cowboy8055's Avatar
There you have it folks, this thread offers further proof that Slime refuses to criticize its fellow Slime. Originally Posted by bigtex
Loons on the left do the same.
Both sides often safeguard their own.
I could care less about Rush. Don't listen to him.
Budman's Avatar
Rush is right. The first lady looks like a fool holding up a twitter sign. Next thing you know the idiot in chief will be holding up #Putin, stay out of Ukraine or else. The "or else" will be more twitter signs. Their both fucking morons.
Rush is right. The first lady looks like a fool holding up a twitter sign. Next thing you know the idiot in chief will be holding up #Putin, stay out of Ukraine or else. The "or else" will be more twitter signs. Their both fucking morons. Originally Posted by Budman

Ok, I completely understand your twisted logic! Please note that I said understand, not agree with.

The "First Lady looks like a fool holding up a twitter sign" that sends a strong signal to the world that she is appalled at the senseless kidnapping of underage girls.

On the other hand "Rush (Slimebaugh) is right" because he threw a childish temper tantrum on air complaining about the First Lady telling the world that she supports the young girls, not the kidnappers.

Budman, it is probably time for your Shrink to change your meds! You are one sick puppy!

And before I forget, here is one more #F*@KYOURUSH for the road.
Did I remember to say #F*@KYOURUSH?
10 years from now the liberal ilk will still be predicting the demise of Rush.
Just like they have for the past 20.
ChatW's Avatar
  • ChatW
  • 05-19-2014, 06:48 PM
Staff edit, Spam. CC
Staff edit, Spam. CC Originally Posted by ChatW
Welcome home Marshy, where have you been hiding?
Budman's Avatar
Ok, I completely understand your twisted logic! Please note that I said understand, not agree with.

The "First Lady looks like a fool holding up a twitter sign" that sends a strong signal to the world that she is appalled at the senseless kidnapping of underage girls.

On the other hand "Rush (Slimebaugh) is right" because he threw a childish temper tantrum on air complaining about the First Lady telling the world that she supports the young girls, not the kidnappers.

Budman, it is probably time for your Shrink to change your meds! You are one sick puppy!

And before I forget, here is one more #F*@KYOURUSH for the road. Originally Posted by bigtex
Please tell me what good it has done. Do you think the terrorist are quaking in their boots over this?

It shows the world that she is appalled... Really? Well shit that explains it. I'm sure she is losing sleep over this. I wonder if she is appalled at the Mexican's holding one of our Marines. Probably not. I wonder if she appalled at the murder rate in Chicago. Again, probably not. She only did this because she thought it was good for her image. She is a POS just like her fucking husband.

If you believe this made a bit of difference then you are truly a fool.

I can't wait for the next twitter sign. #I'm drawing a line on this sign. You better not cross it or else.

I can't wait for the next twitter sign. Originally Posted by Budman
Ask and ye shall receive: #F*@KYOURUSH?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ok, I completely understand your twisted logic! Please note that I said understand, not agree with.

The "First Lady looks like a fool holding up a twitter sign" that sends a strong signal to the world that she is appalled at the senseless kidnapping of underage girls.

On the other hand "Rush (Slimebaugh) is right" because he threw a childish temper tantrum on air complaining about the First Lady telling the world that she supports the young girls, not the kidnappers.

Budman, it is probably time for your Shrink to change your meds! You are one sick puppy!

And before I forget, here is one more #F*@KYOURUSH for the road. Originally Posted by bigtex
Your definition of strong is pretty lame. A strong message to send would be for Michelle Obama herself to go to Nigeria (without her entourage) bringing photographers, world leaders, and people who can help directly (rich people). That is a strong message. See the difference?
JCM800's Avatar
A strong message to send would be for Michelle Obama herself to go to Nigeria (without her entourage) bringing photographers, world leaders, and people who can help directly (rich people). That is a strong message. See the difference? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Wouldn't that still be considered an entourage?
LMAO good point...
Come on Ozombies...earwax???

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That's a sign that he is either board or needs to break for lunch, lol.

Your definition of strong is pretty lame. A strong message to send would be for Michelle Obama herself to go to Nigeria (without her entourage) bringing photographers, world leaders, and people who can help directly (rich people). That is a strong message. See the difference? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If she did that you would be whining like the little bitch you are about how she is wasting money jet setting around the world.