Common Courtesy



However I digress, may we agree to disagree

OnTheSpot Originally Posted by OnTheSpotCorrection

Yes sir, on that principle, I think we should.
I am the same way Gianna. I don't think I have ever been late for a date, always early and 1st impressions are important. That doesn't mean for example one can be punctual for the 1st visit and then be late for all future visits either.

I understand things come up and if a gal can't make it for whatever reason, just let me know. I can definitely understand the frustration on your end. I have had dates set up and then text them on the upcoming date only to be met with dead silence, only to receive an email, text, and pm that they forgot and can meet me later on. I passed on her offer.
For me it doesn't bother me if a gal needs 5 minutes or so to doll up. I take showers before I head out the door anyways.
I feel your frustration too and been there before.
mm-good's Avatar
Uhhhhh, no. Your shower and chitchat time is included in the time scheduled. Don't be ridiculous. Do you have any idea how many guys would try to eat up our time if the clock didn't start when they walked in the door? Stop giving newbies the wrong idea. Your time starts when you get there. I'm not a clock watcher but it's an hour for an hour, regardless of what happens it that hour. If the time goes over a little then fine but don't expect to come in and use my facilities and not expect it to count toward the time. If what you said were what really happens then guys would always book half hour appts but stay an hour.

I can totally picture you sitting there with a stopwatch making sure you get every second "owed" to you though. If anyone fits that picture, you do. Originally Posted by thathottnurse

I agree whole heartedly that the time starts when you let me in the door. Being able to shower at a lady's incall is a great convenience and sometimes a necessity in the Texas heat , a re shower might be a good thing...

Depending on what type of session you are after , some time spent in conversation is part of the session. Especially for first visits.

THN is spot on IMHO. If time goes over just a little -ok, but this should not be a habit or an attempt to get just a little more.

If guys don't want click watching then there should be an effort to not be a clock eater. That goes for arriving on time and leaving on time. Respect and communication can do wonders...I've had occasions where I ran into unexpected traffic or something that messes up the planned fun time. Sometimes I am fortunate and the lady can slide the hour a few minutes, sometimes she must end as planned and I need to have a shorter time BCD - but it I always leave (at least) the full donation. It's the right thing to do.

@Gianna, I really appreciate your straighforward approach, willingness to to ask and the effort you are making to manage the business side and keep your game on for us guys.

As was said before, there are some who can and will make it challenging but looks like you are on track to thin those out from your clients

There will be plenty of good guys that are committed to being as punctual and respectful as they can for you to do great in this hobby

@davidfree, I think if you want to do photos etc and it not be part of the BCD time then that should be discussed and agreed up front so there is nous understanding

I've done all kinds of things (fixing computers, repairing a toilet, moving furniture, etc,) that were not part of BCD time but there was a conversation about all of that related to the circumstances that kept everything cool for both of us....

Seems it's a simple thing.....if wettest each other right...

PS- yes nude plumbing more fun than you may think
OnTheSpotCorrection's Avatar
PS- yes nude plumbing more fun than you may think Originally Posted by mm-good
Lol, is there any better way to lay pipe?
I agree whole heartedly that the time starts when you let me in the door. Being able to shower at a lady's incall is a great convenience and sometimes a necessity in the Texas heat , a re shower might be a good thing...

Depending on what type of session you are after , some time spent in conversation is part of the session. Especially for first visits.

THN is spot on IMHO. If time goes over just a little -ok, but this should not be a habit or an attempt to get just a little more.


@davidfree, I think if you want to do photos etc and it not be part of the BCD time then that should be discussed and agreed up front so there is nous understanding

..... Originally Posted by mm-good
This thread is getting a little off topic here.

Do not get me wrong, I do not believe in anything in this hobby being free. Most of the time I arrive earlier than my appointment time, but I do not expect the provider to let me in and start our session earlier than planned, but, when I arrive, I let her know I am there, and she always has the say of whether I can come up or not, but knowing full well that she may not be ready for the session to start and many times, it is a good idea to perhaps get those greeting jitters out then, especially the first time you meet someone in person before intimate BCD activities begin.

Rarely, do I take showers beforehand at a provider's incall, as my cleaning and primping are done at my house and the A/C works good in my vehicle. But, occasionally, I will have to use the facilities, especially when the drive is over an hour.

IMO, time spent conversing, resting, ect. is definitely part of the paid time when the BCD activities have begun prior, but after BCD time is over, and you shoot the breeze for a few minutes or so (not 30 minutes like one poster said), then I do not see anything wrong with it, as long as the provider and the hobbyist are amenable. There is a huge major difference between a provider not being a clock watcher and a guy taking advantage of her generous hospitality by not doing so. It really all goes to the feeling of being rushed out or not and could be predicated if the provider gets a second scheduled session with me.

I always politely ask if she is okay with pics and let a provider know that presession pic taking is just that, presession (usually, not more than 15 minutes, depending on how fast she can change clothes. If she is not amenable, to the pic taking or the presession time, then generally, should I still want to see her for a session, I will either not review or do my review on TER.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
You go girl! Sometimes it is necessary to let them know who is running your show. Some people need rules to know how to act.

I think I have an idea of what you are going through as a new, young provider and I want to commend you for sticking with it and maintaining a positive attitude about the business. I was once friends with a young provider and when she joined this site and posted her first ad, I was shocked by how many calls she got from guys asking her things that I, a seasoned provider, was never asked. I won't get into it too much but after about a week, she couldn't do it anymore and I understood.

You are a tough little chick. Things get way smoother and classier and more respectful. Make sure you have something to show for your hard work. Best of luck to you.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
That's why its always best to take advice on how to run your business from experienced providers some hobbyists may mean well and some advice they give is good but a lot of it you have to take with a grain of Salt.

Some (not all) guys have agendas when they are giving their advice some over think things way too much and some just want to mold new girls into their ideal provider lol

There are wayyy too many aspects of this business guys can't understand. To say a lady that does not allow a guy to go over his time must have a pimp or hate her job is fucking ridiculous!

If any ladies want or need some advice or have questions im always willing to help where I can

Ps Gianna you are hot!
Im one of those guys that always seems to run late, no matter how much xtra time I give myself. But I dont mean any disrespect. I will go sit in time out now.
bojulay's Avatar
There was a provider on here that used to wash the guys
herself before a session, was a standard thing that she did,
she had a routine and it only took about 10 min at the very
most, she also didn't count it towards the time because it
was her thing.

Smart girl, she never had to deal with tire tracks or stank nuts
even one time.
Sorry that this is happening to you!

However, there are many wonderful and polite hobbyists here who respect the hobby and respect the ladies who make up half of the hobby world.

Don't let the sour ones ruin the whole bunch for you girl.