Do you get Weird???

Guest101610-2's Avatar
Had a client a looooong time ago that we called "baby boy"

He was a huge business exec that liked to play a baby but as soon as it was over, man was it over. He turned back into that business tycoon and didn't say a word till his next visit (twice a week.)

It's always weird when they do that, but I don't mind. If that's what they need to feel they didn't do anything wrong then I can adjust.... but I do agree with you.
Kelly TNT's Avatar
YES!! You get it Exactly!! I have adjusted to my few clients that are this way....but, it will always leave me feeling a little uncomfortable.

What can ya do Right?

~Kelly TNT
shlub's Avatar
  • shlub
  • 05-26-2009, 03:38 AM
or maybe he didn't last too long and rushed out in embarrassment.
caliente's Avatar
I have another one:
Some providers try to get you out ASAP after you are done...

maybe they have another plans and are running late...
Kelly TNT's Avatar
No no..There's no rushing on my end. Its them. I think the release in general is why they're ready to go! Places to Go, People to See, and what ever else go with all that.

I get it..
Just don't get freaky on me.

Hurts my feelings.
Well, it kinda did for a while.

~Kelly TNT
  • abe
  • 05-27-2009, 02:13 PM
I'm sorry that happens sometimes.
Kelly, next time I come over I am not going to leave on time. I will just keep talking and talking.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 05-27-2009, 06:30 PM
I don't want to take any chances on hurting Kelly's feelings so I am planning to stay for a few days!!
Usually when I am finished I sit there and try to figure out where I am. Then the blood comes back to my larger head and I just realize how much of a great time I had (especially with you Kelly)
Kelly TNT's Avatar

Okay, you guys can suck it!


~Kelly TNT
Bubblesdfw's Avatar
Yes they do and that is a great topic to talk about.
Thanks Kelly!
I find it is my job or responsibility to never show any indication I am ready to leave.
I never get up after the bells unless he does. I never look at the clock or my watch, unless he does. If I keep him relaxed for just a few minutes while the endorphins flow then the guy comes back to reality.
It is most important to allow the men to enjoy this moment it is what brings them back for more!
I even sometimes watch for a glow! Sometimes you see it sometimes not!
Any indication on my part of they are going running behind or to be charged extra or they are over staying their time, or me being in a hurry to leave causes them to think about it.
Thinking while the brain is high on endorphins will cause the guys to act weird. I find it very important to help them relax and not use their brains and enjoy what just happened! I assure you that is what brings them back for more sessions!

Bunny Ranch 101