Farewell My Friends; It’s been good, it’s been fun,, it is now time for me to go..

No,, I did not run off to the Coin-op,, are you freaken kidding???? lol
For one,, I would start my own first and secondly I could not even entertain the idea of working for that twit.... Funny, she still advertises on other boards under her same name and email addy.. Thank gosh the Mods here on Eccie got a clue.

I am ready for new beginnings, I have been at this for a long time and need a change... I think Lilly Von Shtup says it best for me:

Im Tired

Here I stand, the goddess of Desire,
set men on fire,
I have this power,
morning noon and night it's drink and dancing,
some quick romancing,
and then a quick shower,
stage door johnnies always surround me,
they always hound me,
with one request,
who can satisfy their lustful habits,
I'm not a rabbit!
I need some rest!

I'm tired,
sick and tired of love,
I've had my fill of love,
from below and above,
tired of being admired,
tired of love uninspired,
let's face it,
I'm tired!

I've been with 1000's of men,
again and again,
they promise the moon,
they always coming and going,
going and coming,
and always too soon!
Right girls?

I'm tired,
tired of playing the game,
ain't it a crying shame?
I'm so tired,
God dammit I'm tired!

Hello cowboy, what's your name?
Tex 'mam
Tex 'mam ? Tell me Tex'mam, are you in show business?
We'll then why don't you get your freaking feet off here
La ha
Ah ha he hu...
Hello handsome, is that a 10 gallon hat? Or are you just enjoying the show?
Ah ha ah...
Oh miss lilly, oh my laby, oh my pussy cat, put it there baby, put it... ohhhhh

I'm tired,
tired of playing the game,
ain't it a crying shame,
I'm so tired

she's tired
-she's tired
sick and tired of love
-give her a break
she's had her fill of love
-she's not a snake
from bellow and above
-can't you see she's sick?
-she's bushed
tired of being admired
-let her alone
tired of love uninspired
-get off the phone
she's tired
-don't you know she's pooped?

I've been with 1000's of men,
again and again,
they sing the same toon,
the start with Byron and Shelly,
and jump on your belly,
and bust your ballon!
tired of playing the game,
ain't it a freakin shame,
I'm so...
let's face it,
everything below the waste is kapput!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Best of luck to you AST. I am sure you will excel in what ever you take on.
Goodbye folks, it has been fun! I will be guest’ing my account at the end of this month. I am no longer accepting new appointments (yes,, I am pulling the plug early) ! I just wanted to get the message out to the gents I have seen before, and those who are good friends that I will be leaving the public view.

There has been a lot of changes in the Hobby world since ASPD died and many of my good friends are scattered and do not know of the recent hobby boards,, so I am reaching out on all public venues at this time and will be available for a limited time via my email and phone number..

Thank you all once again and I have had a great time here in Houston!!



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Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Thats not fair! You said the 25th!
Let's face it baby gurl,, "I'm Tired",,, and every thing below the waist is kaputz..
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 04-21-2010, 04:53 AM
Im still going to miss your posting. Im just saying...
TheStig's Avatar
Good luck, AST. I just wish I was old enough to meet your age requirements to have a session with you. Oh well, my loss. All the best..
auknowho's Avatar
Good luck AST, don't forget to fix my PC?.......LOL
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Best of Luck to ya...


Forever Young

May God bless and keep you always
May your wishes all come true
May you always do for others
And let others do for you
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung
May you stay forever young
Forever young, forever young
May you stay forever young
May you grow up to be righteous
May you grow up to be true
May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you
May you always be courageous
Stand upright and be strong
May you stay forever young
Forever young, forever young
May you stay forever young
May your hands always be busy
May your feet always be swift
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift
May your heart always be joyful
May your song always be sung
May you stay forever young
Forever young, forever young
May you stay forever young
Best of Luck to ya...


Forever Young Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
Thank you babe,, you left me feeling warm and moist (psst, I was looking for a crying smiley, but gosh darn,, there are way to many on Eccie to go through..,,, just say'in)...
Good luck AST, don't forget to fix my PC?.......LOL Originally Posted by auknowho
I promise to hook you up babe!