A Vile Turd Ready To Be Flushed

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  • WTF
  • 03-21-2014, 10:00 AM
I care so little about Fred Phelps the only thing I know about him is he protested at military funerals about gays and offended people. I was never interested in his story.! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
His story is just like yours...he hated gays and loved Asian sex slaves. You could be twins.

He was known for the slogans that he and his ministry used against people he deemed 'sinful'; his church is built around a core of anti-homosexual theology, with many of their activities stemming from the slogan "God hates fags", which remains the name of the group's main website
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
His story is just like yours...he hated gays and loved Asian sex slaves. You could be twins.

He was known for the slogans that he and his ministry used against people he deemed 'sinful'; his church is built around a core of anti-homosexual theology, with many of their activities stemming from the slogan "God hates fags", which remains the name of the group's main website
Originally Posted by WTF
Where is the link to him loving Asian sex slaves, you welching exploiter of Mexicans in that continuing criminal enterprise you refer to as a "custom home building business".
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Fred Phelps=Lawyer=Democrat supporter=Friend of Al Gore Jr.=Hater of gay people=Hater of the military=All Democrat qualities
How is asking you if you are getting married to a guy being a hatemonger?
What's wrong with you marrying a guy? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I'm straight (check my reviews) and won't be marrying any guy.

But your sarcasm makes it obvious you intended your question to be an insult.

Also, we remember your previous posts on the subject. You can't run from your record.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I'm straight (check my reviews) and won't be marrying any guy.

But your sarcasm makes it obvious you intended your question to be an insult.

Also, we remember your previous posts on the subject. You can't run from your record. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Your reviews might just be to provide a cover story. Nevertheless, I'm not running from my record.
I think gay activism, feminists opposed to traditional motherhood, liberals, giveaway social programs, unrestricted immigration of losers rather than selective immigration of rich and talented people and affirmative action have ruined America. Look how great we where back in the forties and fifties, we stopped Hitler from ruling the world, and straight white men ran everything. We don't neccesarily need white men to run everything but if they are the most qualified, they should get the job. Even if it is every motherfucking job of substance, if they earn it. Sorta like the NBA, in reverse.
By the way, the Irish sorta liked ole Adolph for bombing England, didn't they?
Family says there will be no funeral, must be going to have him stuffed and mounted so he can keep on protesting.
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  • CJ7
  • 03-21-2014, 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

Your reviews might just be to provide a cover story. Nevertheless, I'm not running from my record.
Yeah, pretty elaborate ruse, jerk.

I think gay activism, feminists opposed to traditional motherhood, liberals, giveaway social programs, unrestricted immigration of losers rather than selective immigration of rich and talented people and affirmative action have ruined America. Look how great we where back in the forties and fifties, we stopped Hitler from ruling the world, and straight white men ran everything. We don't neccesarily need white men to run everything but if they are the most qualified, they should get the job. Even if it is every motherfucking job of substance, if they earn it. Sorta like the NBA, in reverse.
Pure distraction. What does ANY of that have to do with whether or not gays should be allowed to marry - or at the very least live in peace? Phelps was a vile bigot and you are defending him without being too obvious about it.

By the way, the Irish sorta liked ole Adolph for bombing England, didn't they?
Is that stupid comment supposed to mean something to me asshole? And, no, they did like Hitler bombing anyone. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
No, get back on the plane to Israel.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
No, get back on the plane to Israel. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I'm all for faggots living in peace. Hell, they can fuck each other in the ass and suck each other's cocks all they like in private. I object only to them redefining marriage and being gay activists doing such things as making some poor slob bake them their fucking cake. He should be able to tell them to shove it up their ass.
As well as you can shove your reply up your ass.
As far as Phelps is concerned, I really don't know much about him but if he hated fags I can understand his revulsion to the concept, being as it is rather biologically illogical.
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  • WTF
  • 03-21-2014, 09:18 PM
Where is the link to him loving Asian sex slaves, ". Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Your right ,Fred Phelps didn't like Asian sex slaves, just you. Your common bond is hating gays,

As far as Phelps is concerned, I really don't know much about him but if he hated fags I can understand his revulsion to the concept, being as it is rather biologically illogical. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
The WBC was in KC protesting Fred Phelps was not in attendance.
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  • WTF
  • 03-22-2014, 08:19 AM
The WBC was in KC protesting Fred Phelps was not in attendance. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
JewishLawyer has taken Fred Phelps's place as the new face of gay bashing!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Your right ,Fred Phelps didn't like Asian sex slaves, just you. Your common bond is hating gays,

Originally Posted by WTF
I hate what they do..its pretty much biologically and evolutionarily stupid.
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  • WTF
  • 03-22-2014, 03:31 PM
I hate what they do..its pretty much biologically and evolutionarily stupid. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Why do you care Mr. Phelps?

You do realize you sound just like this fucking nut who just died don't you?

Phelps might even be a better man than you as he did fight to repeal Jim Crow laws and it appears he did not fuck Asian sex slaves.