NBC Sports goes PC

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  • 06-24-2011, 09:06 AM
Just as we all know, in this unfair world we live in... it's next to impossible to even be allowed in the clubhouse, unless born with a silver putter! * How is it even possible to make it to the top? Originally Posted by MrGiz
Yea most poor folks have fathers that take them to play golf at an early age. Of course hard work was in the equation but you somehow have trouble with the concept that if you were to put Rory in the projects without a dad , he would be just another gang banger. He was very fortunate hitting the parential lottery. Something you discount because you are so wonderful and selfmade.

McIlroy was born in Holywood, County Down, a port town of 12,000 people in the northeast region of Ulster, located close to the capital city Belfast. He is the only child of Gerry and Rosie McIlroy.[5] He attended the Sullivan Upper School.[6] He was introduced to golf at an exceptionally young age by his father Gerry, who coached him from at least the age of 18 months.[1]
Gerry McIlroy is a fine golfer himself, who once played at a scratch handicap level.[7]

Ooooooooops... sorry Rory!!

Hope he isn't a regular here.... no, wait... that's Tiger!

As stated earlier... the memory of the day belongs to Mr. Mcllroy!!
He's a fine example of hard work turning into success!

Wonder, how RICH he was born? Originally Posted by MrGiz
He sure as fuc wasn't born poor!

Golf is a great analogy of being born with a silver spoon. Most poor people will never get the chance to play. Just as most poor people will never be handed the tools of life to play like rich people have been. The rich are born with a huge advantage in life, to say any different is beyond the pale.
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  • 06-24-2011, 09:13 AM
A nonsensical arguement; of course NBC can do what they want (within legal bounds); but *what erked everybody was that they dressed the Pledge of Allegiance up in patriotic symbolism; but left out one of the most improtant of symbol to a majority of Americans - the referenece to God.......if you don't get that, too bad.

The question is WTF do you want? All you do is complain about what we think. You're posts are all reactive to our threads; go ahead and tell us what do you want?**

BTW, here is what I want:

-An apology from NBC that explicity states they left out important phrases like "Under God" and "indivsible" and that this will never happen again in any of their future broadcasts, including the Olympics.
-A statement from the USGA condeming the mistake of NBC. Afterall it was a USGA event.
-A stement from the Golf Channel ( who co-broadcasted with NBC) that they were equally offended and have received assurances from NBC that it won't happen again in of their future broadcasts.

None of these things have transpired.*** Originally Posted by Whirlaway
*It did not irk everybody. Hardly anybody gives a fuc besides a few political right wingers and bible thumpers.

**To worry about shit that matters, if you can't do that then grow some balls when you complain about shit that does not matter and I make fun of you for doing so and quit complaining about me. I am not complaining, I am making fun. So maybe I should wish you knew the difference.

***Nor should it. It is much ado about nothing. Were you a birther? I bet you were.

That is pretty much what NBC did............. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Good for them. Shows you that is is a small group that even cares. The big boys cowrow when they think it will effect their bottom line.
Your right; you make no points, just try to make fun of our posts and piss people off...I get your MO.
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  • 06-24-2011, 09:41 AM
Your right; you make no points, just try to make fun of our posts and piss people off...I get your MO. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You got that wrong there brother.

Making a point that you are all worked up about nothing is in fact a point.

I'm kinda like the Jon Stewart. I'm not here to make great points, I'm here to point out the funny ones.

I am not trying to piss anyone off btw.

I grew up where people said wtf was on their mind and if you said something stupid , you had to take it with both barrels. Made you think before saying something.

That is all I am trying to get you to do. Think, it does a world of good!

Take Mr Giz for example. He thinks that hard work is the be all end all to life. Being born or living in the right enviorment is nothing to him. Yet I doubt that he would send his newborn over to Cambodia or some other third world country!

He is not thinking on this matter.

My job is to try and get him to!

Thank you very much
Sa_artman's Avatar
Your right; you make no points, just try to make fun of our posts and piss people off...I get your MO. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You mean 'our' as in you, your alter ego Marshal/DFW or whatever? The propaganda and tired rhetoric sounds the same. Just sayin.
It is so easy to annoy the liberal tweekers on this board; you guys follow our conservative posts like hobbyists chasing free pussy;

Now watch the tweekers sit, roll over boys, bark,,,good little doggie!
TexRich's Avatar
It is so easy to annoy the liberal tweekers on this board; you guys follow our conservative posts like hobbyists chasing free pussy;

Now watch the tweekers sit, roll over boys, bark,,,good little doggie! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

that is the damn truth. it is like Pavlov with the left side of the aisle here, it does not take much for them to get their panties in a wad. It is like kicking a hornets nest, typical response. name calling never fails. it is one thing to call out a network and have an opinion about that network, but to start name calling fellow members for it really shows how immature they really are.
  • MrGiz
  • 06-24-2011, 12:12 PM
Take Mr Giz for example. He thinks that hard work is the be all end all to life. Being born or living in the right enviorment is nothing to him. Yet I doubt that he would send his newborn over to Cambodia or some other third world country!

