Obamanomics lesson

Sa_artman's Avatar
Ignorance is its own reward !

LS Originally Posted by LittleSpike
Well, when they kick down your door, let us know.

Q: What happens when a paranoid has low self-esteem?

A: He thinks that nobody important is out to get him.
LittleSpike's Avatar
Tyrants love dis-believing fools. If you want to sit back and laugh while your country and society are being destroyed you're an idiot, and there is no hope for you.

Thanking Arizona for what? John McCain? Originally Posted by Houston65
No, thank you Arizona for having the balls to simply enforce a national law we already have.
dearhunter's Avatar
It may be time to visit the Grand Canyon........and spend a little money in support of Arizona.
boardman's Avatar
you're an idiot, and there is no hope for you.

LS Originally Posted by LittleSpike
That was established several threads ago.
guest042912's Avatar
No, thank you Arizona for having the balls to simply enforce a national law we already have. Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
You mean thank you for harrassing people who are brown or brownish. I'm Hispanic and a veteran who would of fought and died for this country but it sucks knowing that I'm not your ideal of a true American. No matter what I'll be harrassed. I have a friend who gain his citizenship while he was in Iraq. Some of the first casualities were non citizens who died for this country but yet they are not American enough for you.

And don't tell me it's not an racist law becaus there are no laws codemning the people who who hire illegals. I wonder what race they are?
The problem with illegal immigration would be solved overnight if our elected officials had the courage to make "knowingly hiring an illegal" at least a 3d degree felony.

But, I suspect all of the Hispanic race baiters would object to that as well.
Toolman's Avatar

Thank you for your military service.

I don’t know of anyone calling you a racist (although you may well be one). You’re just a whiner, like most liberals. I rather suspect that you—like the Public-Embarrassment-In-Chief, his farce of an attorney general, and his Homeland Security ho—have never read the Arizona law. So, for your convenience and the other interested readers out there, here’s a link to the full text of the statute:


Now, I’m not a veteran like you. (Where was it that you served, by the way? Were you actually in harm’s way? I do not mean in any way to diminish the value of your service to our county. I only ask because you cite your service for the apparent purpose of establishing bona fides for your remaining comments. Therefore, it only seems fair to give us a more complete understanding of your credentials as we weigh the merits of your remarks.)

I only spent 15 years in higher education, working on 4 degrees, including a law degree, and have only practiced constitutional law for the past 22 years, so I’m at somewhat of a disadvantage in this discussion. I’ve read the statute and, for the life of me, I can’t find anything that authorizes, condones, promotes or even suggests with a wink that any person can be harassed because he/she is brown, brownish, red, yellow, green or purple. I know I’m not as bright or educated as you are, but I’ve tried to find that language and just haven’t been able to do so.

So, perhaps you can help me out here. Could you … would you … actually READ the statute and identify for me (and the rest of your audience here) any passage which you think authorizes harassment of persons on the basis of skin pigmentation, or in any way otherwise violates any individual right secured by the U.S. Constitution? (You remember the Constitution … it’s that thing that you swore to support and defend, against all enemies, foreign and domestic, when you put on the uniform?) Don’t generalize, now. Don’t irrationally emotionalize. Please tell us what specific provision of the statute violates the Constitution and what article or amendment is offended thereby. I really look forward to reading your educated, informed explanation.

Oh, and while you are at it, could you also explain for us how El Presidente de Mexico has the temerity to come here as a guest of state, and accuse the USA and the Great State of Arizona of being wrongfully discriminatory toward his countrymen, when his government deports more persons who illegally immigrate to Mexico than does the USA, and physically abuses them while they are there? (http://www.vdare.com/awall/060518_memo.htm) I really look forward to your enlightening remarks on that issue.

In the meantime, may I also point out that I'm a legal American citizen of pale dermal hue, and I must show my ID or supply my drivers license number:

1. When pulled over by the police for any traffic violation (try driving through mostly-Anglo Spring Valley with a non-workin license plate light or while going 34 in a 30 mph zone);

2. When running a tab at the Ship or the Jimmy on a credit card,

3. When I show up for a doctor's appointment,

4. When filling out a credit card or loan application,

5. When applying for or renewing my auto registration, drivers license or passport,

6. When applying for any job,

7. When filling out college applications,

8. When donating blood,

9. When obtaining certain prescription drugs,

10. When making some debit purchases, especially if I'm out of state, or

11. When collecting a boarding pass for airline or train travel.

I could list dozens of other instances, but the point is that non-brown, legal citizens of the USA are required to prove who they are every day. Why should people who enter this country illegally, regardless of color, be exempt?

