Lost everything in the flood

albundy's Avatar
I got in touch with Diva a couple of days ago to see if she is OK and she responded back.

She's fine, thankfully.
Kati there are always going to be parasites and bottom feeders in times like this, fuck em, aint worth the brain damage.
Texted with Sammi Jo yesterday, and she had some flooding that she is dealing with. So, if you are over in that area, you may can show her some love.
DallasRain's Avatar
I am sending big hugs n good karma to all yall affected............I have been in similar shoes a few years ago when "Ike' hit New Orleans....it was not as bad or devastating,but was still horrible to go thru!
Any word on Diva? She's near me and I can drop some supplies to her. Originally Posted by Marshpirate
She is okay but said she lost the loveshack
Heart goes out to those in Baton Rouge,
F L O O D I N S U R A N C E is much needed in these parts
I DO NOT care if you live in Louisiana in a bone dry X flood zone, make your insurance carrier sell you flood insurance. If they won't then switch to another carrier. If you live in LOUISIANA period you need flood insurance ...even if it never flooded before. Read the Bible about Noah's ark...


river985's Avatar
I can confirm what SN says. Checked on Diva last week and got the same response. Godspeed to all those effected.