"The Republican Party Will Adapt, Evolve or Die

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-02-2014, 11:57 AM
Phony outrages? LOL
Say hi to Dorothy and the tin man for me. Originally Posted by cowboy8055

birth certificates, oil spills, travel, golf, education, socialist, communist, Hitler, employment numbers, etc etc etc ... yes phony outrages.
cowboy8055's Avatar
birth certificates, oil spills, travel, golf, education, socialist, communist, Hitler, employment numbers, etc etc etc ... yes phony outrages. Originally Posted by CJ7
I was thinking more along the lines of Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS abuse, lies about Obamacare.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-02-2014, 03:17 PM
I was thinking more along the lines of Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS abuse, lies about Obamacare. Originally Posted by cowboy8055

you forgot a bird shit on a sidewalk ... outrageous !!
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Everybody, even the Democrats, are talking how the Democrats are getting shellacked in Nov 2014...by the Republicans!

But the GOP is dying. Hilarious. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Keep laughing gnadie. 2014 is not looking so secure now since the GOP's SOLE big issue, the predicted failure of ACA, is turning around, not playing well for GOP candidates, and Dems are even starting to run on it now.

If Dems don't take a shellacking in mid-terms where the demographics and turnout don't favor them as much, then the GOP has no hope in Presidential years and the party MUST adapt or die. My prediction is it will die because all the different warring factions (biz establishment, neocons, libertarians, religious right and teacons) all agree on so few core values. It must shatter and see some new construct where there is more core agreement.

Now that ACA isn't a sure winner for the GOP, they are turning back to #BENGHAZI but all that is about is keeping the base busy attacking the Dems so they don't turn on House (majority) and Senate (minority) leadership. Now that is a winning strategy for sure
Odudebro and cockHolder... over and over and over...

You are the cockholder Infodumb.
Thanks gasshog the FReeper

What everyone needs to know about the Upcoming 2014 Midterm Elections.

The following are Obama supporters up for re-election this year
1) Gary Peters – Michigan
2) Bruce Braley – Iowa
3) Mark Pryor – Arkansas
4) Mark Begich – Alaska
5) Mary Landrieu – Louisiana
6) D_l_C_K Durbin – Illinois
7) Jeff Merkley – Oregon
8) Kay Hagan – North Carolina
9) Chris (Yahoo idiotic censors won’t let me post the actual last name, but it is Cboons, without the b) – Delaware
10) Brian S_C_H_A_T_Z – Hawaii
11) Ed Markey – Massachusetts
12) Jack Reed – Rhode Island
13) Mark Warner – Virginia
14) Al Franken — Minnesota
We the People better remember these 14 criminals in 2014

And here is the mother of all Liars these liberal progressive oxygen bandits supported

“I promise 100% transparency in my administration.”.

“I promise NO NEW TAXES on a family making less than $250K a year.”.

“I will allow 5 days of public comment before I sign any bills.”.

“I will remove earmarks before I sign any bill.”.

“I will end Income Tax for seniors making less than $50K a year.”.

“I’ll put the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN so everyone can see who is at the table!”

“I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration.

I’ll close Guantanamo Bay.

I’ll resign if I don’t cut the deficit in half by the end of four years.

I believe marriage is between one man and one woman.

I won’t seek re-election unless unemployment falls below 5%.

I’ll unite the people of this great country.

“If you like your insurance you can keep it”

“If you like your doctor you can keep him

The ACA will save most families $2500.00 a year

etc.etc. and so on...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're a fucking genius Slobbrin! At least you hijacked another thread. It's not even that fun kicking your ass anymore. You're too fucking lame brained to know when you're being slammed.


LexusLover's Avatar
About as hilarious as the DEMS not being able to come up with a candidate worthy of beating that same "________________" (YOU FILL IN THE BLANK)...Twice. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Fixed it for you.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-03-2014, 05:56 AM
I was thinking...lies about Obamacare. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
If you wanna think the "lies" about Obamacare were one-sided, then you're just.......willfully dumb.

So as i was saying...
Fixed it for you. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Wow, so original, wonder you could think of it.
About as hilarious as the GOP not being able to come up with a candidate worthy of beating that same freshman senator...Twice. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Obama isn't running for a third term. Neither is Bush. Hillary is going to have to run on her record and her twat. She's will try to run on Bill's record.

You must excuse Gonad the smelly ol' Turdfly. Being able to put that thought together would take an intelligence level higher than being able to add 2+2=4.

Adding 2+2 is well beyond Turdy's intelligence level... Originally Posted by bigtex
You sure are proud of passing "Cougar High Calculus!" I "ACED" real calculus! CALC I & II.

Keep laughing gnadie. 2014 is not looking so secure now since the GOP's SOLE big issue, the predicted failure of ACA, is turning around, not playing well for GOP candidates, and Dems are even starting to run on it now.

If Dems don't take a shellacking in mid-terms where the demographics and turnout don't favor them as much, .....
... Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
Cites? Links? I'm taking "..and turnout don't favor them as much.." as a level of agreement they may get shellacked. No, the ACA isn't going to be the SOLE issue. What happened to the "all politics are local" truism? You Dims stopped using that one after Scott Brown was elected.

Look, start shoveling dirt on the GOP AFTER the 2014 election if they don't pick up significant number of seats in the House and Senate. You and other posters in this forum just look ridiculous jumping to the 2016 election. It's an admission that Barack Obama is just a lame duck President now. I pity him and those who think he can be effective.
[QUOTE=gnadfly;1055271776]Obama isn't running for a third term. Neither is Bush. Hillary is going to have to run on her record and her twat. She's will try to run on Bill's record.

Congrats Tsetse fly You finally figured it out. However your reply had nothing to do with my comment. You failed basic comprehension.
cowboy8055's Avatar
If you wanna think the "lies" about Obamacare were one-sided, then you're just.......willfully dumb.

So as i was saying... Originally Posted by Doove
The republicans are as big a bunch of liars as the dems. Neither party is worth anyone's loyalty.