It’s not ok for prostitutes to discriminate, ever

PhoenixFux's Avatar
I definitely discriminate. Not for age and gender or Ethnicity. It’s probably because I feel like you’re an asshole and or I don’t want to deal with whatever negativity that I’m vibing from our initial contact. Give me all the colors numbers and genitals ya got. My bucket list is to try everything on so I got to keep my options open
so a SW says no AA and you call them out as racist,... god i hate that word, most over used word and used outside its definition, more than any other word in the English language... some one tell me, if a girl won't see AA, that they believe those people are a subpar race and that their race is superior.... that is literally the definition of being racist... not liking black people or saying they eat chicken isn't racist, its prejudice and stereotyping.
jokacz's Avatar
Here's a prejudice I have: SW means "Street Walker".

It does not mean "Sex Worker" unless you are some kind of Twitter asshole.

End of rant
I am a twitter asshole im twatting as we speak
FlyboyNY's Avatar
I deleted my twitter account. Too much entitlement amongst most of the girls on there. Not all of them but most. "Go through the screening and I will talk to all the girls and see if we might be compatable." I am not looking to date you for christs sake.
PhoenixFux's Avatar
I deleted my twitter account. Too much entitlement amongst most of the girls on there. Not all of them but most. "Go through the screening and I will talk to all the girls and see if we might be compatable." I am not looking to date you for christs sake. Originally Posted by FlyboyNY
I think it’s a pretty fair entitlement if we are allowing you guys to enter our bodies. I don’t wanna date none of you either, but you aren’t entitled to stick your dick anywhere in me either. So if you answer my questions which are few, then you get to stick your dick where you want to. You don’t answer my questions and usually you guys runoff and have a temper tantrum about it
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Don’t see fellas placing racist ads selling service based upon pigmentation. Toxic female privilege whew
jokacz's Avatar
I deleted my twitter account. Too much entitlement amongst most of the girls on there.... Originally Posted by FlyboyNY

Meh, it's just a bunch of ThreADs like we used to have here before the rules changed. Interspersed with some begging and phishing for reassuring compliments.

Here's an idea, we should have a Venmo / Cashapp section where hookers can beg for money and not have to supply any services whatsoever. That should bringum back.
It's interesting that when you present a line of thought which makes perfect sense the person will say 'that's racist' and that totally negates everything you said. The discussion is over.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
I have worked with white kittens,
Mixed kittens, and black kittens.

And plenty of the gents have told me they would prefer to NOT see the black kittens.
So..were ok with it.
If a gent doesn't dig blondes..ok.
Dark haired beauty.. your up.
Fyi..we like all colors here !!

Just be a gentleman.
mwpedro's Avatar
It's their body, it seems like they can choose whomever they do or do not want to be with. I realize in the world we are in everything is racist like uncle Ben, Mr. Buttersworth, and having an opinion other than the one left or right agree with. As men don't we have the right to choose who we spend time with, ya I think so. Get off that racist bandwagon bullshit dude.
mwpedro's Avatar
And Carlos Danger, lol, why do you even come on here and comment. Yo have never submitted a review, are you lonely, get a cat, dude. Your like plastic man 2.0.
lilylivered's Avatar
Your like plastic man 2.0. Originally Posted by mwpedro
They are twins with a different mother lol
And Carlos Danger, lol, why do you even come on here and comment. Originally Posted by mwpedro
to WHIP IT guud

And Carlos Danger, lol, why do you even come on here and comment. Yo have never submitted a review, are you lonely, get a cat, dude. Your like plastic man 2.0. Originally Posted by mwpedro
And yet, they both contribute so much more than yourself....