What do you do with a passed out lady?

Since I have training and I am a CPR instructor I'd check her out see if she needs medical help or just sleep it off.

Just because a chick fucks for a living doesn't mean she deserves to treated less than a person.

If a chick is passed out. Check if she is ok. If she is not. Call 911. If she is, leave her alone and leave. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
+1. People are still people at the EOD...

Thankfully, that hasn't happened to me. After reading this thread, puts a lot of things in perspective, such as making sure the provider (and myself) are in "working" condition...
Laura Lynn's Avatar
such as making sure the provider (and myself) are in "working" condition... Originally Posted by NoLossAllBoss
I'm sorry, that made me giggle a little bit.

But Kaylee hit the nail right on the head. If she's ok, leave and maybe send her a message to check in on her. Then think twice with booking her company in the future. If she's not ok, call 911. People have to be told this ???

Just remember, you should leave the gift you brought.
TheEccie214's Avatar
I'm sorry, that made me giggle a little bit.

But Kaylee hit the nail right on the head. If she's ok, leave and maybe send her a message to check in on her. Then think twice with booking her company in the future. If she's not ok, call 911. People have to be told this ???

Just remember, you should leave the gift you brought. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
This pretty much sums up this thread.
Boltfan's Avatar
This pretty much sums up this thread. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
If you are the one tainting her drink so to speak yeah you have to be told this
Agent47X's Avatar
Take her cellphone from her purse.

Download Pokemon Go.

Find Pokemon. Make her look like a worldwide hero.

Prepare to receive the love.
Sleepy363's Avatar

Just remember, you should leave the gift you brought. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
That's the question. If the provider is ok and just fell asleep, should you leave the whole donation? The providers, of course, are probably going to say yes, but I don't think the guys may agree with that. If she falls asleep shortly into an hour session, why should the guy be out the full donation amount for that? That doesn't seem to be fair at all.

If you take your car to a mechanic, he falls asleep on the job and doesn't fix your car, would you pay him the full repair price anyway?
milfy2002's Avatar
That's the question. If the provider is ok and just fell asleep, should you leave the whole donation? The providers, of course, are probably going to say yes, but I don't think the guys may agree with that. If she falls asleep shortly into an hour session, why should the guy be out the full donation amount for that? That doesn't seem to be fair at all.

If you take your car to a mechanic, he falls asleep on the job and doesn't fix your car, would you pay him the full repair price anyway? Originally Posted by Sleepy363

No freaking way.

If she passes out and you didn't cause it then it's her loss, leaving the full donation when you didn't get the full time will only encourage the behavior.

Leave the amount for the time spent and chalk the waste of your hobby time up to the game.

Boltfan's Avatar

Just remember, you should leave the gift you brought. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
Yeah, no. If the issue is no fault of the gents she deserves a partial at best.

Tell me, if you show up for an appointment to get your oil changed, and the guy does half the work, you going to pay full price?

I thought not.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
That's the question. If the provider is ok and just fell asleep, should you leave the whole donation? The providers, of course, are probably going to say yes, but I don't think the guys may agree with that. If she falls asleep shortly into an hour session, why should the guy be out the full donation amount for that? That doesn't seem to be fair at all.

If you take your car to a mechanic, he falls asleep on the job and doesn't fix your car, would you pay him the full repair price anyway? Originally Posted by Sleepy363
1st, I'd leave the gift appropriate for the time spent. If you were there a hhr, then leave her the hhr gift.

2nd, I'd do my research on said mechanic prior to taking my car. I bet there is a review or comment somewhere on the interwebs that calls him out for being a sleeping beauty.
So when I said this almost happened. I was talking to the lady prior to coming to the room. She sounded a little confused and said she needed 15 min to get ready.

I waited in the lobby for 30 and called her back. I got no answer. Originally I thought she was being flaky or something so, I said I couldn't wait amy longer and regrettably had to leave.

She later called me and said she passed out from taking some medication. So I was really close to this happening in front of me. Originally Posted by dfw harley
that has happen to me once but she fell asleep due to a nap or lack of sleep, phone on bed vibrating.

most of the time it is just bad time management

Lady I saw for several years came to my place for a O/N. She challenged me to a drink-off. 6 shots later we're in bed boinking like crazy. Just as I nut she goes limp. Check pulse...yup she's still alive. Get up to remove rubber, she rolls over and starts to snore like a freakin' chainsaw. That's when I hatch a plan to really fuck with her.

3am- She sits straight up in bed with a wild eye "whatthehellhappended" look.
Her: "Did I pass out"
Me: "Yup"
Her: "While we were fuckin "?
Me: "Kinda..."
Her: "Whadda ya mean kinda"?
Me: "You insisted I stop, pull off the rubber and fuck you in the ass" (Both MAJOR no-no's with her.
Her: "Now I know you're fuckin with me" and lays back down spooning with me.
Me: ~silence~
Her: "You ARE fuckin with me, right?"
Me: ~loud silence~
Her: "Did we really do anal"?
Me: ~Louder silence~
Her: "Naaaah you're fuckin with me" and starts to finger her bung hole to check. "Did we"?

I let that go on for about 30 minutes before letting her off the hook. She never challenged me to a drinking game again. Originally Posted by Hercules
Now that is funny stuff
Since I have training and I am a CPR instructor I'd check her out see if she needs medical help or just sleep it off. Originally Posted by wacocowboy
Exactly, mouth to chest resuscitation

Uhhh i mean breast compression

billw1032's Avatar
I don't understand half the posts on this thread, and I certainly don't understand why people would joke around with this topic.

Seriously folks, unless you have professional medical training you need to call for help if you can't wake her up. You aren't equipped to properly evaluate her condition, and there are potential serious consequences for both her and you (since you were present). The money is a secondary consideration at this point.

Of course, this assumes you are physically present. If it's a case of radio silence on the phone that's an entirely different matter.
^^^^ maybe treat her like a real person and actually give a shit with your big head.

Another dumbass post; butt at least we don't have an illegal snatch thread in Big Dumbass D. We all know the overworked mods are too busy monitoring the weekend ads to make sure no laws are broken in this play fukn world
I'm really confused ...

Why would a provider schedule an appointment knowing there might be some sort of medical risk - as in insulin deficiency - over indulgence in alcohol or other drug - uuhhh ... I can't really think of other scenarios unless she just has a heart attack ... or drank a death poison.

Has anyone TRULY had the worst happen ...? Heart attack ... insulin deficiency ... poison?

I would only think there are times us gals do over indulge in the drinks that are being provided. But be responsible and take care of the matter at hand ... which normally means a dick in your hand ... and your expertise is required.

Let's get real!

If you pass out because you are so drunk you can't stay awake ... or mixed alcohol with a medication .... then I would say ... perhaps you should not be a provider.

My 2 cents.