given me more information and cleared up some questions for me...

As always play safe, have fun