Hi guys, I am 20 years old, is it too young to request these services?

Unless it's a one off, like losing virginity, I would say don't do it. You will only get spoiled, and it will affect your mind and wallet more long term than you might imagine. Most here have had a full life with civilians before they started a hobby life.

The trials and traumas of dealing with civilians is just a normal part of growing up. Originally Posted by essence
What he^^^^^ said..........don't do it. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Opposite opinion. Pay now for great emotion-free and love-free sex. Perfect your game and perfect separating fucking her vs loving her.....they don't go together. Perfect fucking her....washing your dick off....and walking out.

Spend less time chasing free pussy...and more time on your career. You'll make more money and get promoted. Renting a woman is cheaper than ..... her.

As you and the ladies get older, getting free pussy will be easier....plus they won't be so clingy...and you'll be a fuck machine the civi girls will invite you back for FWB sex.
ck1942's Avatar
Couple of cautions + observations.

I started at 14 (Tio took me to El Marco Polo in Monterrey (Mx) where not only did I get laid, but "went around the world with a red haired guapa who could not have been much older than I but then and now legal, I am sure). I also had one of my first Cuban cigars and was almost spoiled for life.

If you are of limited sexual experience, or perhaps a virgin (I think there are some of those left in the under 21 crew) the advice above to re-consider is worth rethinking. But, if not, and you have the cash to hobby....

1) this is not a dating service, so, be prepared not only to fall in lust but in love

2) immediately, if not sooner, either purchase P411 or go to a couple of spas/studios so not only do you get a taste or flavor, but you can write some reviews and gain Premium Access so you know what's what (or twat's twat) lies ahead.
boardman's Avatar
3) attend a social as soon as possible.
1) this is not a dating service, so, be prepared not only to fall in lust but in love
...... Originally Posted by ck1942
op: re-read my my warning on love.

Due not fall in love with a woman because you're fucking her. Don't do it. It's mind over matter....fight the temptation to love.

If you think you are falling in love with any woman....quit fucking her and see what happens.

And....never fall in love with a provider or sugar baby....never. The pain when she dumps your ass will be excruciating.
pyramider's Avatar
Go for it you pussy ... what could possibly go wrong? We still need your mom's contact info.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
I started hobbying when I was 23. Best decision ever!!! Life is short, have fun : )
Can you? If you have the money, you sure as hell can. The first couple might be a little tough, but once you build up a reputation, it's smooth sailing.

Should you? That's gotta be your call. Every one of us has a different relationship to sex. For sure, there's no easier way to get some with lots of hot girls with no drama. But it could tend to make you a bit spoiled compared to getting civilian women. Or you could tend to form relationships and attachments with them, which doesn't end well. Or you could just learn a lot about what you really think about your own sexuality, making it easier to find the kind of relationship you really want.
Anna Nikkole's Avatar
I can see the tombstone now....

Here lies Ace9393.
He followed in the footsteps of Robin Williams after meeting Anna Start Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

Why not? Do tell what it is you know so well about me?

I have seen 18 year olds and asked for ID and showed them a great time.

So other than me being NBA, what else do you hold against me? I honestly wouldn't see you or rent your avatar or siggy space regardless if your race, simply because my men friends have a actual life besides Eccie! And you (Urkle) probably couldn't handle me anyways. I don't know you, so stop commenting on my post!
Dorian Gray's Avatar
You sure are a mouthy whore & know a lot for only being around just over a month.

Are you reincarnated? Have I seen you in a ** room before?
Anna Nikkole's Avatar
You sure are a mouthy whore & know a lot for only being around just over a month.

Are you reincarnated? Have I seen you in a ** room before? Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Exactly, I just got here and you have never met me. ... So wtf?? Live and let live, I'm only here to advertise sir!

And if you ever saw me in any room, it would make your fucking day!
^^^^^. You two should exchange emails.

Edit: ....and body fluids.
Sarunga's Avatar
Agree with GS. Cut it out you two, before this escalates and one or both of you get banned.
[QUOTE=Anna Star;1055707394]Exactly, I just got here and you have never met me. ... So wtf?? Live and let live, I'm only here to advertise sir!

And if you ever saw me in any room, it would make your fucking day![

****** Paging Captain Obvious***********
Mojojo's Avatar
There's nothing wrong with starting at your age dude. Just have fun with it until you decide its time to move on.
LOL she doesn't see East Asian Men per her ad. Who are the others East Asian Providers you are talking about?

You are not too young to hobby. But, if you are shy to chat or be around the ladies. Providers are perfect to get you comfortable with the ladies. Have Fun.

I'm sure a lot of ladies on here see East Asian men. There are also several east Asian providers on here. Here's want that just joined. You can break each other in.

http://eccie.net/showthread.php?p=10...post1055703209 Originally Posted by BFCjosh