For that matter, perhaps the liberals can answer this question: Why shouldn't we guard our borders as closely as Mexico and every other country in the world does?


You mean thank you for harrassing people who are brown or brownish. So if a policeman pulls over a car with 12 blonde, blue-eyed people that speak with a heavy Swedish accent and asks if they have valid U.S ID he would be harassing white or whitish folks?

I'm Hispanic and a veteran who would of fought and died for this country but it sucks knowing that I'm not your ideal of a true American. Anyone who fought and put their life on the line for this great country is absolutely my idea of a true American and I salute you sir!

No matter what I'll be harrassed. The law specifically says that you will not. Please don't second guess our hard working police sir.

I have a friend who gain his citizenship while he was in Iraq. Some of the first casualities were non citizens who died for this country but yet they are not American enough for you.Of course they are. But people that enter my country illegally are most definately NOT American enough for me.

And don't tell me it's not an racist law becaus there are no laws codemning the people who who hire illegals.I 100% agree. It is a national outrage that poor people just trying to put food on the table for their family are exploited by corporations. It's sickening and needs to be stopped. A fair wage for work should be mandatory!! However, these workers should be issued work visas and then return home to their country and not bring over their extended family members that often bleed our taxpayer dollars for their care.

I wonder what race they are? Doesn't matter. We are all people. Skin color doesn't matter. But don't break my country's laws and then complain because my tax dollars don't give someone all the benefits they clearly do NOT deserve, as a non-citizen.

Mexican president Calderon called the Arizona law a "violation of human rights". Really? If you enter the southern border of Mexico(which is patroled by the heavily armed Mexican ARMY BTW), it is a FELONY and you will go to a Mexican prison for 2 years for the first offense. If Mexico catches you entering illegally the second time-it's TEN YEARS my friend. Human rights? What hypocrisy!! Originally Posted by xxr76xx
Sa_artman's Avatar
Lol. Oh your funny. I'll just go slit my wrists now...the sky is falling, the sky is falling. No sir, without your medications your querulant delusions are running rampant. There is fine line between conservative and nut job.

Tyrants love dis-believing fools. If you want to sit back and laugh while your country and society are being destroyed you're an idiot, and there is no hope for you.

LS Originally Posted by LittleSpike
Sa_artman's Avatar
The problem with illegal immigration would be solved overnight if our elected officials had the courage to make "knowingly hiring an illegal" at least a 3d degree felony.

But, I suspect all of the Hispanic race baiters would object to that as well. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Well no, but that would probably clear out all the last few Republicans in Washington as they would all be serving time.

re: Toolman, read the bill- you are quite right (see I don't disagree with all conservative banter, only the uneducated nut job ones). But in all fairness, Bush had the time to clamp the borders down long time ago, but then that would have flexing more Federal power so we're stuck being Mexico's economic feeder. While I abhor discrimination (except crazy extremists - see above) something needs to be done and with Mexico nearing the brink of a failed state, we need to protect our own, white, brown, black, red or blue.
Sa_artman's Avatar
That was established several threads ago. Originally Posted by boardman
The ass has lips and speaks. I think this discussion is a few clicks above your IQ level. Just saying.
Toolman's Avatar
There is fine line between conservative and nut job. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
The irony is that there is no distinction between liberal and idiot.
Sa_artman's Avatar
The irony is that there is no distinction between liberal and idiot. Originally Posted by Toolman
Or an oxymoron like rational conservative.
LittleSpike's Avatar
Lol. Oh your funny. I'll just go slit my wrists now...the sky is falling, the sky is falling. No sir, without your medications your querulant delusions are running rampant. There is fine line between conservative and nut job. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Name-calling and ad hominem arguments serve no useful purpose. I have been both a Republican, and a Democrat (and an independent as well), and have lived long enough to see that both parties have contributed to the downfall of our country. The problem, as I see it, is that the public has been conditioned to put up with all kinds of assaults on their rights. To my mind, any congressman who proposes, or votes for, a law which violates the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, is both anti-American and a fool. Now if that makes me a conservative or a nut job, what the hell does it make you ?