He is not thinking on this matter.

My job is to try and get him to!
Originally Posted by WTF
Naaaaahhhhh... not gonna happen, 'cause I understand what a silly ass you are!
Carry On... you are amusing, sometimes!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-24-2011, 12:26 PM
it does not take much for them to get their panties in a wad. Originally Posted by TexRich
Nope, it doesn't. Just even a little bit of stupidity will do it every time.

name calling never fails. it is one thing to call out a network and have an opinion about that network, but to start name calling fellow members for it really shows how immature they really are.
fuck NBC and all their left wing nut jobs! Originally Posted by TexRich
You guys are so easy it's not even fun half the time.
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  • 06-24-2011, 08:21 PM
It is so easy to annoy the liberal tweekers on this board; you guys follow our conservative posts like hobbyists chasing free pussy;

Now watch the tweekers sit, roll over boys, bark,,,good little doggie! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It is a damn discussion board. You started a whiny thread about a business that didn't do as you wanted. I replied that it was much ado about nothing. IMHO

that is the damn truth. it is like Pavlov with the left side of the aisle here, it does not take much for them to get their panties in a wad. It is like kicking a hornets nest, typical response. name calling never fails. it is one thing to call out a network and have an opinion about that network, but to start name calling fellow members for it really shows how immature they really are. Originally Posted by TexRich
I commented that the network can do as they please. It is still somewhat of a free country in that regard. Post wtf ever you want but be prepared to defend your POV, especially when it is so silly.

You do not hear me bitching about Fox News posting wtf ever they want. They are in the business of making money. NBC obviously does not care what some right leaning folks think....yet you think they owe you an apology. Think about how stupid that sounds. If you do not think it isn't stupid, lay out some reasons why you think so.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
It is a damn discussion board. You started a whiny thread about a business that didn't do as you wanted. I replied that it was much ado about nothing. IMHO

I commented that the network can do as they please. It is still somewhat of a free country in that regard. Post wtf ever you want but be prepared to defend your POV, especially when it is so silly.

You do not hear me bitching about Fox News posting wtf ever they want. They are in the business of making money. NBC obviously does not care what some right leaning folks think....yet you think they owe you an apology. Think about how stupid that sounds. If you do not think it isn't stupid, lay out some reasons why you think so. Originally Posted by WTF
you are right, they even admitted to giving Obama 3 times the coverage vs McCain and you wonder why people call them the left coast media
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  • Doove
  • 06-24-2011, 10:07 PM
you are right, they even admitted to giving Obama 3 times the coverage vs McCain and you wonder why people call them the left coast media Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
TexTushHog's Avatar
The question is WTF do you want? All you do is complain about what we think. You're posts are all reactive to our threads; go ahead and tell us what do you want?
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Here's what I want: You and the rest of the American Taliban to get the fuck out of this free country. If you want to live in theocracy, pack your shit, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, hit the fuckin' road!! Leave America for those of us who really believe in freedom, liberty and the Constitution. I've had my belly full of poseurs.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Here's what I want: You and the rest of the American Taliban to get the fuck out of this free country. If you want to live in theocracy, pack your shit, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, hit the fuckin' road!! Leave America for those of us who really believe in freedom, liberty and the Constitution. I've had my belly full of poseurs. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Tsk, tsk, TTH! Where is that “embrace all creeds, colors, faiths, social diversity, etc.,” liberalism you are so well known for? After all, no one is asking for the repeal of the 1st Amendment. What is expected, is that the same PC extended to other creeds be accorded to Christians. Your expressed attitude, so similar to this blatant affront by NBC, is an attack on the sensibilities of most - 76% - Americans.
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  • 06-25-2011, 06:06 AM
Tsk, tsk, TTH! Where is that “embrace all creeds, colors, faiths, social diversity, etc.,” liberalism you are so well known for? After all, no one is asking for the repeal of the 1st Amendment. What is expected, is that the same PC extended to other creeds be accorded to Christians. Your expressed attitude, so similar to this blatant affront by NBC, is an attack on the sensibilities of most - 76% - Americans. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

No he was just pointing out how similar to the Taliban some of you righties religious cats are. Not the libertarian strain of the GOP, they are not much on legislating social matters or for phoney national pride.

As to your blatant affront, nothing could be further from the truth. Nobody on our side wants you to embrace science, you can believe in God all you want. All we want is you to do is quit shoving it down our throats. You can't seem to do it though , it is in your basic tenets. You are like Amway, always trying to sign folks up.

WTF happened to free enterprise btw.....you can't handle freedom of the press? I guess you now want some new regulation in place so no other network can disagree with your God. Is that the case? Speak up brother I. B. You want more regulations.