The latest revelations show Team Obama invented the whole RussiaGate scandal

HedonistForever's Avatar
So... what "crime" did Don Jr commit and why didn't Mueller prosecute him?

How can meeting with someone to hear what she has to say months before an election "sabotage (the) election results"?

If it's a "crime" to gather negative info on your political opponent or run negative campaign ads, then every candidate would be in jail.

The difference here is that hildebeest said - let's not worry about finding any actual dirt, let's just make it all up! Originally Posted by lustylad

And that's the biggest crime of all in my book. While the law can be twisted and turned a couple of different ways on this subject of who provided the information and what was it worth but when you pay somebody to make shit up and the FBI fails to verify that information before using it to get a FISA warrant to spy on a Presidential nominee.

That's a fucking crime everyday of the week.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Forgive wtf. Hes still in full unhinged rage bout his avatar!

bahahahahhahahahhahahahahhaha Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yeah butt.....What does VIP stand for ?

Very Immense Pussy ?
lustylad's Avatar
You seem to be confused. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
You just noticed? AdaV8 is terribly confused. About everything.

He thinks covid-19 is as traceable as a paternity test. :
lustylad's Avatar
Now if you want to read about Hillary's paying a foreign national for dirt, that is covered too in the article... Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Not just the obvious example of paying a law firm (Perkins Cole) to hire GPS Fusion (Glenn Simpson) to hire a British ex-spook (Christopher Steele) to hire Russian agents to hallucinate a dossier of lies that was then sold back to the FBI and used as a pretext for spying on the Trump campaign, either.

Did y'all forget about this one? Why the fuck do you think Paul Manafort was fired as Trump's campaign manager in August 2016? Of course, the fake news media wants y'all to forget you ever heard the name Alexandra Chalupa.

It's a joke to watch the dim-retards pretend to be so shocked and offended over the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting where Natalia Veselnitskaya attempted (unsuccessfully) to entrap Don Jr.

Isn't it curious how Natalia met and coordinated everything with Glenn Simpson immediately before and after her meeting?

Then the dim-retards whine and sanctimoniously insist little Donny should have known better - why didn't he pick up the phone and call the FBI immediately upon receiving Natalia's email dangling unspecified "dirt" on hildebeest? Doesn't he understand how campaign finance laws work??

The sheer hypocrisy of this dim-retard accusation is staggering!

At least little Donny didn't actively go out and SOLICIT foreign assistance in digging up oppo dirt like the Hillary Clinton campaign did TWICE in 2016 - 1) by commissioning the Steele dossier and 2) by encouraging Ukraine to publish the so-called "black ledger".

And those are just the two episodes we know about. Let's not forget - as a former Secretary of State, Hillary had cultivated a vast network of foreign "friends" whose support she could call on.

By comparison, little Donny was a rank amateur. Being a novice in the corrupt ways of the DC swamp, he didn't know you're supposed to cover your tracks and launder everything through trusted partisan law firms, "oppo research" firms, British ex-spooks and sleazy dirty tricks operatives like Cody Shearer.

Did y'all forget who Cody Shearer is?

Wtf happened to that slimeball? Is he still out there ISO the pee tape?
adav8s28's Avatar
So... what "crime" did Don Jr commit and why didn't Mueller prosecute him?
Originally Posted by lustylad
From link #2.

Volume I of the report concludes that the investigation did not find sufficient evidence that the campaign "coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities".[4][5][6] Investigators ultimately had an incomplete picture of what happened due to communications that were encrypted, deleted, or not saved and due to testimony that was false, incomplete, or declined.[7][8][9] However, the report states that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election was illegal and occurred "in sweeping and systematic fashion"[10][11][12] but was welcomed by the Trump campaign as it expected to benefit from such efforts.[13][14][15] It also identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[

The Russians interfered in the USA elections. The Trump campaign team thought it would benefit from this interference. Don Jr did not conspire or help the Russians. How did Mueller phrase it they were on the "same team". Don Jr didn't collude or conspire with the Russians, but he knew about the election interference it.
adav8s28's Avatar
So did Don Jr. commit a crime or not and if he did why didn't Mueller charge him? If he didn't why bring it up at all?

It has always been my position that Don Jr. "technically" violated the law but Mueller found that he didn't intend to violate the law and would not be charged.

[/FONT][/COLOR] Originally Posted by HedonistForever
See post #35.
adav8s28's Avatar
You just noticed? AdaV8 is terribly confused. About everything.

He thinks covid-19 is as traceable as a paternity test. : Originally Posted by lustylad
Joe Harvard you were the one that confused a urinalysis test with a blood test when you were talking bout a test kit from CVS for HCG. What you did not sign up for any chemistry classes at Harvard?

When did Trump go for his CV19 test that came back positive? Right after it was announced that Hope Hicks (who is in his traveling party) tested positive. It had nothing to due with tracing, more like common sense. Hicks is on the air plane with Trump and Trump doesn't wear a mask.

Do you think Trump was practicing social distancing on Air Force one?
rexdutchman's Avatar
4 more
texassapper's Avatar
Don Jr did not conspire or help the Russians. Originally Posted by adav8s28
But wait... I thought for the last four years liberals have been arguing they did conspire. Now it's they didn't conspire but they didn't do anything about it.

Well Obama was President... don't you think HE should have done something about it?
TryWeakly's Avatar
Is this your October suprise?

Nobody cares about this....they didn't care during the impeachment and nobody cares now.

You might as well bring up Benghazi!�� Originally Posted by WTF
What about Benghazi ?
  • oeb11
  • 10-20-2020, 07:05 AM
DPST desperation - shows in the perseveration of the posts.

Poor little triggered DPST's!
texassapper's Avatar
What about Benghazi ? Originally Posted by TryWeakly
I wonder what happened there. Why I wonder if some stinger missiles went missing from the CIA cache there?